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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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I thought Alex Riley was really good on commentary this week. Saying he was an improvement on Brad Maddox really isn't much in the way of praise. I'd happily have Riley alongside Cole and JBL as a three man team on Smack Down. As much as I like JBL and I do, he really hasn't had the same fire on commentary since he returned.


Tyler Breeze is another great little gimmick that NXT has. I wouldn't mind seeing his matches go a bit longer tho. The "Tyler Breeze has just left/entered the building" is a great touch.


Emma is one of the best things going on NXT and super over with the crowd too.


The best thing about NXT may very well be Bo Dallas. He's got his character down to an absolute tee. The stroking of Renee Young's head this week was brilliant.


Despite all his time down there Mason Ryan is still quite shit. I don't even think he looks particularly threatening, perhaps it's the hair.


Finally, The Wyatt Family's goodbye last week was a great little moment.

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Again, NXT :love:


Seriouly everyone should be watching this show by now, even those that think WWE is crap. Raw is never this fun unless it's got loads of annoying or stupid shit to balance it out. I think NXT has only had one stupid bit I can think of in the last few months.


Heyman was masterful in reminding the cheering crowd that he's a prick, "NXT is the future. Back there is not only the next Paul Heyman Guy but . . . the next Paul Heyman!" Big E was good, there's stills some things that he needs to smooth out but you can see big time potential there already, especially as a babyface. Curtis Axel will always be a berk.


The Sami and Cesaro interviews were decent. Loved Antonio's "ZAAYYYYYN!" after getting beat down. The 2 out of three falls next match week could be a stunner.


Regal is the most genuinely funny commentator they've had in a couple of decades. Some of his lines in the Diva's were particularly good. Nice little match too, with some nifty reversals and stuff. I still think Paige is missing something. Fingers crossed she feuds with Emma and turns heel.


I'm in two minds about the Bayley retard/stalker thing. She's great at it and that doesn't sound any different to how she actually speaks to be honest. The AJ/Bayley bit was probably the best woman's segment I've seen in WWE. But there's no way that this sort of gimmick would be treated so delicately on Raw.


It was only during the Shield vs Woods/Graves/Neville match that I realised how thin the talent is on NXT now E and the Wyatt's have come up. They've got Sami but none of the other blokes seem Raw ready at the minute. I supposed that's why they bringing down more of the WWE lot now. The Shield pulled a miracle match out of this lot. I think Full Sail are starting to realise that Grave's is nothing but a pair of tats and cheekbones and seem to be cooling on him already. Xavia Woods does my head in. Great stuff though.

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Sami vs Antonio beat all of their previous indy encounters by far. The high spots were spaced out so the moments had time to breathe and settle in. Also you had a crowd who went from lukewarm in the opening fall to fucking nuclear by the third fall. Fucking awesome.


This lived up to all the hype. Astounding.

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Sami vs Antonio beat all of their previous indy encounters by far. The high spots were spaced out so the moments had time to breathe and settle in. Also you had a crowd who went from lukewarm in the opening fall to fucking nuclear by the third fall. Fucking awesome.


This lived up to all the hype. Astounding.


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Not MOTY or anything for me but the 2 out 3 was a blast. So many cool things in it, all the bigspots had purpose and the ending was off thee charts. Certainly pissed on any Genirco match I've seen, yet it was only the fourth best match in the last week which shows how ridiculously good WWE matches are at the minute.


I enjoyed AJ/Bayley a good bit too, the story of that match was spot on for them two characters. The return of outlandish characters is the best thing about NXT. Love this fat Bulgarian muay thai bloke already.


Tyler Breeze as a spoilt precocious little brat is amazing. His voice! CJ Parker is excruciating though.

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I thought Cesaro Vs Sammi was a right good old match. Cesaro is the money and that has to be one of his best performances of his career so far. I love how NXT allows competitors to throw out of moves you'd usually only seen on the Indy scene. I wonder if this would change for those who eventually get called up to the main roster?


Overall a good show and I will try and watch NXT on a regular basis. I would have thought Ascension would have been called up by now with the recent emphasis on tag teams.

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Fuck me, that was a right treat. I love Cesaro's ring work but I have to confess I'd NEVER seen an El Generico/Sami Zayne match before. Fantastic match excellent spots and Zayne impressed me no end. Can't wait to see more.


Really like the Ziggler/Rusev match, too. I really like this massive Bulgarian already- I like his look and solid physique, I like that he doesn't wear boots, I like it when he shouts at his opponent in Bulgarian and like his original yet simple offense. NXT pulls again.

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I loved Rusev but I'm not sure why he was out there getting beat by Ziggler rather than battering some jobber.


Enjoying all the characters coming through in NXT at the moment. CJ Parker's hippy gimmick will annoy a lot of people but I'll take that sort of silly shit over bland dudes in generic trunks all day. The interaction between him and Tyler Breeze was fun. Breeze throwing a strop about the photobombing was great.

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Parker seemed to get a few boos when doing his weird gesturing between moves and after the match, I reckon he's at risk of the crowd turning on him like they did with Bo Dallas unless he starts putting on the great matches that the crowd really respond to.


The facial expressions, high pitched voice, whiny delivery, and even the choice of words in Tyler Breeze's promo was 100% Derek Zoolander I thought. I liked it.

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