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It Begins - Vignette


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My guess is possibly heel Vince (with Linda), come back to take back control of his company. The suit the boy wears is very Vince-esque, and the girl is sort of blonde like Linda (and unlike Steph).

But why would they bother with the vignettes? It seems very un-mcmahon-esque, and Vince was only back a month or so ago to tell HHH he couldn't run Raw anymore, so surely he could just come back any time?
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I'm rather surprised at some of the suggestions that you lot seem to think would be worth building up for weeks of vignettes. One or two I can imagine the fans pissing all over as a giant anti-climax.

My guess is possibly heel Vince (with Linda), come back to take back control of his company.

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After this week I'm really not sure about who it is at all, which means they are doing their job and I can't wait til January 2nd.


All I would say is that its not forced to be an actual woman at all. The video could just appear on the tron and the little girl could have it written down on paper or something when the camera closes in on her.

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Mystery Man Update: More and more sources now believe that the mystery

promos are for Chris Jericho and not the Undertaker. One source said they

believed that Jericho had either re-signed or was close to re-signing. If he hasn't

signed and/or the deal falls through, based on the look of the packages they can

just switch it to Undertaker's return. It is said that the promo that airs after the

TLC PPV, which has already been taped, will make it pretty clear who is really



I think the rebirth thing really fits the undertaker,

But i think this will be a heel jericho and he will comeback to avenge someone.

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I know WWE does stupid things all the time.That said i am not having that they are running virginities for somebody that hasn't even signed a contract yet.





I just pissed myself more at that than I did at WWffans 'update.' The same update that's been updated on Twitter during the past 4 hour update period.


Update - WWFfan2 is still a spaz.

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It could also be Taker, yes the girl and boy in the video is very confusing but 'SHE' could be Michelle Mccool. Its totally left field because their relationship has never been mentioned on air before but its not completely implausible.


Not completely implausible, but wouldn't it detrimental to the Undertaker character to have his real-life wife hanging around? To suddenly have her return, after playing a stuck-up bitch character to then suddenly pair her with 'The Dead Man' wouldn't make any sense at all. Its a pairing that together doesnt work, just like Lou Reed and Metallica.

The Undertaker operates alone, and has done for a long time

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