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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Via Dixie Carter:


Was excited to secure Magnus as co-host of the UK's Strongest Man for Challenge TV! Looking forward to more exciting things in his future!


Between Impact, Xplosion (where it seems like he's ALWAYS on Spin Cycle), PPVs, Gladiators re-runs and now this, Magnus sure gets a lot of airtime on Challenge. Good for him.

Edited by pgi86
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Ken Shamrock has a scrap with a woman, who he thought was a man. We've all been there right? Oops!


UFC hall-of-famer Ken Shamrock -- one of the greatest MMA fighters ever -- has been accused of battering a woman at a California mall ... but Ken claims it was an honest mistake ... 'cause he thought she was a he.


Shamrock -- whose nickname is "The World's Most Dangerous Man" -- was hangin' out at a mall in Modesto, CA last month when he saw two women fighting each other in front of the Coach store ... surrounded by a group of lookie loos filming the whole thing.


We're told Shamrock dove into the scrap and tried to pry the women apart ... when one of the bystanders, a HEAVYSET bystander, jumped on his back and tried to rip Ken out of the pile.


Shamrock's rep tells TMZ ... he threw the person off of his back and followed up with a move that knocked the attacker to the ground.


After the person was incapacitated, the crowd shouted at Ken, "You just hit a girl." Ken took a closer look and realized the attacker was in fact a female .. so he immediately backed off.


An officer arrived to the scene and took a battery report against Shamrock, noting the only injury was a slight abrasion to the woman's knee. The report was sent to the District Attorney's Office.


But law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... Shamrock probably won't be prosecuted because officials don't feel the woman he knocked to the ground is a "victim." In fact, they believe Ken was acting in self-defense.


Shamrock's rep notes, "Outside the ring, Ken is not a violent man ... and was only trying to do the right thing."


Edited by bAzTNM#1
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So the new PWI 500 is out, with Punk logically enough number one. They missed out Hiroshi Tanahashi, despite him being the top guy in New Japan (and arguably the whole of Japan) for several years now.


PWI/Stu Saks has now tweeted saying it was a massive oversight and a genuine mistake. Fair enough. These things happen, like when they forgot the Undertaker the very first year.


Except the second highest Japanese guy in the list (and the top New Japan guy) is somebody who's been a mid-level guy for the last year or so and has largely been in the tag title picture rather than doing anything of note in singles action.


Yep, they "forgot" to include Hiroshi Tanahashi, but right in the slot you'd expect to see him in, they've got Hiroyoshi Tenzan.

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Did they forget to include Orton too or something, or was that a Twitter joke?

He was 14. Seems reasonable, maybe even a bit generous.


The biggest problem I have with these things are that they're clearly clueless about stuff outside of America, yet they try to pretend they're not by way of a few token picks scattered around here and there.


I don't know how the Jap fans feel but for Mexico, if they're including some guys, it's absurd that dozens more are missing, especially when the whole bottom half of the 500 is filled out with obscure bush-league indie crap.


They should really just admit their ignorance and limit it to US only (or US and Japan if they really are clued up on that scene, I dunno)


Just look at some of the shite that's above the fantastic Volador jr at a lowly 133 for instance.

Edited by Reznor
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From apters aow podcast, non us based wrestlers aren't given any al thought or promanance as most us readers won't know or care who they are

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I've had a look at the list, and Bray Wyatt is in there twice. Under the same name. Unless whoever typed up the list on the wrestlezone.com forum got a bit confused. They also claimed there was no #204. Maybe it was meant to be Spike Dudley?


Edit: remember PWI is a US-based publication that is aimed mostly at casual fans of the big leagues. They will always base it around names that those kind of fans are more likely to know, rather than over-populating it with Japanese and Mexican guys that nobody would have a clue about. I think they just sporadically throw a few in there to remind the fans that there is wrestling globally, but without giving them too much of it to take the focus from what they are watching.

Edited by PunkStep
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Yeah, you really can't (or at least shouldn't) complain about the rankings of Japanese/Mexican guys in comparison to US guys as that's just the reality of their market.


In the past there have been very valid criticisms of the rankings *among* the Japanese guys, particularly given it should be a fairly simple job if you're doing the list largely based on kayfabe logic. It has definitely improved over the years: in the first few lists they were clearly just picking them out in random order (including having main eventer/top 3 star Kawada behind comedy six man opener Giant Baba in 1994.)


As I say, it's improved a bit, but thing do look a bit silly when they clearly mix up two guys completely. I wouldn't be surprised if they'd got somebody who follows Japan to suggest a list, but whoever was doing the writeups had no clue (some of them look a bit similar to the Wikipedia bios) and assumed "Hiroshi Tanahashi" was a massive typo.

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From a recent Daivari interview.


On going back to WWE or TNA and why perception is so important on the indy scene.... Oh yeah I think so. I'd be surprised if this last TV run was my last one. But when I go back I can't be misused. I have to be booked correctly because I can't jeopardise my career on the independents. If you looked at my calendar April through mid June i haven't had more than 3 days off in a row and when you think about it my last prominent TV run was in 2008 with WWE, if you don't count TNA, whereas I know guys that have been on TV more recently, won more belts than I have that can't buy a booking now. That's something I'm really aware of. Tyler Reks is an example. Next year he'll have been there one more year than I had. I was there 4 years, he'll have been there 5 and when they let him go, nobody's gonna give him a substantial booking of a plane ticket, a hotel room, food expenses and promote him, they'd rather get a Hacksaw Jim Duggan or Chris Masters. If you hang on for too long when your wheels are spinning, you might make a bit more money in WWE, but when you leave you won't get another booking in this business. When you become shit on TV, that's what you're perceived as. Drew McIntyre is getting dangerously close to that point. If he hangs on another year and doesn't do anything worth a fuck, I'm gonna see a hard time for a promoter to call him and offer him a $1000 dollar booking, $400 plane ticket, $100 hotel room, advertising. You're talking almost a $2000 investment hoping that say 200 people at $10 are gonna come out to see Drew and thats not including the cost of the building, paying the other talent. When you render yourself invaluable, its hard. Whereas if he'd seen the writing on the wall after the stuff with Vince McMahon on TV, and quit then, he could go places and people would remember him as the Scottish guy on SmackDown that did all the good shit, Vince's chosen one or whatever.


We all know why Tyler Reks really retired now, don't we? Because he knew he would get fuck all bookings. Poor bloke. :(

Edited by Shovanist Pig
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It's an interesting subject, that's come up a fair bit on here recently. There certainly is too many guys in WWE seemingly not willing to stand up for themselves or take risks to prove their worth and happy to keep receiving a WWE paycheck and not realising the long term damage it could have.


I love Dolph Ziggler, but i get the impression he goes along too readily with whatever is asked of him, never wanting to speak out against any booking decisions he may not agree with, which could really damage his value and his career. I get the impression WWE as a whole is pretty like that these days. I miss the days of HBK, Austin and others refusing to comply, work with others, put others over and suchlike in a way.

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Zach Ryder would be a good example here. The dude was mega hot towards the end of 2011, but now he is barely on television or promoted. If he left now he would be superman on the indie circuit. He's over with the hardcore fans and the kids, but the impression I get is that he is too happy being employees by the WWE instead of thinking of his career. I was watching clips from the WWE Mattel Q&A pannel at the Comic Con. It featured CM Punk, Sheamus and Zach Ryder. What stood out to me is that Mattel announced that they were going to feature a Internet Championship to come with the new Zach Ryder figure and he said that he's not allowed to wear it on TV. CM Punk straight up just said "Just wear it". Zach said nothing.

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Those are two extreme examples. When Austin and Michaels were at Zigglers level, they weren't refusing to do jobs either. If Austin and Michaels were in a position where they felt they were lucky to have regular work and had no leverage, I doubt they'd have caused many headaches either. Austin and Michaels both had options as well. Ziggler is at their mercy, and they will treat him however they want. You can't let midcarders get away with murder. When you do that, you end up with what happened in WCW where Buff Bagwell is changing finishes without asking a road agent. You can allow them to contribute ideas, like back when Perfect and Jake were around, but having someone like Shawn Michaels around now is unthinkable. He used to ruin all their angles by going home or vacating titles. Christ knows how Ziggler will end up, though. I've no doubt he's winning the world belt, but I can't see how that is going to do anything for him. Belts mean fuck all these days. They've killed him. He's a talented wrestler who never wins and isn't allowed to look strong. His handling has been baffling.


Ryder's just shite to be fair. He's basically wrestlings version of Timmy Mallet. An Internet Championship would only make him look more like a goon. Ryder is old news anyway.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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