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Richie Freebird

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He was very unlucky to be honest, the crowd went crazy for him when he cashed in. He seemed on the right track but then got a concussion a couple of days later that kept him off TV for a whole month, only to then lose the title in his first PPV back. I can't even recall WWE doing any promo videos for him or hyping his return throughout that month off TV, they did a really shit job handling it.


He'll never get back to that point now, he's damaged good and has definitely peaked on his position there.

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Lets not let all the hate people have for him now alter the past. Although the pop was louder due to the Wrestlemania crowd, the majority of people were into him then and were dying for him to cash in on Del Rio. It was never going to be monumental reign or anything to propel him to the level of Cena or HHH, but if done correctly, he could have easily taken the place of the Edge on the card.

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In my experience fans would pop for anything that seems like a bonus development of some sort.


If I was at a show and somebody came out to cash in their MITB briefcase, I would probably be pretty excited and be up for it. You were going to witness a World Title change.

Even in the era when RAW and SmackDown had their own World Title and they were changing quite frequently, people like Jack Swagger got a big pop for doing it.


It's like at a house show on the UK tour last year. Kane vs Big Show was scheduled which many people wouldn't have given a shit about. They made a surprise announcement that it was going to be a Steel Cage match and the place went banana!

Edited by dopper
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I hate Ziggler as much as the next guy but to say it wasn't a genuine pop for him winning the title and it was just because someone was cashing in MITB or Del Rio was losing the title is a complete exaggeration. The pop was for Ziggler, it would nowhere near as big if it was Swagger for instance.

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The Swagger one was still massive though, to be fair. People love a surprise. Be it someone coming back from injury, MITB cash ins, or someone making a save. Combine that with "The Worst Crowd In The World" who are fans of his and of course Ziggler's going to get a massive pop. It's all circumstances, I mean he wasn't getting those same massive reactions the next week, and the one after that, and the next, was he? And it's those reactions which are the ones that really matter.

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From my recollection he was getting pretty decent pops whenever he came out for a decent time after his title win. Still not too shabby now. Id be gutted to see him leave personally. He's someone you can chuck in a match with anyone and get a decent outing. Not everyone's cup of tea, but I like the fella

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My mate had his head in hands with emotion when Ziggler cashed in - people get caught in the moment. He hated Ziggler but when the count reached 3 his facial hard on was beamed to tens of millions of people around the world.


My favourite has to be Cena's rumble return. Everybody going absolutely wild before realising who it was and then starting to boo. Still the funniest one of all time.

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He's someone you can chuck in a match with anyone and get a decent outing.


WWE has about a million wrestlers on the roster who fall into that category. Dolph Ziggler's already been chucked into a match with near enough everyone and had a decent outing, and is past the point now where any of his decent outings could even remotely matter. He's the bloke to throw in against Seth Rollins for a Smackdown main or semi-main on a lazy week. Easily replaceable.


It was never going to be monumental reign or anything to propel him to the level of Cena or HHH, but if done correctly, he could have easily taken the place of the Edge on the card.



Of course he couldn't. Not easily, and not with all the effort in the world. Edge knew how to be a top level heel. Dolph Ziggler's knowledge pretty much begins and ends at silly bumps for pops and forum buzz.

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The Swagger one was still massive though, to be fair. People love a surprise. Be it someone coming back from injury, MITB cash ins, or someone making a save.

Absolutely. The crowd popped big time for Swagger, and then there's this moment of sudden realisation from the crowd that Jack Swagger is world champion, which led to a chorus of booing from everyone. As with Cena's return at the 2008 Rumble.

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Yeah, that was fucking mental wasn't it? It was almost like he (they?) had decided everything he was doing was just daft shit, like a placeholder until he actually went somewhere. It took him until the Tea Party gimmick to recover.

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