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How disappointing is it when you go through all those cool Ninja Space Marine concepts and the end result is Aldo Montoya or whoever that is.

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Konnan did originally design it, but this must have been a collaboration. Check out the scribbled out name. "Charles in Mexico". Charles Ashenoff is Konnan.



The whole thing blows my mind somewhat. Love stuff like this. I know ts clich

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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That link is fucking amazing. I'm all over shit like that, loved the little glimpses over early Mankind as Headcase in Foleys original book. It's fascinating. I'd love to see early ideas for Kane and Undertaker too. I wonder if that sort of effort goes into guys today. I reckon some gimmicks would have, like Eugene, Boogeyman, Simon Dean, MNM, ones like that. Brodus Clay, Tensai. Maybe Bray Wyatt, Paige, Ryback today? Don't know though, those are less likely. Definitely Fandango though.Love some of the other face paint ideas and looks for Shango. I wonder if those are the pics Charles Wright or someone referred to a while back of concept art for a returning darker Papa Shango, apparently inked by Jerry Lawler. Anyway, amazing fascinating link!

Edited by ShortOrderCook
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The concept art for a chunk of the bores we've had over the last 7/8 years would be more like the first page of a Smackdown Vrs RAW create-a-wrestler edit.


"Little black pants, with some sort of design you can't really make out.


Black wrestling boots bought from Mexico.


Erm... wrist-tape, I suppose.


Knee pads, yeah, some knee pads. Black ones.


Maybe not all black. Another colour instead. I dunno... white?."





Pant-wearers everywhere!

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I can't stop looking at these now and I was supposed to be going somewhere. What the hell is the Dustin idea after the Cowboy concept? They had a load of ideas for him, clearly all widely different from each other. And how different are each of Adam Bombs looks!? I always liked the look he ended up end with but some of them, the Soldier of Fortune, Mercenary look and the one after could have been cool though. Why the hell does he have one concept with 'Ring Master' plastered over his tights though? Michaels first singles gear could have been fairly different too.

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Top stuff that link, "boots to look like sandals" is a great line on "Stargate" Dustin. Looks more like Pharaoh Dustin to me.As you'd imagine there's a load of Doinks, amazing how it evolved to the point where the last pose matches the promo pic shown.

Edited by Baz Windham
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That gallery is fantastic. I find all that character development stuff absolutely fascinating, especially when you see the end product. When I was younger I was always doing little sketches just like those, as I'm sure loads of kids do today, then go and make them on their Playstations. It's pretty crazy that there were all those mad gimmick ideas floating around for Dustin and the look they ended up going with was probably the most out-there they could have come up with and it totally worked. Goldust's Oscar statue look is one of the most iconic of all time.I would be very interested to know what kind of development goes into today's characters. You really don't see much imagination in the costumes anymore.

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There's not as many outlandish gimmicks today though, so that's to be expected. As I mentioned earlier this sort of process probably went into the likes of Fandango, Tensai, Brodus Clay and some others. Probably Alberto Del Rio too. It must still happen with today's guys, just not as much, WWE don't want to slap a big gimmick in every single guy these days and there was still loads of boring looking guys back in the day too. Anyway, I love that WWE hoard seemingly every little thing.

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It'll come around again. It always does. I bet they have stacks of papers from 2005/06. Umaga, Boogeyman, Khali, Kevin Thorn, Arial, The Zombie, Big Daddy V, Festus, Hornswoggle. They had more freaks in the mid-2000s than they've had for a while. Here's one they fucked about with back in 2007. Court Bauer joked about Bob Holly leaving for a while and coming back saying he'd been to space. He would return as Spacecore Holly with a monkey sidekick. He got an e-mail back from the art department of this.


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Wasn't the gimmick rush in mid 2000s driven by tv executives ? Remember there being talk of scfi especially wanting more gimmick types ie zombie on first ecw

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I thought that was just one of those rumours that got out of control and WWE just decided to play with it?That guy who played The Zombie still works indy shows under that name, doesn't he?

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