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WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Discussion Thread


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That was brilliant, the best 'Mania since 24. I was a little shaken up with the Sheamus/Bryan finish at first, but I wasn't gonna let that spoil things. After it settled in a bit, I got used to the result and now it's fine. The Hell In A Cell Match was just incredible! Words really can't describe what a superb job all three men put into that. I Loved it! I think it was better than the first Taker/Shawn Wrestlemania match. I was really surprised that The Rock beat Cena, I think it would have been the better decision really to have the guy that's there to sell every other PPV of the year win, but it was one hell of a spectacle don't get me wrong. Both guys worked their buts off, and everything was just golden. I was never expecting much from Jericho/Punk, so I never got my hopes up for that one. It worked out pretty well though looking at it that way, becuase the match wasn't too bad.


Rhodes/Show was a perfect mid card attraction, I really got into that one. I was pleased for The Big Show at the end there, and I was for Cody as he come out of it still looking like a future star. Orton/Kane was a good effort, I didn't really get into it until the end really as I was still in shock from the opener truth be told. But I'm pleased Kane got the win, as I really wasn't expecting that. The finish was really great as well. I'm chuffed that Theodore Long has got the boot, the match was OK. But I really enjoyed the show, It's given me a big morale boost so to speak before going to Raw in a few weeks.

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It was big, loud and intriguing but I wouldn't say it had anywhere near the buzz of Rock/Hogan the first time around or even Cena/Punk from the summer just there.

It think it totally did, personally. Imagine if that was inside a building like Rock/Hogan and Cena/Punk was? This was an open air building and these fans had waited hours for this as well. So you'd have forgiven them if they were tired. They came un-glued at the final bell. I was watching it thinking "these people are going to go mad when Cena beats him". I thought the atmosphere topped Cena and Punk and was more than the equal to Rock and Hogan. Not in terms of crowd reaction from bell to bell (because everyone got a bit sick when the rest holds kicked it), but the sense that the result meant something. Hogan and Rock didnt really have that, because I could tell what was going to happen in that one anyway. Once the Hulk Up was knackered, you knew Hogan was tasting the three. Rock and Cena was on a knife edge. I was well into it.


It was incredible watching the PPV. The Punk vs Jericho, Rock vs Cena, Triple H vs Undertaker and even Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan convinced me this art form is still alive. The passion from the people was unreal for these bouts I thought. People actually gave a toss if their guy won or not. After 12 months of everyone winning and the next week getting beat, its awesome to see people still give a fuck about the result of this fake wrestling stuff. More proof for me that you cant be going on these ridiculous losing streaks and then get pushed again. Nobody likes a loser.


These lads obviously agree:


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Overall brilliant Wrestlemania.

Felt like they just rattled off the undercard matches to highlight the importance of the big three.

At the time dissapointed the World title match only went 1 boot (losing a tenner didn't help), but on reflection the way Shaemus was built this was the logical conclusion a fluke win totally the fault of AJ. Best way. Great to see the yes signs and the amount of support for Bryan. He is the first WWE wrestler in years I can truly say he's my guy and get behind him. (Wait, did I mean that) I never thought he'd get this far and just seeing Bryans reaction on entrance at Mania was brilliant, really wanted to see him tear the house down at Mania, but I have confidence in him that this match is coming. Still not convinced by Shaemus.


Kane/Orton totally pointless other the Randy falling clean.


Big Show/Rhodes the way this was built the match was paint by numbers. It might be the first time he's held the IC belt but who wants to see that and why should he give a fuck like he said in a promo he won the world title in his first match and his wrestlemania moment is winning a title nobody cares about. WOO! Wrestlemania Baby!


Hiac was great they couldn't take the big bumps but more than made up for it with storytelling and brutality.




Cenas entrance worried me the talking to the camera and the now obligatory "people behind the scoreboard" just doesn't add for me it takes away get your mind in the game, he was too smiley and messing with fans for a big match. I wanted something special. The smile soon faded after a few trade offs and I need not of worried it was truly something special popped for the Rocks victory on my own in a darkened room at 4am clapping like an overexcited mong. This is just the beginning right? Cena didn't take the movie star seriously, right?


With Show, Rock and Taker coming home made a tidy profit of

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Hadn't seen 'Mania live since WM22, but watched it at Rileys in Coventry and really enjoyed the show. As a part-time viewer these days I'm not sure if I'd have enjoyed it half as much watching at home, but watching with 40-50 people really added to the atmosphere - especially during the Taker/HHH match and main event. Only downside was a knobhead sitting nearby who shouted "bullshit" at the screen roughly once every ten seconds, and probably about 100 times during the cell match!


Thought the show itself was pretty much perfectly booked. Feared the worst when there was approximately one second of wrestling in the first twenty minutes of the show, but nothing really seemed to drag at any point. The backstage stuff was kept down to a bare minimum, and the music and dancy parts came at the right time for a bit of crowd rest. Match-wise, most of the undercard stuff exceeded my expectations, and the big matches lived up to the hype. Rock winning defintely gave things a "feel good" ending too.


Definitely gonna try and do the same next year.

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Looks like Y2J isn't sticking around for long? Mind you, they love working Twitter at the moment, don't they! Just tweeted:


Feel like I got run over by a truck...and in a way I did. The better man won last night. I guess its time for me to move on.
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I fucking loved Wrestlemania. Hands down that was the most enjoyment I've had watching wrestling since probably about 2006.


I've dipped in and out over the last 5 or so years just watching the odd PPV and episode of Raw. But even though I've really enjoyed some stuff (loved Cena/Punk last year) it's never got me to tune into Raw the next night, After last night and especially the 2 main matches I'm intrigued to see what happens next for the first time in ages. For that reason alone Wrestlemania did it's job.


Taker/Triple H was great stuff. I thought HBK as ref might be a distraction but he just added to it. That Sweet Chin Music bit was fantastic, I really got caught up in the match.


Cena vs Rock delivered for me too. The action was good and the crowd made it seem special I thought. Most importantly, I thought it felt like the big deal it was built up as. Rock winning must surely mean a rematch down the line I'd imagine?


Interested to see where Brock will fit in aswell.

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Not the best show but not the worst sums up my thoughts. the problem I have these days (and I accept that this is probably down to me and not the product) is that I just can't get into the WWE like I used to.


I really enjoyed Triple H Vs. The Undertaker though so that's my MOTN and and Big John (what a suit) as GM of both shows can only be a good thing then again knowing my luck Triple H will sack him as Raw GM tonight and give the job to Teddy Long :(

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Apologies if this has already been posted, but John Pollock and Wai Ting from LAW and The Fight Network have been doing extensive 'mania coverage, including numerous podcasts and some brief interviews with WWE talent at Axxess. They're all pretty kayfabed and substance-free, but I liked David Otunga doing a good job of side stepping the TNA question and trying not to corpse here:



I like just about everything David Otunga does these days. He is awesome.

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I like just about everything David Otunga does these days. He is awesome.


Agreed. He's finally turning into the star he really should've been from the start, given his back story. They're doing an excellent job walking the line between comedy goof lawyer backstage and bad-ass athlete with an A-list wife in the ring.


I'd imagine he'll have the US title round his waist fairly quickly, if not tonight.


Not sold on the funny rain cape he's wearing to the ring, though.

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Well, live that was absolutely amazing.


I dunno how it was on TV, but if you didn't like that you should probably stop watching wrestling, and if not, then certainly stop watching WWE. It was so good. I can't believe how much better than last year it was. The stadium was tremendous, the stage, the pyro, the crowd, the matches. Nothing was bad live. Crowd died a little for the 12 man, but the crowd was amazing.

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It took a while to get going, but overall I really enjoyed the show.


Taker/HHH was easily match of the night; it had everything that I love about wrestling. The false finishes got me and I really thought the streak would end on a few occasions. Also, the shot of all three guys going down the ramp together was great and having JR call the match added so much to it. I presume Taker and HHH requested for him to do it.


I was glad to see Big Show win as I

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Well, live that was absolutely amazing.


I dunno how it was on TV, but if you didn't like that you should probably stop watching wrestling, and if not, then certainly stop watching WWE. It was so good. I can't believe how much better than last year it was. The stadium was tremendous, the stage, the pyro, the crowd, the matches. Nothing was bad live. Crowd died a little for the 12 man, but the crowd was amazing.


Hope your view wasnt blocked by any of those palm trees in the stadium. I wonder how many complaints there will be from folks who were sat with ring corner facing seats in the upper seating areas.

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I like just about everything David Otunga does these days. He is awesome.


Agreed. He's finally turning into the star he really should've been from the start, given his back story. They're doing an excellent job walking the line between comedy goof lawyer backstage and bad-ass athlete with an A-list wife in the ring.


I'd imagine he'll have the US title round his waist fairly quickly, if not tonight.


Not sold on the funny rain cape he's wearing to the ring, though.


For some reason I'm hoping Santino hurts him backstage some how, I dunno spills coffee over him etc etc, So Otunga can sue the belt off him for damages.

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Well, live that was absolutely amazing.


I dunno how it was on TV, but if you didn't like that you should probably stop watching wrestling, and if not, then certainly stop watching WWE. It was so good. I can't believe how much better than last year it was. The stadium was tremendous, the stage, the pyro, the crowd, the matches. Nothing was bad live. Crowd died a little for the 12 man, but the crowd was amazing.


Hope your view wasnt blocked by any of those palm trees in the stadium. I wonder how many complaints there will be from folks who were sat with ring corner facing seats in the upper seating areas.


The seats would have sold as restricted viewing I'd imagine.

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I'm not sure how the crowd reacted to the show because I was at Riley's, pretty good atmosphere and feeling disgusting right now. However, it was a fantastic show and would be a great spectacle to see live so I'm sure the crowd were electric. The show was my favourite Mania since 24, I may actually rate it higher after I rewatch it. Triple H vs Undertaker delivered and produced some great moments and was a fitting way for Taker to reach number 20. Punk and Jericho exceeded my expectations completely and I loved the match, when Jericho shouted 'your sister is a drug addict' it got a good laugh from everybody watching, great stuff. As for Cena vs The Rock, I don't remember too much of the match really and didn't think Cena was going to win for a second but I'll definately be giving it another watch. All in all, a great effort and much better than the past few years' Wrestlemania shows.

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