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The UKFF's 50 Favourite Films 2012 - The Results!

Devon Malcolm

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Ahh, fair enough, I'll let you off then.


Be interesting to know if people preferred the original version or the director's cut.


I prefer the director's cut, except for the stuff with the colonists. I think it's far creepier to have the Colonial Marines rock up to a deserted LV-426 and be thinking "Fucking hell, what happened here?"


Anyone doubting Aliens' influence has clearly never played a first person shooter. The gun design alone has been seen in pretty much every vaguely-speculative shooter in the last 15 years, and the Colonial Marines themselves are effectively the character archetypes for anything you can name.

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The gun design alone has been seen in pretty much every...






The Simpsons



Aliens must easily rival Star Wars as the film I've seen the most. There was a point when I was about 14/15 when me and a friend would watch it on an almost weekly basis. Visually, it's splendid and the vast majority of effects shots hold up very nicely.


I too prefer the Director's Cut, but I think the colonist bit at the beginning works quite nicely if you watch it after becoming familiar with the theatrical cut, as it almost becomes a retrospective look at what happened. It also makes Burke out to be an even more almighty bastard, as it implies that he gave the Jordan family the co-ordinates from Ripley's hearing, fully aware of what was going to be found there.


I will personally hunt down and kill James Cameron if there's ever a hint of this being reworked into 3D with "improved" CGI modelling.

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Haven't seen Alien in ages. Used to love it. Had a boxed set of VHS tapes when I was at school. I had the game for the Amega (I think) as well. Like Gladders, I first saw the ITV edit, so was in for a bit of a shock watching it in full. Great film.


I had the game on the Amstrad, it was fucking awesome once you got passed the annoying drop ship bit at the beginning. God knows how old I was when I first saw then, maybe 8, but I pulled a sicky from school and my dad stcuk this on VHS. It didn't scare me but the action sequences blew my mind, the aliens dropping from the walls, any scene involving a flamthrower- everything. It's my second favourite sequel of all time.

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I would take the Alien franchise over Star Wars any day of the week. I'd go as far to say that i don't think I'd trust anyone that didn't like Aliens.


I still argue internally with myself when i say Alien is superior to Aliens or vice versa.

Edited by Cobra1000
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Ahh, fair enough, I'll let you off then.


Be interesting to know if people preferred the original version or the director's cut.


I prefer the director's cut, except for the stuff with the colonists. I think it's far creepier to have the Colonial Marines rock up to a deserted LV-426 and be thinking "Fucking hell, what happened here?"


Spot on Woy. The colonists scene needed to be cut, it spoils the whole anticipation, no idea why he thought it was a good idea to put it back in. Everything else is cool though, particularly THOSE guns.


Look into my eye..


I love this film; did I not vote for it? Again, would definitely have been in the top 20. Along with Highlander, my fave film as a teenager. I disagree slightly with your review, in that I think you underplay how much it owes to the original. The mix of industrial grunge and Giger-esque shiny aliens, the sound effects, the character of Ripley, the dialogue style and wobbly cam style... Aliens could never have existed without the many things it took from the first film.


I'm not ever sure it's better than the original. I certainly used to think that, but when i got the boxed set and watched them all through, Aliens lacks some of the magic of Ridley Scott - his amazing shot framing, lighting, the subtleties basically. Cameron is a good director, but he's not on Scott's level (his 80s level anyway).


Gripes aside though, it's a magic experience to watch again and again. It solidified the Aliens universe as something really worthy, and even the shitty AvP films can't dent that. Bring on Prometheus baby.

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Another thing as far as Aliens being influential, while of course there were weaselly corporate characters before Paul Reiser's, post-Aliens, his became the groundwork for everything that followed, in the way that every slimey, nerdy entrepreneur character in a soap is just Ian Beale in Soap X. Every soap has an Ian Beale character, and every corporate goon weasel is Paul Reiser's Burke.


I'm not obsessed with Ian Beale, it's a valid comparison :angry:

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Why have I never seen any Alien films? I really need to rectify this shit, and soon.

Yes you do, and as the boxed set is almost permanently in bargain bins, you've no excuse.


I wouldn't bother with the fourth one though.

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I would take the Alien franchise over Star Wars any day of the week. I'd go as far to say that i don't think I'd trust anyone that didn't like Aliens.


I still argue internally with myself when i say Alien is superior to Aliens or vice versa.


I think they are such different movies, one being a horror/thriller, and one being an action movie, that both are superior than the other in the respective Genre.


As regards the version, the original was the one I fell in love with when me and my good buds sat in the grimey flea-pit in Withington and were just blown away for 2 and a bit hours.

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As regards the version, the original was the one I fell in love with when me and my good buds sat in the grimey flea-pit in Withington and were just blown away for 2 and a bit hours.


Cine City?

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As regards the version, the original was the one I fell in love with when me and my good buds sat in the grimey flea-pit in Withington and were just blown away for 2 and a bit hours.


Cine City?


Thats the one.

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My one experience of it was Terminator 2. Me and my mate got threatened by a couple of drunks after I refused to share my Milky Bar with them.


I enjoyed the video viewing better.

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