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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Never been a fan of star ratings. I always preferred Power Slam's rating system, where they'd rate a match from match of the year candidate level bout to excellent to very good to good to passable to mediocre to abysmal. It left it open for a more clear cut opinion. Knocking off a quarter of a star for something trivial has always confused me about the whole thing. Something like Andre and Hulk doesn't fit the criteria of a star rating. Its a spectacle. Neither of them went in there looking to work a long, scientific stunner. Neither of them even went in it to get the crowd on their side. The crowd was already there. They just needed to go in there, do the very minimal for a few minutes and go to the finish. The idea of the match is what sold it. Same with Rock and Hogan. They just went in there, did very little and finished up because the fans were already into it.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I'm a big believer in Meltz's journalism, but his ratings hold no stock with me. He gave Hogan vs Andre -*** for example.


Didn't he originally give it minus five and then revise his opinion? Or am I remembering that wrong?

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I think it's pretty mental to have a rating system, like Meltzer's snowflakes, which fails to properly take crowd reaction and spectacle into consideration. That's what wrestling is all about. Giving a match four stars might mean there were some crisp armdrags involved and whatnot, but those snowflakes could also represent the heat the match got in a lot of cases. If you had to put together the criteria for a new match rating system, how would you go about it? I think matches should be rated on a thermometer scale, with heat being the single biggest contributor to the overall match rating.

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Bray Wyatt's fucked...isn't he?


I genuinely don't get what they are trying to do with him right now. It's almost like they're won over by the character, and its merchandising potential, but would rather not put him on live TV or have him wrestle. I reckon they've been burnt by Summerslam and now don't know what the fuck to do.


They've just released a lovely fedora on wwe shop, though. Which is nice.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Aye, Bray needs to do something soon. It's difficult with Triple H running the show now though as The Wyaat Family don't fit the new regime's 'good for business' category as they are a bunch of odd looking bastards with no track record as being good wrestlers so don't fit what Triple H wants on his show....but as heels not associated with the new regime, their options are limited.


Punk vs Heyman is the only important angle going on outside of the main storyline so perhaps an alignment of some sort with Heyman could be good for them but that too wouldn't make that much sense as Heyman is all business opposed to living by cult like ideals.


It's a shame that Sheamus and Jericho aren't around to pose a challenge to the stable as the lack of credible faces is limited. Perhaps a program with RVD to write him out of the show for a bit when his break comes up could be a way of keeping them sort of credible.


Just all around bad timing for them in terms of other story lines and potential opponents out injured or doing other stuff.

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Aye, Bray needs to do something soon. It's difficult with Triple H running the show now though as The Wyaat Family don't fit the new regime's 'good for business' category as they are a bunch of odd looking bastards with no track record as being good wrestlers so don't fit what Triple H wants on his show....but as heels not associated with the new regime, their options are limited.

That's all bullshit, though. Triple H's is a heel, and his motivation fits whatever agenda he has at the time. Like when the Corporation didnt want Mankind in their group because he was a big freak, but then Kane joined them because they wanted a big freak like him to fight off DX. If the Wyatt's could help HHH's out, he'd take the help. Because heels are hypocrites. If Wyatt took off huge, then nobody would be complaining. The fact the Wyatt's are doing terrible currently has nothing to do with a direction WWE are currently going in. Its just that they have been poor and the angles have been uninspired.

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The only thing I think left that could save the Wyatt's is being inserted into the main angle, I think, otherwise they're dead.


Maybe on Raw in the first match have Ziggler incapacitate Ambrose, then later in the show when Big Show is getting beat on by Reigns/Rollins have Henry come out and the WORLDS LARGEST MATES can take out the tag champs. Then for the rest of the show, have Trips/Steph/Orton running around like blue arsed flys worrying about Bryan. Then in the main event promo have an increasingly paranoid corporation call out Bryan, saying things like 'this is silly', 'we can get past this' etc. you can even have them convinced that Bryan's on their side (I guess you could even do a take on the Batista/Triple H thumbs up/thumbs down angle, with Bryan starting to tease a 'YES' but instead opting for a 'NO'). Then when Bryan starts getting aggro (have Steph/Trippers flee) and it looks like Orton is going to get a kicking, the Wyatt's can come out and murder Bryan.


An uneasy alliance between the Wyatt's and the Corporation could be fun (I'm seeing a slow burn build between the Wyatt's/Shield, with the Shield increasingly paranoid about losing their spots, one team constantly trying to outdo the other).


It'll further the 'everyone's either against him, or can't help' deal they've got going with Bryan, and it'll even give an 'in' to Kane further down the line.

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I think they should keep the Wyatt Family quiet or off TV altogether until Bryan is free to feud with them and Kane is ready to come back to TV. Once Bryan has been beaten down by the regime and temporarily removed from the WWE title picture, the buzzards can swoop in and pick at his bones. A feud between Bray and Bryan could be good if it's centred around Wyatt attempting to prey on the vulnerable by preaching his nonsense to a near-broken Bryan. The brainwashed, heel-turned Kane presents a ready-made angle and obvious opponent for Bryan and will ensure that the amount of actual wrestling matches that the Wyatt Family need to be involved in can be kept to a minimum.


I would work towards Bryan + friends vs Wyatt Family & Kane at Survivor Series at the end of November.


Of course, this is off the top of my head and I haven't considered what anyone else on roster would be doing while all this is going on.

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I just see Kane returning and destroying them to be honest. Their stock has dropped and the reactions aren't what they were. The group just looks like its all diminishing returns from now on. Its a shame, but Wyatt got put with the wrong people. After all that build up, to put him in a feud with Kane of all people. Kane is the career killer for weirdo characters. Wrestling Kane puts you in the same group as Snitskey and Fake Kane and all those other dead heads. You never want to do the scary men vs the scary man gimmick straight away. Surely you plough through a bunch of people, establish the act and then have the babyface monster stand up to the spooky stable. And Wyatt's two mates just expose the act. They have very little going for them outside their Addams Family look. They look so clueless and, the worst thing is, they can't brawl. They look like they've never been in a fight. Which isn't good when you are supposed to be these brawling giants with a screw loose. The whole thing has no balance. Wyatt is a tremendous talker and he can work to a very good standard. So there's no reason why he couldn't have got this thing over. But he's been done a great disservice being put with the Chuckle Brothers and wrestling Kane in his first match. There is no mystery, no subtly and nothing clever about the Wyatts anymore. Its Nathan Jones. Great vignettes, a million fantasy booking ideas and then just shit.


Seeing the Wyatt's in a top program in the near future wouldn't get over and they wouldn't deserve it. They need to think about dragging themselves out of the rut they are currently in, rather than think about where they want to be later on. Bryan and Kane vs the Wyatt's would be like seeing the Mega Powers wrestling the Killer Bees or Austin and Undertaker battling Kurrgan and Giant Silva. Who would possibly believe they had a chance against Bryan and Kane? And who would believe they deserved to be in the ring with them, the way things have went the last few months. Daniel Bryan's stock would fall massively if he was paired with this bunch.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Looking at The Man With The Iron Fists DVD in Tesco earlier, I noticed the blurb says "mixed martial arts star David Bautista." Does he qualify as that?


In the same way that Luke Chadwick is classed as a football star yeah.

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