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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I watched the 2010 WWE Hall of Fame for the first time tonight and found it a strange experience.


On paper the inductees looked weak in comparison to other years. I love Dibiase but he shouldn't have been the main inductee.


Poor Mad Dog Vaschon seemed a bit lost. Thankfully the WWE must have clocked on to this and put Patterson on stage in a sorta Q&A format. Just a pity he started repeating himself and got a bit lost all the same.


Hansen also seed to ramble on. Christ knows what Piper was on that night. Bret Hart really is a bit dry isn't he. Still love him though. Bruce Hart is a total prat without even saying a word. Wearing sunglasses and I'd swear the prick was chewing grass or a toothpick.


The plus points were Bob Uekker - what a funny man. And Dibiase had some funny stories. A true legend, and one of my favourites.

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Only thing is upon inspection of the bag I only have half the ladder which I believe the set was meant to come with, but I don't give a shit about a ladder, I just wanted the cell, since my red WCW one doesnt really stand up great as I only have the walls and no connecters. Although strangely they have packed me 4 auxiliary ring posts which are from a completely different scale ring to this one. I have no idea what to do with them.

The original Cell set didn't come with any ladders (just an Undertaker figure and one of either Randy Orton or Batista, depending on when it's from), so the half a ladder that's been thrown in is just a bonus as well.


I love the WCW ring with the red cage. The little gimmicks of that ring were a masterstroke, and absolutely vital for anyone to choose it over (or as well as) the Hasbro WWF one. I only got the WCW one a few years ago, but as a kid I was envious of everyone who had it. I wouldn't have swapped my WWF ring for it, but I'd have loved to have both. My Hasbro federation pay-per-views would have done monster business if cage matches were on the menu.


Oddly, I don't think WCW ever did a cage ring as part of the Toybiz/Marvel line that your Scott Steiner figure's from. They did a few gimmicked rings, there was a smart Nitro arena one, and one based on WCW's waterside events, but no cage. I could be wrong on that.



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Just reading the Bret Hart thread and the fact that Orton is only 33, got me thinking about the wellness policy. Orton is in the oddest place of only really treading water storyline-wise due to two strikes on the wellness program, but being one of the most over guys in the company. While I'm sure this is fine for WWE, as I'm sure he sells loads of merch and so on, you know he's a bit bored with it, and there can only be so long that people will pop for him if he's never involved in anything important. Surely WWE will end up amending the rules so that after X amount of time, a wellness violation is stricken from the record. I mean, how long ago was his first violation? Was he one of the class of 2006? I don't particularly care for his work but it would be nice to see him doing something more meaningful.


Or maybe they'll go hell for leather and put the belt on him again anyway, what do I know.

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Or maybe they'll go hell for leather and put the belt on him again anyway, what do I know.


I think that's what they need to do. Worst case scenario he fucks up and they get the PR of "we will even fire our champion to protect our wellness policy" or he will stop being bored and stop plodding through and make a go of it.

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Orton could be full of beans and motivation, but his act wouldn't change much. He can't talk, and they won't book around his weaknesses, so even in a best-case scenario he'd just have dull main event feuds with well-worked matches, like the one with Christian a couple of years ago. Even before that last suspension, he was just meandering around wasting time with Cody Rhodes, Kane and Wade Barrett.

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I don't agree that he can't talk. He's got it in him, when he's motivated and has some purpose. Around the time everyone was buzzing for him when he returned from injury with all the new tats and shortly before punting Vince in the skull, before he returned to the ring proper he was only getting promo time and he carried it well. He did for a bit once he returned to the ring too, it only seemed to go to shit and he lost motivation when that whole angle went to shit.


Orton has always had an attitude and although he's matured massively, he still possesses some of that. With some direction, motivation and sense of purpose I think Orton has it well within him to be the absolute best in the world. He was absolutely tremendous in the ring in 2011 and leading up to WrestleMania XXVIII, and looked to be getting involved in the World title picture with Menry, Show and D-Bry and seemed could be leading to him and Bryan for 'Mania which could have been excellent. He got injured, written out of all that and returned to be lumbered with a nothing issue with Kane for 'Mania in a massive waste of time. It was from that point that he seemed to lose all motivation and began phoning it in a little, which has continued to this day. And I almost can't really blame him for having that attitude, with those circumstances and the wellness violations stuff hanging over him too. I wouldn't be massively surprised if Orton goes on at some point in future to take that 3rd strike and not be that fussed about it.

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I'm not saying I don't believe you but.... I would love a link to an Orton promo that you consider to be really bang on. Not just "competent enough, carrying his end of an exchange", but really delivering the good.


I can't remember having seen it happen.


He has at times been absolutely stellar in the ring though, which is why it's such a shame.

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I don't agree that he can't talk.

Yeah but you think that about John Morrison as well, don't you? Orton's nowhere near Morrison-bad and he's loads better than Lesnar as well, but he's a million miles away from Cena, or even Punk, Bryan, Jericho, Henry, Sheamus etc. He's not embarrassingly bad most of the time, just a bit crap and bland. He's quite open about it as well, he'll tell people he's got a boring voice and does shit monotone promos. The time he punted Vince is a perfect example of booking to his strengths, but when he's just got to go out there and talk in the ring to sell a match, he's wasting everyone's time.


I think part of it is that he's a genuine himbo meathead and he struggles to remember lines and bullet points (let alone deliver them well), but wrestle-talk just isn't his strong suit. I'm probably overstating it a bit, and there are most likely at least a handful of examples of really good Orton speeches, I just can't think of any. For my money, the writers need to be motivated to make Randy Orton interesting rather than Orton himself needing to be more motivated. Even with all the incentive in the world, he's still going to be a shit promo. The jumping toe-touch might make up for it though, if he brings that back.

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I'm not saying he's anywhere near Cena's level or anything like that, of course not. Just to say 'he can't talk' is a bit harsh in my opinion.


The times i'm thinking of when he returned are one of his first promos back in which he buried everyone and all the champions currently in WWE (which first planted the Legacy seeds) and when he got super-pissed and got in Stephs face about something. I think he's good at talking and generally more interesting when he appears genuinely pissed off, he becomes so much more animated and aggressive and loses that dull, monotone aspect. I always thought he was good when he was talking down to Ted and Cody too really. And I always love it when he loses his cool in the ring and starts shouting abuse at his opponent for fucking up and being a moron. It's like what Menry does with his trash-talking just only occurs when something actually fucks up to piss him off. Which is why it's a bit of a shame his current situation leaves him just not all that arsed. He's a total hothead and he's interesting when he snaps, but he's so not arsed at the moment that doesn't even happen anymore. That match with Sheamus the other week with the Fandango crowd was begging for Orton to lose his shit and start calling everyone a cunt but he just looked bemused by it all and couldn't wait to get the match finished. Because despite doing nothing he's still in a pretty comfortable position and he seems to lack that desire to change it, perhaps because of the wellness. He knows that his talent is worthy of more and when he's pissed off about something and got something to talk about he's a much better, interesting talker. So I guess i'd almost like him to snap and express his grievances. I'm not for a second saying he's got the talking ability of a Steve Austin or a CM Punk, but i'd like to see him given a platform to let it all out like they were both presented with. It probably wouldn't be anything close to those but it might be interesting. More interesting than what he is currently doing anyway.

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A Brit wrestler has posted a pic on Twitter of his face covered in blood with the narrative "it ain't ketchup you stupid cunts".


Clearly it's a lot fucking smarter to cut yourself open or be so sloppy that you or your opponent accidentally cut your head open than use a prop of some kind.


Wrestling logic is mental isn't it.

Edited by Ant
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To be fair I can understand why non-wrestling fans believe blood is fake. Its because the truth that peopel cut themselves open with a blade must seem fucking mental to people who aren't fans (or haven't seen The Wrestler I guess well, actually The Wrestler leaves you with the opinion that its fucking mental).

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When checking out news on websites, whenever its something related to either CM Punk or Steve Austin, the mongs who post comments always bang on about howt hey want to see Punk vs. Austin at the following Wrestlemania.

This has been going on for about 3 years now, why do people want to see that match? Do they really think its going to be any good? Austins not wrestled a proper match in 10 years and has a fucked up neck, or is it purely a nostalgia thing

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When checking out news on websites, whenever its something related to either CM Punk or Steve Austin, the mongs who post comments always bang on about howt hey want to see Punk vs. Austin at the following Wrestlemania.

This has been going on for about 3 years now, why do people want to see that match? Do they really think its going to be any good? Austins not wrestled a proper match in 10 years and has a fucked up neck, or is it purely a nostalgia thing


While I realise that answering on behalf of "the mongs" is probably a bad idea, I'd say...



Austin wrestled with a fucked neck for 5 years and learned to be pretty good at avoiding bumps that would fuck him up (other than that weird period where he let Benoit and Angle suplex the shit out of him). Add in the fact that he recons he's in pretty great shape and the fact that he bumped around and look good while working on Tough Enough and I think Austin could safely work a match.

Punk just got done having a great Wrestlemania match with the Undertaker, who is probably not far from "as fucked" as Austin is. He certainly has limitations that need to be worked around. They worked a smart match that the crowd loved without killing anyone. Punk and Austin could do the same.

They also like each other, keep teasing the match themselves and their characters are an absolutely perfect match. Beer drinking everyman against pretentious straight-edge cock.


It probably won't happen, but I think there are certainly reasons why people think it could be good and both men do keep mentioning it. It's not that mental of an idea.

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