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Richie Freebird

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The Shellshock looked super when he was smashing two jobbers a time with it, doing that funny little march round the ring. I think it's a decent finisher to he fair, it gives a good visual.


The best one he ever done was the one he botched on Paul E. It was practically a fishermans jackhammer. He should totally have tweaked it to be like that all the time, it looked great

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Ryback, as big lump of stupid as he may look, I think would kill in an unscripted environment. His match Sunday where he played off the cm punk stuff is what I like in my wrestling .

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Hes so fucking likeable. I didnt realise there was such a positive consesus towards him to be honest i thought i was out on my own a bit

Trawl through the threads on here from late 2012. So much love for him on here.

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Just been reading that Foley is going to be hosting those podcast interviews on the Network. Shane McMahon is going to be his first guest live after Raw on May 23rd.

Can't wait for the weekly Facebook essays about how he's going to use that famous Foley resolve to ensure it's the most cutting podcast yet for all the great fans.


The eventual Sasha Banks one is going to be so sycophantic and pandering the world might actually up sticks and fold in on itself.

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It's not been long since he last had one. Had some horrible luck with his health. Really broke my heart couple of years ago seeing him with Hogan and he had this farewell look in his eye. Going to be a really sad day when he goes.

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I love Bobby, but it's a rare wrestling death that I could accept. He has put on such a front since his cancer, but it must be so painful for him and hard. I watched my father in law get dementia and MND at 52. We looked after him for 5 years, he could eat, speak, walk. He was trapped. It was terribly sad when he went but at the same time he wasn't suffering any more

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I get the impression that he's keeping going for his grandkids.  


Its tragic though...  if he was in better health, if I was looking to get into this 'audience with' business, his name would have been at the top of my list.   Around for ages, has seen the business evolve right up to the Monday night War, plus he'd have had great delivery.  

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It's unlikely that anyone ever will. His timing is spot on, Pete Rose is the best person ever to have in the front row of your stand up, Arnold Skaland doesn't know what's going on, the monologue about animals might be the funniest thing ever in wrestling and the tribute to Monsoon might be the most heartfelt.


You couldn't hope to recreate it. And it's in a nice little convention room. Not an arena.

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Well put. That was the last one before they started the arena HOFs. I was lucky enough to be at that one and the one at WM 21. They were both great experiences. The setting, atmosphere, and Heenan's speech were by far the best. As a fan I almost felt as an intruder at a very special event.

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