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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Jake was only the master of psychology when he wanted to be, though. ..... Especially since he was on the way out.


Yeah, he was leaving after being promised Pat Patterson's job and then the WWF changed its mind. From what I remember reading, Roberts didn't even want to turn up for the match. WWF were lucky he even arrived.

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Wasn't Jake having a right winge backstage as well prior to Mania 8? Id guess it wasn't his lack of match psychology and more him not giving a fuck and wanting to hit the road at that point? Who knows.




What was the finish of that Summerslam match yas are on about? I think i remember an interview with Edge, and maybe Jericho were they talked about tryin to convince Cena to make Nexus look like a bigger deal and change the finish after some DDT spot but i've never seen it? Also, how fucking awesome is a properly done DDT? None of this roll through carrion, dropped right on the head, steamboat style.

Edited by Sweet Clyde
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Wasn't Jake having a right winge backstage as well prior to Mania 8? Id guess it wasn't his lack of match psychology and more him not giving a fuck and wanting to hit the road at that point? Who knows.

Even so, it's a stupid way to show you're in a mood, having a shit match on purpose when you'd be better served having a good one and saying "fuck you, now try and get someone else to be that good." It's one thing to make your opponent look shit, it's another to actually decide to ruin the match by being shit at the thing you are supposed to be good at.




What was the finish of that Summerslam match yas are on about?

Elimination match, came down to Cena and two members of Nexus. In watching it back just now, the people complaining about it are divs anyway. They gave him a DDT outside the ring and he was dead, then they dragged him back into the ring and showboated. Barrett tagged Gabriel in, Gabriel took about half an hour to go for his 450 splash and missed it, Cena crawled over and covered him. Then Barrett came in and picked up Cena, who got him in a desperation STF for the win.


Even I'd remembered that wrong. I thought they gave him the DDT outside, he beat the ten count and hammered them both.



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I remembered it wrong too but I don't whine online every time Cena wins so I didn't really pay any mind to it. Watching it back again, I'm still okay with it. Shawn Michaels was Tombstoned outside at Wrestlemania 26 and he was fucking moonsaulting 5 minutes later. Nobody complains about that because of who the two competitors are.

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Mark Andrews is a Welsh flyer, he's pretty good if it's your bag. The Dunne Brothers are in TXW as pushed lads, I've heard good things.


I love Mark Andrews, and he's not really "my bag", but I'm not a massive fan of Pete Dunne. I never really have been but the past few times I've seen him I've found him a bit of a chore to watch, just really underwhelming and meh. He's had some shocking gear too.

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Chucked out? Are you bloody mad? You could have got a few quid for them online.


I swapped my entire 2000 to 2005 collection of Power Slams for the Definitely Maybe DVD, which must make it the most expensive DVD of all time


Was happy about the deal until my mate told me how many wanks he'd had over the photos of Stacy Keibler from her WCW run

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There's a lot of chat about the idea of WWE bringing back a more adult product in the vein of the Attitude Era and though this is highly unlikely on regular TV - how about a more adult show which is exclusive to the Network? I know some mainstream TV shows have done a similar thing in this country (Hollyoaks I think have done it quite a few times) so maybe it could work. If it was done like the old Shotgun Saturday Night it could attract a cult following and perhaps encourage a few more to subscribe to the Network.

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There's a lot of chat about the idea of WWE bringing back a more adult product in the vein of the Attitude Era 

No there isn't. Except from morons who were complaining about the "more adult product" from 2001-2008 anyway.


WWE has a brand that has to be protected. Vince doesn't want to roll into work in the morning to angry phonecalls from Fred Flintstone and Mr Dorito asking why WWE had some tart get her tits out and John Cena running round going "SHIT SHIT BALLS FUCK CUNT WANKER SHIT SHIT LOL THIS AIN'T PG LOL FUCKERRRZ PG SUX" on Wednesday Night Fanwank the night before. Plus the last thing they need is adding more TV tapings to the schedule.


We can all fantasy book the WWE Network with ideas of programmes we'd like to see. But the reality of the WWE Network isn't that there are ten million lapsed fans who are going to subscribe because it has Dolph Ziggler swearing or Damien Sandow getting concussed ten times a night being hit with stop signs by Heath Slater. The reality is that membership hitting a quarter of Raw's weekly audience is about the best they could ever hope for, and they're better off cutting costs to survive on that than they are in blowing six million dollars a week on new programming.

Edited by King Pitcos
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There's a lot of chat about the idea of WWE bringing back a more adult product in the vein of the Attitude Era 

No there isn't. Except from morons who were complaining about the "more adult product" from 2001-2008 anyway.


WWE has a brand that has to be protected. Vince doesn't want to roll into work in the morning to angry phonecalls from Fred Flintstone and Mr Dorito asking why WWE had some tart get her tits out and John Cena running round going "SHIT SHIT BALLS FUCK CUNT WANKER SHIT SHIT LOL THIS AIN'T PG LOL FUCKERRRZ PG SUX" on Wednesday Night Fanwank the night before. Plus the last thing they need is adding more TV tapings to the schedule.


We can all fantasy book the WWE Network with ideas of programmes we'd like to see. But the reality of the WWE Network isn't that there are ten million lapsed fans who are going to subscribe because it has Dolph Ziggler swearing or Damien Sandow getting concussed ten times a night being hit with stop signs by Heath Slater. The reality is that membership hitting a quarter of Raw's weekly audience is about the best they could ever hope for, and they're better off cutting costs to survive on that than they are in blowing six million dollars a week on new programming.


Personally I agree. I couldn't stand the Attitude Era. For me it's always been 1985 - 1996. And then I tuned out and didn't watch again until 2013. I'm just thinking how they can get some more interest in the Network and maybe entice a few lapsed fans back. 

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This PG era is here to stay whether we like it or not.  My only gripe with this family friendly direction of WWE is that i don't think HIAC and Elimination Chamber matches work well under a PG format. It kinda defeats the purpose of how "dangerous" these matches are supposed to be. Every now and then i think Vince should just let these guys blade in these type of matches. Or maybe they could give the HIAC or Extreme Rules PPV's a TV14 rating. Can't see it happen though.

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I don't think blood has gone the way of the dodo just because of the sponsors though. The blood letting of the Attitude era seems to have been a pretty unique moment in Vince's vision of wrestling, to me it seems more like the exception than the norm. They want to be respected by the mainstream in general now, that's not going to be achieved by people pissing blood.

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