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The Random/Weird/Quirky Photo Thread


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Punk sure seems to be loving his time off. Here he is with his lovely lady at the Iron Man 3 premier.




Film premieres, sports games, meals with the missus and friends - he's had a rare time while his colleagues sit on coaches or planes in Europe. He may get a bout of the Lesnar-itis soon and refuse to tour.

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In his defence, his missus and his mate broke the golden rule of any locker room and he ended up fat, fired and miserable whilst she went on to be a main event valet, with a women's title reign, and his mate became multiple time world champion and a hall of famer.


And now, Edge is a regular on a cable TV show and she's still dating millionaire main event stars whilst he cuts shitty shoots for the benefit of his weird OMEGA buddies

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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In his defence, his missus and his mate broke the golden rule of any locker room and he ended up fat, fired and miserable whilst she went on to be a main event valet, with a women's title reign, and his mate became multiple time world champion and a hall of famer.


And now, Edge is a regular on a cable TV show and she's still dating millionaire main event stars whilst he cuts shitty shoots for the benefit of his weird OMEGA buddies


Nicely put.

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Fuck Hardy, he is as soppy as shit, ignoring what were blatantly obvious signs that his bird was cheating on him, Lita and Edge sending each other texts saying "I Love you" etc and the twat shuts his eyes to it, then let the whole thing basically ruin his career and his life.


Here's what he should have done, they had a sit down in a hotel room just after it came out, Matt, Lita and Edge, he should have beat the fuck out of Edge at first sight, taken any punishment that came. The WWE would still have hired him back, except he would have saved face and not come across like some down on his luck emo who stays in his bedroom all day thinkin about his ex, he would have been seen as a bad ass who handled his shit.


Now look at him.

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I'm not defending him.


He defines the word 'loser'.


I'm just saying that he's got every reason to still feel sore about what happened. It's proper 'chip on your shoulder' material. How he handled it is different. For one, you're assuming he could have battered Edge. My own interpretation is that he tried to use it to leverage sympathy from important people, and get a sympathy push. He's retarded for thinking that's how the WWE works.


For every guy who was outwardly pissed with Edge, I bet there were 5 more asking if he flung one up her shitter. Vince was probably one of them.


Also, the fact she was Lita should have been the first clue that she was gonna pass it about like a parcel at a birthday party.

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I would have had a "I'll show you" type of mentality, hit the gym like a motherfucker, got bigger, worked on my promos etc, basically done everything in my power to show Edge and Lita what i was about, but he went the other way and sat in his basement eating cake and smoking dope.


Scary thing is, i still like Matt more than Jeff.


Them fucking Hardy's eh.

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I would have had a "I'll show you" type of mentality, hit the gym like a motherfucker, got bigger, worked on my promos etc, basically done everything in my power to show Edge and Lita what i was about, but he went the other way and sat in his basement eating cake and smoking dope.

Wrestling doesn't work like that and that certainly never happened. He went in there with the vultures waiting for him. He was the hottest act in wrestling for a few months before he returned and they completely fucked the angle because of personal shit. He was told what to say, did the jobs he was told to do and eat shit and liked it for burying the company when he was unjustifiably sacked. But he'd already earned enough money to retire on from his stint as one of the Hardy Boyz in WWE's hottest ever era, so unlike most people in the dog house, he could afford to sit it out for a bit. The fact he was able to dig himself out of it and become a popular character again is commendable. And the fact he's no longer a pilled up mess and has came out of it the other end (when most wrestlers dont) is also pretty commendable.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Considering you're long standing love of PROPER lads like Nash, Sid, Hogan and Crush it devestates me that you're supporting a spenk like Hardy.


I mean, you're absolutely right about him.


But, he's still a fucking loser.

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I'm not supporting him. I'm just saying all this stuff about how he could have done it differently is bollocks, since him going back was destined for failure. But I remember how hot that angle was and I also remember how badly it was botched. That "we want Matt" chant was proper unique at the time. This was pre-Cena's dueling chants. Lifelong babyface Lita was booed long before her heel turn. At a time when everything was so contrived in WWE, that really upset the apple cart. Its amazing how badly WWE regularly cocks ready made angles up.

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Oh, yeah. Completely.


There's an implicit hierarchy in the WWE and pretty much regardless of external incidents, people will continue to be treated and prioritised in relation to their position on the ladder.


Hardy was never leaving that feud as top dog. Beating Edge in a fight, going to the gym or eating more bananas was never going to mean he'd come back as a main eventer.


His choice was leave out of principle, or come back and make some lemonade out of the situation. His problem is, he believed he could come out of it better off. And, after slagging the company off he returned and still tried to leverage a sympathy push. That was never going to happen.


But, yeah, After that the ball was in the hands of WWE. Who had him shake Vinces hand.

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