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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Has any other wrestler improved from so bad to so good as DDP from '96 to '97?


Watching the Nitro where Scott Hall turns up (and what a slog it's been to get to that) and DDP is absolutely terrible in his match against Craig Pittman yet a year later he's having stunners against Savage


I know the different opponents must be part of it but in '96 everything he does is terrible, selling, offense (Diamond Cutter excluded) promos, shite gear


Also having a cigar in his gob while chewing gum is just weird

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Has Roman ever worn a white Scarface style suit?


Ive got this image in my head of him wearing it on the ramp, looking fucking mint with a slight, cocky Scott Hall face look and a Kevin Nash swagger.


The more i think and type, the more it's clearly been an elaborate thought, rather than it actually being true.


Either way, looks mint as fuck in my head.

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I only really see Mania and Summerslam as proper PPV's anymore. The Payback, Fast Lane, *insert shite generic name here* level shows are just like an episode of Raw without the ads. Mad that I used to get excited, and pay for shows like Backlash, Unforgiven and Judgement Day a few years ago and now I'm not bothered about watching their equivalents for free these days.

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Was thinking about Russo saying WWE pander to their crowds too much now. It got me thinking that WWE probably pander to live crowds and hardcore fans more now because they're much easier to convince to buy the network. Of course they want to draw in new fans, but the chances of getting the hardcore fans to subscribe must be much higher than Jimmy who watches Superstars and Bottom Line now and then.


It sounds obvious to me now, but I didn't really consider it before.

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JR, Michael Cole and Kevin Kelly make a really smooth announce team on the first Raw of 1998. Don't remember them being that good. 

That was exactly my thought on watching some of the early Attitude Era Raws on the network, Kevin Kelly in particular is great to listen to, miles better than some of the shitarses they've had over the years.

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I'm a big fan of Kevin Kelly, although that might be because he's done some funny shoots. But back in the day, it annoyed me that Cole was the one chosen to cover for Ross in '99 and then get the Smackdown gig. It's been a few years since I've revisited that period, but from what I remember he was always good. Don't rate him much in ROH these days. 

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