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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I like Perfect's match with the Rooster at SummerSlam '89 because of just how easily Perfect hammers him. It's almost with contempt that he grabs him for a PerfectPlex straight after a little outside-the-ring action - take this, you fucking jobber.


Terry Taylor vs the aforementioned Santana on 'Wrestling Grudge Matches' is pretty good, no?


One of the lamest compilations you can imagine is Wrestling Grudge Matches. Not the concept, but the fact that fucking none of them represent proper grudges at all, they were just bog standard Coliseum exclusives. Remember how aggressively Bob Backlund pursued Shawn for the Intercontinental belt? How Bret always mentions the Repo Man match as one of the hardest fought of his career? The countless hours of TV dedicated to the grudge between Tatanka and Blake Beverly? Me neither. The closest you'll get to a grudge match is Disasters/High Energy vs Money Inc/Beverlys which does at least feature talents - namely Inc/Disasters - that were in the middle of a program.


One of the matches - I have a feeling it may very well be Matador/Terrific - that Monsoon & Al Hays make up some bullshit about "angry words/insults exchanged backstage" in a lame attempt at explaining why it's a "grudge match."

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Armageddon 2000 was a surprisingly solid event, despite the screwy main-event and dicey results.


Zack Ryder should either have an undefeated streak in the midcard with the Internet belt or lose it every night and emerge with a different one the following day, with excuses for having lost it in increasingly desperate fashion.

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The main event of WrestleMania is what goes on last, I can't see what the argument against that is

WrestleMania X8.


WrestleMania X8 (ugh) was the wrong choice of main event, like XXV, but it doesn't mean that match wasn't the main event, as I thought my post had addressed, with XXV as an example. Just because we don't like it and it wasn't the best match, doesn't mean we can pretend it wasn't the main event any more than we can pretend the match that stood out most was. Else we should retcon the main event of Fully Loaded to Jericho/HHH (ironically) since that's the match that everyone remembers best and arguably was more anticipated than the title match at the time. And the typicals would no doubt start saying the main event of Mania III was Savage/Steamboat.


Admittedly equal TV time seem allocated to pushing both the title match and Rock/Hogan, but the go-home SmackDown finished with the big injury angle and Jericho standing tall over the ostensibly crippled challenger on the announce table. The last chance to say to the viewers "buy this show," THAT'S the match they pushed. The Rumble winner on his big comeback against the first undisputed champion, a ten month injury backstory and personal history long before that, the match they decided "this is the main event" so it went on last. This was a mistake, and the WWE acknowledged it by putting the Rock/Hogan images on the cover of the DVD instead of the title match. They did the same with Vince/Hogan for Mania XIX, but that sure as hell doesn't mean we should start pretending the main event of Mania XIX was Hulk Hogan vs Vince McMahon.


Hogan/Rock was a bigger deal than HHH/Jericho. We all know that. Just like we all know Undertaker/Michaels was a bigger deal than HHH/Orton. Did the matches that didn't go on last provide the better moments and memories? Yes. Were they the main event? No. We WISH they were, but to say they were would be a lie. Just like it's a lie more years than not that the winner of the Royal Rumble will get to be in the "main event of WrestleMania," which I think was the original point.

Edited by air_raid
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Only thing I ever liked about Taylor was the lovely robe. The one Bobby Roode looked better in.


Is Wrestlemania 30 set for New Orleans then? I've heard it being bandied about a bit.


I've been hoping to go for the last couple of years but I've had problems with the old dosheroonie. 30 is a good excuse to visit New Orleans though. As I probably wouldn't ever go there otherwise.


I always assumed it would be at MSG to keep the theme going. Mania I, X and XX were all there so it would be fitting if XXX was as well.


I haven't kept up on news though so I know fuck all. Is MSG out of the running then? I suppose this years being in New Jersey makes MSG a bit less likely next year.

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TNA Genesis


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Main event was as good as a triple threat could be mainly cos it played out a lot differently to your standard tripe threat match. Aries/Roode as the Chuckle brothers is always going to be enjoyable. Be interesting to see where they go with Daniels now he has a title shot. A long term feud between him and Hardy would be nice and fresh.


I've been patient with Hernandez and enjoyed his stronger points (the big man shoulder bargy stuff, the flying super mex . . . and that's all I've got) more than most but God what a useless sack of spanners. I'm not a great fan of WWE putting shackles on their performers but at least it means we rarely have to see a hoss like Hernandez doing a move he shouldn't be doing and nearly snapping some poor little fucker in half in the process.


Kenny Kings promo was one of the highlights of the night and if they have any sense he'll be getting his big win over RVD at Lockdown or whatever. York is pretty terrible but the X matches on a whole were alright.


I actually really enjoyed the knockouts gauntlet match. The action was nothing special but it was unique at least. Loved the TALE OF GAIL KIM. Can't stand Velvet though, put her in Brooke's old (?) role as Knockouts GM or something cos she's a decent talker but babyface Velvet as champ in a stale women's division is a bit shit.


Loved the start of the Park/Devon match. It felt like something from the 80's with the crowd going nuts for the most basic and simple of stuff, a match built on a long term storyline and development of a unique character. Imagine that. We don't need Abyss cos Joseph is one of the best things in wrestling. Fuck, Aces and 8's getting TWO wins on the same PPV? Thankfully the world I recognise was restored when Bully chased off about seven of the jobbers with his little key chain.


Skipped over most of Sting/Gallows. Sting no longer gives a shit and Gallows has been a waste of space since dropping the Festus gimmick.


Alright PPV really, was never expecting anything other than a three hour impact and ended up with four unique matches with great storytelling in the Knockouts, X division stuff, Joseph/Devon and the Main, a golden Kenny Promo, a Daniels title shot and an all time classic bump from Aries saying hello to the steps.



[close spoiler]

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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I think they should go back to the Houston Astrodome, and run with Taker challenging Cena for the belt. The atmosphere I imagine for Houston's favourite son going after one last reign while defending the streak against the top star of the last decade would be nuclear. Sod it, Austin as guest ref. I'd jizz in my pants for that one.

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The main event of WrestleMania is what goes on last, I can't see what the argument against that is

WrestleMania X8.

WrestleMania X8 (ugh) was the wrong choice of main event, like XXV, but it doesn't mean that match wasn't the main event, as I thought my post had addressed, with XXV as an example. Just because we don't like it and it wasn't the best match, doesn't mean we can pretend it wasn't the main event any more than we can pretend the match that stood out most was. Else we should retcon the main event of Fully Loaded to Jericho/HHH (ironically) since that's the match that everyone remembers best and arguably was more anticipated than the title match at the time. And the typicals would no doubt start saying the main event of Mania III was Savage/Steamboat.

Odd that you'd choose that example, because Fully Loaded 2000 was always billed as a triple main event. And most WrestleManias these days are billed as having multiple main events as well, including the Royal Rumble winner's title match. And the last match is by no means always the one that gets the most promotion and pride of place on the poster/DVD cover. Them saying the winner will be in "THE main event of WrestleMania" rather than "A main event of WrestleMania" is just hyperbole, and if someone's going to fist their own arse with rage at the use of hyperbole, wrestling is the wrong genre to watch anyway because there's nothing else to it but that. It just seems like crying over nothing, same as "It's not sports-entertainment, it's pro wrestling!"

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Them saying the winner will be in "THE main event of WrestleMania" rather than "A main event of WrestleMania" is just hyperbole, and if someone's going to fist their own arse with rage at the use of hyperbole, wrestling is the wrong genre to watch anyway because there's nothing else to it but that. It just seems like crying over nothing, same as "It's not sports-entertainment, it's pro wrestling!"


But it's also hyperbole that coincides with the Rumble winner's title match not going on last, which was Twinn's point, that the prestige of the Rumble has been damaged by the winner not being involved in the last match or even later of two title matches when something else goes on last in the case of last year's card or 'Mania 26. It's become a debate about semantics and usage of the definite vs indefinite article, but his point - which I was agreeing with - is that the Rumble winner gets nowhere near the biggest match of the card any more and hasn't closed the show in six of the last seven 'Manias. Winning the Rumble not making that individual the star of WrestleMania like it used to is what his pet hate is (his words, although I don't see him fisting his arse with rage) not the vernacular they're choosing to use, which really would be crying over nothing.


I know why they do it, it's a good way to add an extra shot in the arm to the "other" title match that might not have had the big name like Shawn, Hunter, Taker or Cena to carry it, but it has cheapened the Rumble a bit for me. Thoughts?

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