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Richie Freebird

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Another nasty thing about that night, Foley's spoken about obviously everybody being completely off that night, and him in particular crying under his mask and stood next to a bloodstain of Owen's on the mat in the corner that's there the whole night

Not to nit pick or anything but wasn't he Dude Love at this point?

Edited by TildeGuy~!
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To think WCW did that spot after the Arquette v Page v Jarrett Triple Cage Match where Mike Awesome helped Jarrett beat up Page and Kanyon made the save only for Awesome to throw him off the first tier of the cage to the entrance ramp. But it was WCW post Fingerpoke Of Doom stupidity, OK, the bump was Foley terms of danger and execution. But they ended the show straight after and no replays. So he basically killed him for 7 seconds of footage. And why did they think it was a good idea to do it in the same arena Owen died in?

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Another nasty thing about that night, Foley's spoken about obviously everybody being completely off that night, and him in particular crying under his mask and stood next to a bloodstain of Owen's on the mat in the corner that's there the whole night

Not to nit pick or anything but wasn't he Dude Love at this point?

Think you're getting your wires crossed with Over The Edge 98, where he main evented against Austin as Dude Love.

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To think WCW did that spot after the Arquette v Page v Jarrett Triple Cage Match where Mike Awesome helped Jarrett beat up Page and Kanyon made the save only for Awesome to throw him off the first tier of the cage to the entrance ramp. But it was WCW post Fingerpoke Of Doom stupidity, OK, the bump was Foley terms of danger and execution. But they ended the show straight after and no replays. So he basically killed him for 7 seconds of footage. And why did they think it was a good idea to do it in the same arena Owen died in?

I think that was lack forsight to be honest. Not Russo or anyone being a dickhead and trying to jog people's memory. Just a shit coincidence really.


The Owen footage could sadly exist in some form as the hard cam might have been fixed during that period of the VT playing the Blazer video. Wasn't there something to do with it being used in a court case?

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To think WCW did that spot after the Arquette v Page v Jarrett Triple Cage Match where Mike Awesome helped Jarrett beat up Page and Kanyon made the save only for Awesome to throw him off the first tier of the cage to the entrance ramp. But it was WCW post Fingerpoke Of Doom stupidity, OK, the bump was Foley terms of danger and execution. But they ended the show straight after and no replays. So he basically killed him for 7 seconds of footage. And why did they think it was a good idea to do it in the same arena Owen died in?

I think that was lack forsight to be honest. Not Russo or anyone being a dickhead and trying to jog people's memory. Just a shit coincidence really.

The Owen footage could sadly exist in some form as the hard cam might have been fixed during that period of the VT playing the Blazer video. Wasn't there something to do with it being used in a court case?

Yeah. That's true. So many arenas in the States and something like the Triple Cage wouldn't have fit in many. That's why WWE dropped Elimination Chamber. A lot of them have put up fancy scoreboards lately and it's not ideal to hang it up safely. As much as people don't like certain matches saved for an eponymous PPV, it shows the logistical upsides. And yeah, if it ever got found, I think the clickbait sites would have a field day. Hopefully it's like when after Steve Irwin died after he got stung in the heart by that stingray and his wife was quick to ensure all footage of it was destroyed. Especially given the legal proceedings that followed.
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Has he even been in tv since the brand split? If so, he can't have made many appearances. Good for him, he needed to do something about his weight if he wanted to still have knees.


I think I said it in the 'Big Show VS Kane- who's worse?' thread but I still think you can do something with Show. A bit of good booking and momentum and you can give him a believable decent run. Unlike with Kane.

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Has he even been in tv since the brand split? If so, he can't have made many appearances. Good for him, he needed to do something about his weight if he wanted to still have knees.


I think I said it in the 'Big Show VS Kane- who's worse?' thread but I still think you can do something with Show. A bit of good booking and momentum and you can give him a believable decent run. Unlike with Kane.

When I was in school I thought Kane was terrifying. This is utterly random, but when I was in primary school everyone believed he really was a burns victim, and there was a genuine argument over whether a throwaway line Jerry Lawler had said was real (basically asking whether Kane's dick worked properly - some of the kids in our school thought it had been burned off in the fire)


I didn't watch wrestling then, but I built up this impression of what it must be like, and I got the toys to live out my thoughts - Kane was always my favourite because he looked so cool and all the other kids had built up this image in my brain of a scarred, dangerous monster. So I've always had a soft spot for him, and I don't mind that he's still lurking about. 


As for Show, I think he might have appeared in a backstage segment or two but I don't think he's had a match yet. 

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Kane's had such longevity because hes a very good wrestler for someone his size who can work with anyone on the roster and put them over. And its always fun watching him and the Undertaker team up and beat up others.


As for Big Show I forgot he was there until I read the above. Good for him though losing weight, its not healthy being what his weight was.

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