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Richie Freebird

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Leeds WWE wrestler collared by cops after bar bust-up


A PROFESSIONAL Leeds wrestler who has been signed by the world-famous WWE was arrested following a bar-room bust-up.


Andre Tyson, who competes under the name MVK Valkabious, admitted assaulting a man following the incident at Norman bar on Call Lane in Leeds city centre in the early hours of Sunday.


The 6ft 2in-tall, 17.5 stone 21-year-old was signed earlier this year to a developmental deal by WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment).


It is not clear if the offence, which means he now has a criminal record, will affect the deal


From what I've heard, the Yorkshire Evening Post may wanna do some more research on that bolded word.

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Wrestling promoters have united in the battle to rip off poor Kamala by setting up benefits and giving him fuck all. Poor bastard. Here's his statement. Warning: contains the Ugandan Giant with a distinct lack of legs. So if you aren't mentally prepared to see the Headhunter from Deepest Darkest Africa missing both of his legs, don't watch. Its a shock.

Edited by The_BarbarIAN
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Why on earth aren't WWE just covering these costs? All that money on rehab for guys, this would be a drop in the ocean compared to how much they've spent on Hall, I'd imagine. Great thing to trumpet on WWE.com about how bloody nice they are too.

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Why on earth aren't WWE just covering these costs? All that money on rehab for guys, this would be a drop in the ocean compared to how much they've spent on Hall, I'd imagine.

WWE don't necessarily cover people's stays at rehab out of generosity of spirit. There are the occasional stories that pop up (Triple H covering the cost of Waltman's stay in rehab in 2004 or even paying for Kowalski's funeral) but Vince was unequivocal when questioned at the Waxman hearing in Congress about why WWE put out the offer of free rehab for anyone who had ever been under contract following Eddie's death: "Two words - Public Relations."


Considering that they won't even extend to health insurance for their talent during the time that their contracts are valid I can't see any feasibility for WWE paying retired wrestlers who are down on their luck in later life, especially when someone like Kamala probably did only about four years with them.


Great thing to trumpet on WWE.com about how bloody nice they are too.

Now that would be reason to help somebody out, true. I think if they were to get the mileage out of it that they would want to they'd have to make sure that they only helped out one or two people, otherwise it becomes a pretty expensive PR campaign.

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Also I'd imagine the rehab would be for issues drugs and drink related, which I'm sure could be directly tied to the wrestling lifestyle.


Didn't Kamala lose his feet due to diabetes? I don't think the WWE, being persecuted for having their rosters look like He-Man action figures, would be seen as responsible for a former talent being diabetic.


I know you only meant it in regards to how much money they have, and what nice PR it would be.


EDIT: And Pitcos gets in there before me.

Edited by cobystag
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What's the story with Dawn Marie being America's 1PW?


Has she been arrested or anything or does this sort of thing get written off as another wrestling con?

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What's she done this time? That wrestler's charity thing reared it's ugly head again?

Same thing, just that i'm clearly well behind on the gossip.


Edit - What's the story here Butch?

Edited by brownie
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