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Smackdown spoilers for 6/4/12


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* Dean Ambrose defeated Ezekiel Jackson


SmackDown, Airing Friday:


* SmackDown opens with John Laurinaitis and David Otunga coming out. Laurinaitis brings out Teddy Long for one last moment. Laurinaitis shows off his new and improved SmackDown and rips into Long. Long wants to quit but Johnny won't let him. It appears Long is under Laurinaitis' control now.


* David Otunga and Mark Henry beat R-Truth in a handicap squash match.


* Randy Orton beat Kane in a No DQ match. They fought all around the ring and up the ramp, on the stage before coming back to the ring. The match sees some good spots and brawls with chairs. Orton wins with a RKO after putting Kane into an exposed turnbuckle.


* Ryback makes his debut and beats a local wrestler. Our correspondent said the former Skip Sheffield wasn't anything too special.


* Daniel Bryan comes out next with AJ Lee and he's pissed off. Fans chant for Bryan but he's not buying it. He tells them to quit mocking him. Lots of "YES!" chants from the crowd. Bryan won't budge and starts dissing AJ before he dumps her. AJ leaves the ring as the crowd chants "YES" and sings "goodbye" to her.


* New WWE Intercontinental Champion Big Show beat Heath Slater with a knockout punch. Cody Rhodes was on commentary for the match.


* More heat for John Laurinaitis. He arranges a face off between Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio before their match begins tonight so Sheamus can't use the Brogue Kick for another surprise win.


* Kelly Kelly comes out for the next match. She ends up distracting WWE Divas Champion Beth Phoenix, allowing Nikki Bella to get a 30 second win. This was apparently a non-title match.


* Backstage promo with Damien Sandow from FCW debuting. Apparently he's doing some kind of actor gimmick.


* Alberto Del Rio beat Sheamus by DQ when Sheamus got caught with a chair that Del Rio had tried to use on him. Del Rio now earns a future World Heavyweight Title shot. Del Rio leaves while Sheamus gets pissed and takes it out on the referee to end the show.


That Daniel Bryan segment sounds awesome. By the sounds of the description some of the Mania fans might still be there making their voice heard (this was taped in Orlando)

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Ryback and Damien Sandow debuting and Ambrose winning in the dark match. Super duper.


Looks like a great show; though I suppose that's no surprise considering Big Johnny's now in charge.

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* Dean Ambrose defeated Ezekiel Jackson



* Ryback makes his debut and beats a local wrestler. Our correspondent said the former Skip Sheffield wasn't anything too special.

It was an unremarkable squash, a lot shorter than Tensai's but no more interesting. The guy really does look like a nuttter though.


* Backstage promo with Damien Sandow from FCW debuting. Apparently he's doing some kind of actor gimmick.

How anyone saw "some kind of actor gimmick" in that promo is beyond me. He's doing an "educated gent rallying against lowbrow entertainment" gimmick. Difficult to tell if it has legs without seeing the guy work but it seems interesting.

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They did. It was a pretty good segment actually although the crowd wasn't as loud as they could have been, it's a shame they didn't do this in front of the Miami crowd as they would have been all over it. I hope that Bryan and AJ have nothing more to do with each other from now on as Bryan deserves better than an "abusive boyfriend" storyline.

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If it wasn't for the Miami crowd, would be willing to accept that aside from the initial promise of his 'Mania booking (I still maintain it was an ace 'match' and perfectly fitting) D-Bry seems to be being booked under a bus at the minute...?


I mean, had he looked at all likely to get back in the mix then it'd be fine, but he seems pretty far from the title picture right now.

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They did. It was a pretty good segment actually although the crowd wasn't as loud as they could have been, it's a shame they didn't do this in front of the Miami crowd as they would have been all over it. I hope that Bryan and AJ have nothing more to do with each other from now on as Bryan deserves better than an "abusive boyfriend" storyline.

He's more over now than he ever has been. How much better can he deserve? I'm surprised his loss at Mania hasn't put you off WWE forever for a week or two.


If it wasn't for the Miami crowd, would be willing to accept that aside from the initial promise of his 'Mania booking (I still maintain it was an ace 'match' and perfectly fitting) D-Bry seems to be being booked under a bus at the minute...?


I mean, had he looked at all likely to get back in the mix then it'd be fine, but he seems pretty far from the title picture right now.

I'll be willing to accept that if next week he's nowhere near the belt. It does seem slightly worrying especially considering how over he is, but I do think this Del Rio match can probably be put off until after Extreme Rules. So long as he's involved with someone on a higher level though I reckon he'll be alright. The momentum will probably carry.

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He's more over now than he ever has been. How much better can he deserve? I'm surprised his loss at Mania hasn't put you off WWE forever for a week or two.


Is he though? Surely we have to wait until the Wrestlemania buzz has calmed down a bit before we find out how over he truly is? This "Yes!" thing, as great as it is, may die out in a couple of weeks.


Personally I think the dumping of AJ happened too quickly. How about her winning the Divas title while Bryan is lamenting his loss just to rub salt in the wound and really send him over the edge?

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Not having at least a speaking role on Raw was pretty damning, as is Sheamus/ADR carrying on as if he's not there. If they book D-Bry's rematch on TV (or if they forget it all together) I'd say he's fucked...


No it wasn't, they hyped up on SmackDown! about how he was so angry at the loss that he was refusing to speak to anyone. It fits into his character perfectly. His segment on SD was really good as well, especially when he turned away in the huff.


I never watch SD and I downloaded it there primarily to see Daniel Bryan, who half a year ago I never had the slightest interest in and wouldn't have cared had he been released. Now, I'm more interested in him than any other superstar than I have been for a long time. WWE and Bryan have both done a cracking job and he's been booked brilliantly.

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They did. It was a pretty good segment actually although the crowd wasn't as loud as they could have been, it's a shame they didn't do this in front of the Miami crowd as they would have been all over it. I hope that Bryan and AJ have nothing more to do with each other from now on as Bryan deserves better than an "abusive boyfriend" storyline.

He's more over now than he ever has been. How much better can he deserve? I'm surprised his loss at Mania hasn't put you off WWE forever for a week or two.

I never said anything about his level of overness, did I? I only said that I didn't want to see him enter into an abusive boyfriend storyline with AJ.

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You said he deserves better. Whatever gets him over is what's better. I seriously doubt they'd ever take it to any stage where his character was unrecoverable as a face (physical violence and the like) so if Bryan pushing AJ around until someone stands up for her continues to get him over, why wouldn't it be anything but good for him?

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