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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Mastiff and Viper are two of my favourite wrestlers, so I'm glad we get to these those two on TV. You need a bit of meat on the bone.


I love Mastiff and Sha, they were the first two names I wanted to see in this thing so I'm chuffed to see them both. Hopefully the exposure will lead them to bigger things, unless this becomes a mainstay then in that case I'd love to see them as two of the main guys. I really like Viper from what I've seen of her, too. Her and KLR are surely destined for good things, especially with Nikki Storm about to make her mark in NXT. 



In other news, hes a carny fucker is Fludder.




Fucking hell. I give that re-directory a week. ITV should send Mastiff round to Fludder's house.


EDIT: ARGH too slow, Ian got that joke in first. And did it better.

Edited by PunkStep
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D Bry has suffered from the old black dog since he was 25 according to his Bella twin. Poor bugger, must be even tougher now he's had to jack in the wrestling.


Listened to an interview with him the other day, and he's really humble, he's like the anti-Punk. He "made it" in his own eyes when he went to wrestling school, he probably wonders sometimes what the fuck he's doing living out his dream as a beloved WWE (former) wrestler with a beautiful Diva wife and doing reality tv

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I won't be able to buy into World Of Sport style wrestling with JR "Bah Gawd"ing his way through it. If only Gordon Solie was still with us. Joey Styles would be good for some World Of Sport type commentary. Kent Walton had a really reassuring, comforting style to him, he made it seem like a real contest and knew he could just shut up and let the action speak for itself which helped with the suspension of disbelief. No plugs for networks or PPVs, no talking about the match we'd just seen or what was still to come I don't think Good Ol' JR can pull that kind of near-reverence off. Sometimes it feels like he always has to be saying something.

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Nah, I got my tickets today and on the phone they said there is a ladder match, tag team match and a multiman, so it's not going to be Lord Mountevans rules I'd assume. I'm not sure if you could get away with Mountevans rules nowadays with a young mainstream crowd in mind, which is a bit of a shame to be honest as it'd be ace to keep a bit of our wrestling culture involved.

Edited by PowerButchi
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I won't be able to buy into World Of Sport style wrestling with JR "Bah Gawd"ing his way through it.

I highly doubt it'll be in the World of Sport style, you can tell that from the guys announced so far. There aren't enough guys who can work the old style in it's true form, plus casual fans aren't going to want to watch that, it's so niche nowadays.


What will be interesting to see is whether they go for the standard 'indy' style that every major promotion (WWE included) go for nowadays, which incidentally would be similar to the kind of wrestling we saw on Revival 12 years ago, or whether they ham it up and go for a camp show style. If it wasn't ITV, I'd say the former for sure, but ITV do have a slightly old school variety-show feel to them. They'll definitely want characters, that's for sure.

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Nah, I got my tickets today and on the phone they said there is a ladder match, tag team match and a multiman, so it's not going to be Lord Mountevans rules I'd assume. I'm not sure if you could get away with Mountevans rules nowadays with a young mainstream crowd in mind, which is a bit of a shame to be honest as it'd be ace to keep a bit of our wrestling culture involved.

If it takes off they could maybe introduce a WoS rules title

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