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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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NEWM, I have a challenge for you. I haven't watched NXT since NXT: Redemption kicked off and I found the neverending concept so dull that I bowed out. Can you summarise what's happened since?


I'll try. Redemption started in March of last year. It started with the usual system of pros and rookies:


Darren Young and Chavo Guerrero

Byron Saxton and Yoshi Tatsu

Titus O Neil and Hornswoggle

Lucky Cannon and Tyson Kidd

Jacob Novak and JTG

Conor O Brian and Vladimir Kozlov


For the first like 3/4 months it followed the usual format of challenges and eliminations.


In order the following were eliminated:


Jacob Novak (Week 11)

Byron Saxton (Week 13)

Lucky Cannon (Week 15)

Conor O Brian (Week 17).


Then after that it slowly turned from NXT as we knew it to basically a re-hashed superstars with some storyline archs. The pro's were slowly forgotten....Chavo and Kozlov were future endeavoured and the other 4 stayed around.


Matt Striker became the host and "match creator" of NXT and Maryse disappeared as co-host. There's been several different commentary teams intermingling William Regal(who has since become the "match creator") Josh Matthews, Michael Cole(on occasion) Matt Striker and Jack Korpela(before he left WWE).


Then randomly Derrick Bateman also came back to NXT when it came down to the final 2.


There's been several heel and face turns with Young, O Neil and Bateman all turning at some point. There have been a few notable feuds including:


Tyson Kidd and Yoshi Tatsu feuding over Kidd breaking Yoshi's action figure- Also led to Yoshi's change in appearance with part face paint and mask


Young and O Neil feuded for a while but they are now a team who are kinda feuding over Tamina's affections.


There was the relationship with Derrick Bateman and Maxine "Betamax" and Johnny Curtis's involvement made Maxine go back and forth between both men countless times.


Some good matches to check out from NXT:


Any of Kidd vs Barretta's matches.

Gabriel vs Slater

Mcgillicutty vs Kidd


Current Roster....Kinda:


Tyson Kidd

Michael Mcgillicutty

Titus O' Neil

Darren Young

Derrick Bateman

Percy Watson

Alex Riley

Yoshi Tatsu

Michael Mcilligutty



Natalya (Occasionally)

The Usos

Johnny Curtis

Curt Hawkins

Tyler Reks




Current feuds:


Tyson Kidd and Michael Mcgillicutty have been feuding over Little Hennig believing Kidd isn't a Hart. They've had 3 great matches now.


Hawkins and Reks recently "kidnapped" Matt Striker and are involved in a feud with Regal and kinda with Maxine and Johnny Curtis.


Similarly Curtis and Maxine are feuding with Bateman and Kaitlyn.


Darren Young and Titus O Neil are soon seemingly going to feud over Tamina.


That's a very brief summary of the last year or so. I'm sure NEWM can do better but still.

Edited by Callum1993
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The backstage segments the past few weeks have been fucking abysmal. They mainly consist of Maxine walking around and talking about Matt Strikers disappearance in cryptic terms. I think the problem is that nobody on NXT has any idea what is actually going on in the storyline. They go on for about 5 minutes too.

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After a couple of weeks of missing it, I was able to drop seamlessly back in to the best and worst longest running weekly episodic television programme (with yellow ropes, on a website, not including OVW).


Here's what happened, and possibly an explanation what might have been missed. I'm not checking though, it's all guess work.


- So apparently ChocCock have gone from running a doubler on Tamina to arguing over her affections, which is totally fine on account of the fried gold the segments will brew up. Titus in his late 80s Hall of Fame suit gave her a coconut tree, because he's a Playa from the Himalyas, y'all. Naturally this pissed off D-Young because he had been meaning to give her a coconut tree for WEEKS! You snooze you lose, D-Money. Tamina was wet, Titus was chuffed, Darren was mugged off. Lots more steam in this one.


- The hunt for Matt Striker (which didn't account for the fact he was a prominant feature of Wrestlemania weekend coverage) came to an end when Hawkins and Reks admitted they had nicked off with him and chucked him in the broom closet. They did that to get Maxine to get something out of Regal, but none of that was yet brushed upon. It's NXT, we still have slow build round here, remember. He was found by Baitlyn who wonderfully broke the fourth wall in that gorgeous NXT fashion, agreeing to find him "just to get in the mix and see what happens". That's how it works on this show, it's basically a load of kids in a school playground looking for adventure which may or may not include matches every now and then. Lovely stuff. Anyway, the baddies had tied up Striker but left behind Hawkins' joke shop cane, which Striker resolved he would use to solve his problem.


- Johnny Curtis beat Percy Watson just because. Frankly Watson is dead meat since they robbed him of his tache, shades and catchphrase, so he's the best jobber for the hottest show on telly. Regal put over Curtis' weirdness being a big positive for his attacking game, which was probably to foreshadow the mini-push he's going to get ahead of putting Goldberg over as his first big angle. The match was a total dud unfortunately, but as mentioned above, Maxine was snaking Regal, which was infinitely more interesting anyway. Later when the pair confronted Reks and Hawkins about Striker's escape, Curtis sung Alanis Morisette in a falsetto. Good shit.


- There was a looooong Raw Rebound this week which featured pretty much the entire Brock/Cena pull apart brawl. Weakest segment of this week's NXT, naturally, but I can see why they're trying to get the NXT faithful to call their mates and try and translate the huge numbers onto the Red Brand.


- The third match of what I'd imagine will be a 47-match series took place and Michael McGillicutty and Tyson Kidd had another surprisingly good encounter. Mike Perfect's in the form of his life actually. He's done some damage on the mic, pulling apart Tyson's claim to the Hart legacy, and has laid out threats that seem to imply kicking in some of the Hart Family themselves. I'd really like to see him run up and push Bret of a motorbike or something. Anyroads, after a marvellous yellow video package to let us know where they're at with each other (and, I'd imagine, to show more of Kidd's zip-waist coat for the "As Seen on TV" section of wweshop.com). This was probably their best so far. Kidd did some sort of armlock submission for the win, and the crowd actually cared. Highest praise for this show. 2-1 to Kidd.


Excellent show as usual, get it watched. Also, I'm getting rid of Sky Sports soon, tell ME the best way to watch it when I do. Cheers.

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I youtube all my wwe these days (and dailymotion the ppvs), it works out well, someone usually puts up a full show of everything after a few hours of patient waiting.


I loved the goofiness of NXT, its the best thing going today. Titus made me laugh so hard with 'Playaaaa.... from the Himalayassssss' it was just perfect. And Strikers super serious acting at being a prisoner for weeks (apart from superstars and smackdown and wrestlemania) just highlighted how brilliantly silly this show is. And that is it's greatest strength, fun backstage crap with good matches inputted.

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BREAKING NEWS: D-Young & Titus fucking beat The shitty Usos on Smackdown this week! Maybe this was to satiate the huge UK demand for them to get promoted to the main shows?


Summerslam Double Main Event of somebody vs Brock and Big Show/Khali vs ChocCock for the Tag Titles?


Whilst we could all be morning the loss of an awesome act on the number one brand, I like to think we're a selfless bunch who just want recognition for the talent. To that end, this is great news, and I can only hope Tamina follows them so we can continue that storyline and I'll actually have a proper reason to stick with Smackdown.


NXT and Smackdown spoiler, that was. But you know how we roll in here.


The main NXT show sees Hawkins and Reks getting sacked by Regal, so even bigger roster changes may be afoot, but I'll comment more on that when I've seen the show.

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I love NXT and love this thread too.


Just watched this weeks ep (Touch me) and it was a delight.


Highlights for me included the commentary on the opening match (Regal and Maxine work great together), Kaitlyn's dirty look whilst body scissoring Maxine, The Young/O'Neil "signed to Smackdown" boogie and Striker in angry promo mode.


Special mention for Hawkins/Reks too, nice little match at the end and the Bateman voiceover/Glee style recap at the beginning.


On a loosely related note, I went to the Sheffield Smackdown show last night and it had NXT all over it in the first half. The Uso's teamed with Percy Watson and beat Hawkins, Reks and McIntyre in an epic confrontation. Drew didn't look out of place with the Yellow Brand boys and I'd welcome him into the mix.


Then, later, Brodus Clay and Booker T took on Mark Henry and Christian. I mention this because of NXT alumni Brodus Clay who proved that you can take the man out of NXT but you can't take the NXT out of the man.


In a grandiose display of batshit mentality (Yellow fever? :thumbsup: ) he came out with a mic, cut short his entrance to tell "Newcastle" to hold up a second. Failing to realise his geographical cock up he responded to the inevitable boo-fest by assuring the crowd that he would be getting funky after he introduced his "little brother" (Hornswoggle in mini-Brodus gear) to join the fun.


The Funkasaurus then decided to end the match early by hitting the splash on Christian a bit too soon leaving everyone else involved in the ring some what confused. Normally I'm oblivious to cocked up finishes but the way Clays celebration consisted of him jumping to his feet with his head in his hands looking guilty gave the game away.


I forgave him though because; Naomi's arse. :devil:


Anyway, back to the main show< I'm looking forward to next week to see if Regal brings in any new faces and the next McGuillicutty/Kidd showdown (Hopefully).



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