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Wrestling Pod Casts / Radio Interviews


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The last couple of Austin's podcasts have been him chatting to his wife about farts and what they're going to have for dinner later. Still better than listening to JR but, he desperately needs to get some interviews done while he's at WrestleMania.

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The Review A Wai Mania weekend podcasts have been great so far. Really makes me wish I was there.


John Pollock told a funny story about hosting the JR shows this weekend, being sat backstage with Wai Ting, Court Bauer, Jim Ross & Steve Austin (quite the podcasting elite there). Apparently Austin was all bemused Court did a podcast with Konnan. When Court said Konnan was taking bong hits during the show Austin apparently lost it, "CONAN O'BRIEN WAS TAKING BONG HITS ON YOUR PODCAST?!!"

Edited by Benno
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Austin's recent show features an interview with the coolest and most racist white black man in wrestling, Michael PS Hayes.


I don't think I'll ever tire of hearing two masters of their craft talking about what makes them so good at it. It's mental how young Hayes was when he was in his Freebird prime. I think it was Butch that said he's always looked about 45.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Where did the posts about Court Bauer's podcast on warrior go?


He was nothing but kind to him on there, but I remember him talking about how mental and hard to work with he was in previous shows. Not being completely honest by the sounds of it. I know the guy died but still.

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Steve Austin was on the PWTorch Livecast tonight. A caller asked him about his "domestic incidents" and "what you learned from it". My neck was fucking burning as it asked him it. So damn awkward. Austin just said "there's a time and a place and this isn't the place". Austin sounded mega pissed off with that question. Thing was you could tell it wasn't a troll question, because the person had other questions after it. As someone said elsewhere, its the danger someone like Austin takes doing a podcast and opening himself up to the likes of the Torch and the Observer for interviews. He's sort of humanized himself to the wrestling fanbase and made himself accessible. People are going to try and get to familiar with him and ask him stuff like this. So cringe worthy, though. I cant believe he thought he'd get an answer from him.


Oh, and onto Jim Ross, he is such a shit interview. Amazingly bad for his tenure as a speaker. Why does he never shut up? He killed the Jake Roberts one. There's never a pause on JR's show. He either tries to interject something ("here's what I'd do") or goes " "Yeah. Hmmmm. Uh huh!" over the guest. As a broadcaster for over 35 years, you'd think he'd let his guests get their shit in.

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