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The UKFF's 50 Favourite Films 2012 - The Results!

Devon Malcolm

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Predator (1987)




People wot put it in 1st place: 2


IMDB Rating: 7.8


What's it about?


In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the Landham sleeps tonight. No good?


What do we say?


More Arnie! His fifth film in the top 50 and his fourth and final film in the top 20 as well - a remarkable achievement, really, for anyone, even more so when you consider that all of those films are over 20 years old now and not exactly as fresh in the memory as many films I expected to ride high in the list!


I think if push came to shove I would say this is my favourite film of his. I rented it out from Budget Video on Burnage Lane every Saturday, when I was just 13, for about 6 consecutive weeks and watched it on a Saturday afternoon while my family were all out. I've said it before about Predator and I'll say it again - categorising this as just another action film with Arnie one liners is a huge mistake because it is an absolutely great all round film that seems to be more and more beloved with each passing year.


It was also the first in a run of three films that should have seen John McTiernan set himself up as one of Hollywood's very best directors - he followed this up with Die Hard and The Hunt For Red October, but only a brief return to form with Die Hard With A Vengeance has punctuated a right bunch of crap post-Red October. But here he fashions not only a superb action film but a great thriller as well with an elongated one-on-one finale that really is as inventive as it is unpredictable.


In fact, I would go as far to say that the joking and arseing around and one-liners are not at all necessary in Predator, as good as they usually are, but somehow they don't derail the tone of the film nor compromise a really good assortment of characters. Arnie's career was right at its peak at this point and he's on fine form here, enlisting Bill Duke and Jesse Ventura to be with him rather than against him this time round, and with Carl Weathers (he was at Loki's wedding, you know!) and the genuinely insane Sonny Landham supporting nicely.


It's great entertainment, of course, but at the same it's taut and surprisingly well acted considering that wasn't exactly the strength of anyone involved. It also spawned a ridiculously underrated sequel that, in my opinion, actually comes really close to being better than it and transfers the action to the city absolutely perfectly. But the original remains iconic and probably will do for many years to come. It's bloody fantastic it's bloody fantastic....


Some good bits!



Original trailer




"Strap this on your sore ass, Blain!"


"You ain't afraid of no man!"




A couple of Arnie extras to mark his amazing showing in this list!




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You know, I'm sure that people will say that this Top 10 is very much a product of childhood/teenage nostalgia, and these sort of films speak to the adolescent and that's why we remember them so fondly, and all that.


And I'm not saying that's not true. But also, most of these films are genuinely really high quality in their own right, and the sheer number of 80s Arnie films in here reminds us that the funny/violent/big budget popcorn movie is both incredibly hard and nowadays incredibly rare. Honestly, when was the last one?


I love films like The Bourne films, but there's only so many times you want to watch a dead serious action film, or any dead serious film for that matter. Whereas films like Robocop, Commando, Predator - they are just so rewarding both on first view and every subsequent time. One of the coolest things about cinema is its ability to transport us in a visceral way that books, art, radio just cannot, and films like Predator and Blade Runner are thumping great examples of that.

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Predator is genuinely the most perfect film ever made. It's the only thing that I watch and can't find a single thing that I would change or can be improved upon. I could write thousands of words about how great it is, but there's no need it's just so so so fucking good.


I made my girlfriend sit with me and watch it about 2 months into our relationship. She has the attention span of a 4 year old retard and hates pretty much every film that isn't a chick flick or a crappy heist movie like Ocean's 11 but she fucking loved Predator. I'm now married to her. But if she thought Predator was shit I don't think I could have ever looked her in the face again.


It's just so fucking perfect and awesome and bloody brilliant.

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Predator is a wonderful film, one which I somehow completely forgot to include in my top ten. Everything about it is fantastic and each of Arnie's lads has complete relevance within the film rather than just being Pred-fodder. Sonny Landham is superb and really has you believing his fear, Carl Weathers is his usual great self but Bill Duke is especially good in it, managing to show a brief sensitive side at the right time is one of the most masculine films of all time whilst not looking like a tart in the process. I love Bill Duke, me.


Like Gladders, I used top rent this from the local video shop for weeks on end, until it was on ITV one Saturday and I taped it. After that, watching this became a Sunday morning ritual along with The Life of Brian. It's one of the few films I watched in my youth which still holds the same appeal as it did then and I'll never tire of watching it.


Anyway, I'm glad this made the top ten but depending on how close it was to number one, I may have fucked it up from appearing higher in the list by completely forgetting to stick it in what would have been 4th or 5th place.


Also, if anyone gets chance when it's on, watch this next time it's on Film Four and stick the subtitles on. They're brilliant and whoever oversaw them is brilliant. I won't ruin it, but just keep an eye on the description to try to convey the noises the Predator makes.

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Also I just want to put in what is my favorite movie dialogue ever:


Poncho: She says.. The jungle came alive and took him!

Dillon: That isn't what she said!.. She said.. What she said doesn't make sense.

Poncho: Billy! You know something, what is it?

Billy: I'm scared, Poncho.

Poncho: Bullshit! You ain't afraid of no man.

Billy: There's something out there waiting for us... and it ain't no man. We're all gonna die.

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Arnie, Jesse Ventura and Apolo Creed in the same film. There isnt much else to say expect, its not a film for slack jawed faggots. I've loved this film for years. One of those films (like Total Recall and Commando) that I regularly quote when in a silly mood. Arnie really was on top form for years wasnt he? Its only when I read this list, the sheer amount of crackers he'd bang out on a regular basis. Predator is actually down on my list of Arnie films, with Total Recall, Terminator and Commando just (and I mean JUST) ahead of this beauty, but that isnt saying much. Predator is a classic. We'd always get this from the video man or the video shop around the corner. First time I was introduced to Long Tall Sally by Little Richard as well, so I have this film to thank for that.

Edited by The_BarbarIAN
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My wife hated it, and only got about 20 minutes in, to the point with all the skinned bodies. I still married her though.


Thank God the original design for the Predator fell through and they rethought and reshot it the way it has been done. At one point it was going to be Jean Claude Van Damme in a rubber chicken suit, basically.


Why have we never had a Predator 3? Predator 2 was absolutely blinding. In fact, seeing as arnie is coming back to films, they should do a Predator 3 where the Predators come back to hunt down the one prey they couldn't kill - Dutch.


With cameo performance by Danny Glover.

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Predator 2 has some good stuff in it, but I hate all that fucking voodoo shit in it. Glover is enjoyable but the supporting cast (which was one of Predators biggest strengths) are annoying Predator fodder instead of people you actually root for. Bill Paxton took his annoying but loveable personality from Aliens and in this turned it into a just plain annoying performance in Predator 2.

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Why have we never had a Predator 3? Predator 2 was absolutely blinding. In fact, seeing as arnie is coming back to films, they should do a Predator 3 where the Predators come back to hunt down the one prey they couldn't kill - Dutch.


With cameo performance by Danny Glover.

If that ever happened I'd be the first in the queue. Aslong as it was done right Predator 3 could be amazing, aslong as they didn't fuck things up like they did with Terminator 3. My wife refuses to watch Predator, I'll get her one day.

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My wife hated it, and only got about 20 minutes in, to the point with all the skinned bodies. I still married her though.


Thank God the original design for the Predator fell through and they rethought and reshot it the way it has been done. At one point it was going to be Jean Claude Van Damme in a rubber chicken suit, basically.


Why have we never had a Predator 3? Predator 2 was absolutely blinding. In fact, seeing as arnie is coming back to films, they should do a Predator 3 where the Predators come back to hunt down the one prey they couldn't kill - Dutch.


With cameo performance by Danny Glover.


He's too old for that shit.

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Predator 2 has some good stuff in it, but I hate all that fucking voodoo shit in it. Glover is enjoyable but the supporting cast (which was one of Predators biggest strengths) are annoying Predator fodder instead of people you actually root for. Bill Paxton took his annoying but loveable personality from Aliens and in this turned it into a just plain annoying performance in Predator 2.


No. Paxton's great in it. His cocky cop routine works perfectly against something you know he ultimately will not be able to beat. Plus, the voodoo stuff is a side issue and quite a good one at that.

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Thank God the original design for the Predator fell through and they rethought and reshot it the way it has been done. At one point it was going to be Jean Claude Van Damme in a rubber chicken suit, basically.


They also experimented with an actual monkey in a greenscreen suit, so they could get some shots of the Predator swinging through the trees, but the monkey kept taking the suit off.


There's a ton of cool trivia about Predator, like how the ultra macho cast was so obsessed with being the most pumped up, they'd all be hitting the gym earlier and earlier, eventually at about 3 in the morning, so Jesse would get there just before they were arriving, and when the others came in, pretend like he'd been there for hours and just gotten finished. Carl Weathers on the other hand, did all his working out in secret, because he wanted everyone to think that that body was natural.


It was such a crazy-people-filled shoot that Shane Black was essentially cast by the studio purely as someone sane enough report back on what was happening. The studio hired a bodyguard whose job was to protect everyone on set from Sonny Landham, because he was absolutely insane, and constantly threatening to kill people.

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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