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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Stuart Tomlinson (Hugo Knox in NXT) was on Soccer AM today. Came across like a nice fella. They showed a little montage of him training in the Performance Centre and this lads throwing 10 foot high spinning heel kicks! Obviously they will need to employ a absolute giant for him to connect with them but christ it looked impressive.


Good luck to him!


Also im afraid ive got some GOOD NEWS!!! Barrett was back last night, Wades ace and i hope he stats injury free because hes a World Champ definately.

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That match itself was alright but the World title match at Judgement Day was shite and the promos and angles were dire, Austin is probably my all time favourite pro wrestler but that angle where he'd rang Taker up saying his wife had been in a car crash was one of the most cringeworthy things I've ever seen

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Yeah, the WWF was in an odd position at the time, with the whole invasion angle just getting started and Benoit's neck fucked. A straight 1-1 match with Jericho would've been the best solution I always thought. Have Booker cause a double DQ, and then a big WWF vs WCW schmozz to end the show.

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Triple H was going to be the top face. Austin vs Triple H was supposed to be the main event of SummerSlam. The turn was set in motion the night HHH tore his quad. He lost the IC title to Kane the night before and he questioned where Austin was to help him. The reason for the Two Man Power Trip team, was to have a little gap so Austin didnt move straight from feuding with a heel Triple H to a babyface Triple H. HHH and Austin only stopped their 4 month feud in the February. Its why Triple H beat Austin clean at No Way Out when Austin was main eventing WrestleMania the month after. They couldnt start another feud in the April. HHH was going to be the next big thing in their eyes. Then he done his quad in and they instead tried it in the January.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Yeah I remember them wanting those two to main event Summerslam, just felt the demand for Triple H to turn face was at its peak the night after Mania, plenty of reasons why they didn't do it though as you say


Wonder if they'd have still brought the Rock back for Summerslam if Austin vs Triple H was still going to happen?

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Wonder if they'd have still brought the Rock back for Summerslam if Austin vs Triple H was still going to happen?


Probably, Rock waa white hot when he left to go filming. 


2001 was the height of my fandom in many ways. I was chopping at the bit to see Rock get revenge for Mania 17 and the post Mania Raw, but it never really happened. Him and Austin had a throw away on a UK PPV, and finished up a Survivor Series where the empathise wasn't on their feud. It felt like a huge void at the time. Looking back, it still doesn't seem right... 

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I've seen Mark Andrews wrestle live a handful of times and never thought he was all that good. Willing to keep an open mind if someone could point me to some of his better stuff.


vs Rich Swann:


vs Tommy End:


Highlights vs Will Ospreay:


w/Zack Sabre Jnr vs Pete & Damien Dunne:


The last was the very first match of Andrews I ever watched.

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