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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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I'm not keen on Emma. She doesn't look natural. She looks awkward.

That's the gimmick.


This is the first time I've seen her. I've just checked YouTube and there was something with Aksana where they mentioned 'is she going to struggle to get through the ropes again?' It just seemed like she was shit at it from the episode I saw.


I should clarify I'm going by one episode on these things. I stand by her being annoying and her dance being shit. Her dance is shit because she's awkard, ok, but I'm not into the character either. Stick that in front of an arena.


Edit: from that episode, I either missed them selling that Emma is awkward on commentary or they didn't say it.

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I should clarify I'm going by one episode on these things. I stand by her being annoying and her dance being shit. Her dance is shit because she's awkard, ok, but I'm not into the character either. Stick that in front of an arena.


Edit: from that episode, I either missed them selling that Emma is awkward on commentary or they didn't say it.

Jesus Christ. They don't have to spell it out to you, it's not CBeebies. You can see for yourself that she's a dork. You're just the worst sometimes, diving in two-footed with opinions formed off the back of having seen two minutes of something.

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No, I think they are best to spell it out. Why wouldn't you project the characters in the match? They called her bubbly, but that was different from awkward for me. I got the gist that she was a fun character sure, but I can be forgiven for thinking she looks awkward in mannerisms and projecting her character - as in real, not kayfabe - when it's her character and that part hadn't been sold on commentary. Unless I just never heard it, but I heard it in the Aksana match straight away.


Maybe I should have made it clear that all of those opinions bar the Pac one were first impressions. Either way, from what I saw, I weren't into her.

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This is the first time I've seen her. I've just checked YouTube and there was something with Aksana where they mentioned 'is she going to struggle to get through the ropes again?' It just seemed like she was shit at it from the episode I saw.


I should clarify I'm going by one episode on these things. I stand by her being annoying and her dance being shit. Her dance is shit because she's awkard, ok, but I'm not into the character either. Stick that in front of an arena.


Edit: from that episode, I either missed them selling that Emma is awkward on commentary or they didn't say it.


For fuck's sake! Her getting through the ropes is part of her fucking gimmick! Do you think they'd mention her struggles to enter the ring on commentary if it wasn't meant to be awkward? Her dance is deliberately shit and dorky. You're the only person on here who has COMPLETELY missed the point.

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I've heard no complaints regarding her and the fans love her more than William Regal. So what else would they need to project her character? She is already over and its only developmental. Do you want a bio of her. Or a Secrets of Wrestling Stunt Granny like expo of what she's about to do next. I'm not getting what you are asking. The character she is playing is there in front of your eyes. Its nothing complex. She's a bit mad. And people like her.

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I would welcome seeing more posts like that about any show. Was nothing more than a detailed "check it out this week because it was good" type of thing. I'm now going to take the time to watch and probably enjoy it without having anything spoiled at all.

I checked out NXT based on Ian's post as well, first episode I've watched since the Full Sail era started I think. It was alright. I don't know if I'll watch it regularly, but it's a decent TV wrestling product. Adrian Neville could do with some ear reduction surgery and facepaint and then he'd look sound on the main roster, I reckon.

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This is the first time I've seen her. I've just checked YouTube and there was something with Aksana where they mentioned 'is she going to struggle to get through the ropes again?' It just seemed like she was shit at it from the episode I saw.


I should clarify I'm going by one episode on these things. I stand by her being annoying and her dance being shit. Her dance is shit because she's awkard, ok, but I'm not into the character either. Stick that in front of an arena.


Edit: from that episode, I either missed them selling that Emma is awkward on commentary or they didn't say it.


For fuck's sake! Her getting through the ropes is part of her fucking gimmick! Do you think they'd mention her struggles to enter the ring on commentary if it wasn't meant to be awkward? Her dance is deliberately shit and dorky. You're the only person on here who has COMPLETELY missed the point.


No, you missed my point. Perhaps I didn't make it particularly clear in hindsight, but my point was that I knew her fucking up the rope spot was part of her character when they mentioned it on commentary. I didn't get it in this episode when they didn't sell her being awkward. I also get that her dance is deliberately shit and dorky as I said that before.


Maybe I'm just a miserable bast, but I just weren't keen on her personally. I understand why she's awkward now, but the character does nothing for me.


She was clearly convincing at being awkward. Normally, wrestling characters are larger than life. Maybe her not being as large a personality threw me off and I thought her mannerisms were a fault - in the sense that she's not polished or not a good actor - and that threw me off. But as I say, if it were to be in a bigger arena, would it work without being made larger than life and more OTT?


Either way, I have my (perhaps hastily formed) opinion and you have yours.

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  • Awards Moderator
I need to start watching NXT - how far back should I go to start?


If it helps I started just last week with 23rd June and I could just jump right in. The nature of the show means angles don't stretch far.

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