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I've never got on with non-wrestler wrestling podcasts but gave SCG a go earlier this year and they've been great to listen to, I end up disagreeing with quite a bit when it comes to opinions of certain wrestlers (mainly Nash) but I've found every show enjoyable. Is there an episode dedicated to ECW? I think they're worth talking about in depth, especially about how shite a lot of the product was because there's still this myth about them being an amazing federation when most of the time they were anything but.

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Got another link? That one's broken.



Thanks man.


I can understand where she's coming from, but she needs thicker skin re the trolls, etc. Is it her first day in the internet or something? And insinuating that people were somehow obliged to listen to her own Podcast..? Fuck that. She didn't deserve all the hate she got, but she does come across as quite arrogant in that audio. If she had something interesting to say or something people felt was worthwhile listening to, they would - and she had the platform & the rub to get some extra listeners on her own show, but she didn't. At least she had the opportunity to get somewhat known.

Edited by herbie747
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So basically Alice leaves, Cornette explains the departure on his show this week, MSL takes over as producer with him, Cornette cuts a damming promo on Alex Greenfield(who also does shows on MLW) and the cunt continues to build an enemy army just like he's always done over the years.

Would laugh my tits off if ISIS reps in the US bomb that racist bigot up


That's ridiculous. You want ISIS to bomb Cornette?


I have no idea who Alex Greenfield is.

Of course not, save that for Bolin instead
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What I wanted to ask for the mailbag was - did you, Keiran, Chase or Karl actually go to any live wrestling in 2015? If so, what, and did you enjoy whatever you saw? Apologies if I'm forgetting anything you've mentioned in the weekly.


Very little this year actually, less than usual. Kieran went to the Raw in Manchester, Chase and I went to a few scattered indies. Karl didn't get to any I don't think, probably because most shows conflict with the 5pm senior buffet.


You can thank all off us that follow the podcast but quite honestly I feel like I should be thanking you. It's a great listen with clearly a good amount off work put in and is I must catch for me every week. I meant to contribute to the last podcast asking you all to make some bold predictions for 2016 , would possibly be funny to look back them at the end off the year as well


Wow, cheers man. Bold prediction for 2016 for me will be that NXT will end up in a big of a shambles by the end of 2016 because Vince will panic, bring a bunch of guys up and leave NXT largely directionless. Could be way off, but I don't see a big numbers turnaround post-Mania because I don't know what they have, and Roman Vs. Authority will get old fast.


Another fantastic episode Liam - congratulations. Probably the most consistent podcast of 2015. Well done to all.


Thanks dude, that's very appreciated.


I've never got on with non-wrestler wrestling podcasts but gave SCG a go earlier this year and they've been great to listen to, I end up disagreeing with quite a bit when it comes to opinions of certain wrestlers (mainly Nash) but I've found every show enjoyable. Is there an episode dedicated to ECW? I think they're worth talking about in depth, especially about how shite a lot of the product was because there's still this myth about them being an amazing federation when most of the time they were anything but.


Thank you too (you a Nash supporter or opponent?) - as for the ECW idea, we did do a show very early on called "Was ECW All It Was Cracked Up To Be?", based on that very idea, which you can catch here if you so desire: http://squaredcirclegazette.podbean.com/mf/play/59xfi2/SCGRadio13-WasECWAllItWasCrackedUpToBe.mp3


In other podcast related news - has anybody heard Russo on Ross' show? Really want to know if I need to throw back a couple of valium before I press play.

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Speaking of the MLW drama as of late- Strigga mentioned that Rob Reid would no longer be on Eastern Lariat, said something about controversy but was being super vague and also the audio quality of that latest episode is atrocious. What was the reasoning by this? 

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An enjoyable episode of Jericho's podcast with Robbie Brookside this week particularly for any longtime fans of British wrestling. Where else could you hear mentions of Terry Rudge, Scrubber Daly, Lucky Gordon & impressions of Brian Dixon in 2016!?


Some of the comments I've read about previous episodes had put me of giving Jericho's a try, but in this one he appeared to be pretty restrained and willing to give Robbie plenty of time to tell stories & not make it all about him.

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Many thanks guys. Doing all I can to budge it up in the Itunes charts and elsewhere. I'm a bit of a novice at getting the word out on social media.


Please continue to Rate,Review and subscribe. New podcasts this week include,Nathan Cruz and Jodie Fleisch.



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