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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I'm gonna have to start signing the offender's register after this post but I wonder how a semi-scripted soap opera show featuring wrestlers would work? It would have to be naturally OTT for it to have any legs.


Follow wreatlers around on the road and as they hit the gym and hang out - have storylines, feuds and friendships develop. A half hour slot three times a week?


Isn't that Total Divas?

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So I've just seen that Wrestlemania 32 is taking place in the AT&T Stadium which has previously had over 100,000 fans in the building for a Dallas Cowboys game. Can you imagine if they get near to that for Wrestlemania? It'll be the most insane atmosphere ever. They need to have Undertaker's retirement match there. Imagine the pop when Austin's entrance hits!

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Austin has to wrestle at that thing. Its in Texas, and if he's going to have a comeback it needs to happen there. They need to have him wrestle Rock or Lesnar or Cena or someone.


Even if they dont make it (which they probably wont because most of their attendances are inflated), you know they are just going to announce it as 100,000 anyway.

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Creative-wise, do we reckon WWE are already looking forward to WM32 with their biggest ideas, rather than the upcoming 31? It wouldn't surprise me at all. I think you might see Rock vs Triple H, Undertaker's retirement match and Austin in action in some capacity.

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I'm not sure if he outright said it, but Jim Ross recently appeared to be heavily implying that the prospect of headlining a 100,000 crowd and/or beating WMIII might be WWE's best bargaining chip to try to persuade Austin to come back.


That said, AT&T Stadium is 80,000 seats (plus whatever you put on the floor), with standing areas for up to 25,000. The standing areas are split between the two endzone ends, so one of them would be out if you do the usual end stage set-up. If you blocked off all of one end (so everything past the end of the field) for the stage, you're probably talking 60,000 seats in the stands, 12,000 or so standing room areas, and 8,000 or so seat pitches, so realistically you won't be doing much over 80,000 and they won't beat the stadium record.

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What's everyone's favourite wrestler who gets little or no appreciation?


Mine is Tom Prichard. What a fuckin great all rounder, wrestled for years. A good wrestling mind and a good guy. Bring him back I say.


I've been riding the cock of the Bodies for years and making people watch the "I wanna talk to Tom angle". Is he down in NXT now?

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Still never understood why they did Mania 15 in such a relatively small venue, surely with them being absolutely on fire with all the mainstream attention they were getting they could've gone for a proper stadium show?


Bear in mind they usually have to book stadiums well over a year in advance, so they may not have realised how big things were going to get post-Tyson.

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Still never understood why they did Mania 15 in such a relatively small venue, surely with them being absolutely on fire with all the mainstream attention they were getting they could've gone for a proper stadium show?


Bear in mind they usually have to book stadiums well over a year in advance, so they may not have realised how big things were going to get post-Tyson.


Still, you'd have to imagine they were making plans for WM2000 at some point during the time of Attitude popularity, yet they still never opted for somewhere with a decent capacity. It's hard to all make sense of.


Stadiums make such a big difference too. Take the Rumble 97 for instance; Ok, they lost a fortune, and had to practically beg people to take tickets off their hands - but the big time feel and visuals, added to the neat theme, all worked wonders, and made for a real memorable event which was great to look at, despite the wrestling being mostly a bit crap.


Shit, was that the only stadium PPV between Wembley and WM17?

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Just watched a match from RAW (episode 46), a great little bout between Shawn Michaels and a guy called Brian Walsh, he (Walsh) was actually pretty decent in this, very decent in fact. Apparently he was a regular 'local' on RAW and Superstars but only had 23 matches in his career according to profightdb.com. Based on this performance, it makes me wonder why he wasn't utilised much more than this, as it isn't even just a case of HBK making him look good either.

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He would have good technique because he was trained by Killer Kowalski but when everyone was jacked, bronzed & blonde. He was skinny, pasty & ginger so didn't have a good look for the time. He also went under the name of Billy Pearl & worked for World of Sport & All Star over here.

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Just watched Flair - Michaels.


I still love how JR calls one of the super kicks, "It was like a big right hand! But a big right boot! From down town!"


Such a shame Naitch went to TNA.


Who's idea was it for Flair to retire at WM 24 (I'm intentionally overlooking his TNA run)? 

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