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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Just a sign of the times I guess. I predicted this would happen months ago as everybody these days likes to feel like they have a voice, whether that be because of Twiter, Facebook, boards etc. It's the old adage of if we didn't make you, we'll break you. Whilst I agree he hasn't been pushed that hard,Ā it's still very obvious.Ā I think the fan choice is Ambrose of that group as he is closer to what the vocal minority want. Roman just has to learn how to do a flip or two and he'll be fine!Ā 

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He needs a new finisher. That superman punch/spear combo is awful. Iā€™m the only person who thinks that about Reigns apparently, but Iā€™ve always hated the spear as a finisher. Itā€™s a set up/pre finisher...at best.

I like Reigns, and heā€™ll always have a place in my heart because of that wonderful ā€œGet up fools! This is my table now!ā€ line Ā from TLC 2012, and it makes perfect sense for him to be the next main guy, but as I keep saying to myself, the chap is missing a small, teeny something. Once that clicks though, the gorgeous cunt will be magnificent.

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Iv just read a interview with Rockstar Spud regarding his feelings working in TNA and my god he comes across like such a egotist and totally full of himself, he refers to Rockstar Spud in the 2nd person and boasts about how great he is in the role he plays on TV.


This only backs up my feelings towards him after working with him in the past on a couple of occasions, I found him to be an arrogant big headed prick then who acts like his shit don't stink. Obviously he suffers from small man syndrome. Im a fan of TNA and think there product is a nice alternative to WWE in some ways and I want to see them get a TV deal and continue for as long as possible but a part of me would love to see TNA fold so Spud is forced to come back to the UK with his tail between his legs.


You know how he got the name Spud because it took him years to learn how to throw a punch and not deliver a potato to his opponent...no wonder they don't let him wrestle, maybe he still can't throw a work punch. Potato i.e. Spud.

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It does make you wonder if some fans actually want new guys at the top

They don't. There are a lot of wrestling fans on the internet who are divs, and will only like wrestlers who are being "buried" and "held down" by the man. Those fans need guys like Reigns, Cena, Orton, Batista at the top to keep their darlings in the "VINCE ISN'T PUSHING HIM PROPERLY" camp. They wouldn't know what to do with themselves if Ziggler, Cesaro, Ambrose, Rollins and Tyson Kidd started trading world title wins next week. Probably start complaining about Zayn and Neville not being called up yet or WWE ruining Kenta.

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C-Rock in over reaction shocker. I can only assume all your anger has nothing to do with the interview and maybe that when you two "worked together" he treated you like the incompetent idiot you are?


Its an interview with one of TNA's top heels. Why in the blue hell would he not want to come across like his character. It's bad enough when people complain Kayfabe is dead, let alone when they complain Kayfabe is alive.

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Those are my feelings based on my experiences, obviously this was the wrong place to vent my feelings. One thing I'm certainly not is incompetent also. You don't know me so to ridicule me is totally un justified. Just because my opinions on wrestling don't match yours doesn't make my opinions wrong. I knew Spud for a number of years so my thoughts and opinions are justified, perhaps I should have kept them to myself.

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I honestly couldn't care if your opinion on wrestling is different to mine, hell I probably have worst taste than most when it comes to wrestling and gimmicks. It just seems you only ever come here to vent about things though and how much you hate them/it, it really harshens my buzz.

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