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Richie Freebird

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The whole 'she shouldn't have got knocked up, she knew what WWE would be like' I have read elsewhere is the biggest pile of shite I have ever heard.




I don't envy WWE's position here. It means that as soon as WWE choose to release her that they are immediately painted as the bastards that let that woman go who had the miscarriage in some quarters, and I don't really think that's fair considering how well treated she has generally been by the company since she signed.

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It's a fucking shame. I've always loved her, complete beast and looks the part. WWE need a few more non-model types in its lady roster just to mix it up a bit.


If she had been a dick and WWE couldn't work with her, fair play, but seeing as it's based around the fact she was pregnant and lost the child, it's ever so slightly harsh as fuck. The whole 'she shouldn't have got knocked up, she knew what WWE would be like' I have read elsewhere is the biggest pile of shite I have ever heard.


We don't know that though.


TNA thought she was a high emotional risk (and they had a point) and that was before she lost her child. It's a bit harsh to immediately jump to the conclusion that "WWE fired her for getting pregnant" when we've got no idea what has actually gone on behind the scenes. Personally, I thought something was up when Layla returned and took the Bella's out when everybody and their dog was reporting that it'd be Kharma, including Kharma herself on Twitter.


It is a shame though. I'm a fan of her in the ring and she could've added a different element to WWE, at least for a little while.

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This year's Bloodymania card:


Promotion: Juggalo Championship Wrestling (JCW)

Event: Bloodymania 6

Date: August 12th, 2012



JCW Heavyweight Title Match

2 Tuff Tony

Edited by pgi86
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Its called maternity leave lads, thats generally what happens regardless of your job (hooking = exception, in some cases preferred). Planned or not, she got preggas, then she got sacked. There arnt many jobs where that would be legal, and from what I know, it would be illegal to add it in to a contract clause on the grounds of discrimination. Yes, I know rules in WWE arn't the same as run of the mill jobs and yeah, I was more aiming towards the point that it 'may' have been accidental. She may have shagged a couple of lads in the space of a month, so what? It's not that uncommon is it? She was just 'possibly' unlucky.


Love sponge thing, wasn't he being a racist cunt? Wrestling has always been riddled with racism, she is clearly someone who couldn't take it, fair play (admittedly, I'm not 100% on what he said, but heard whispers that it wasn't friendly).


Simple fact is, I feel sorry for her. She got preg, lost her job, lost her kid and is branded with the Emotional 'mental' stick because she fought back against racism and got upset when she lost her kid. Also, it's illegal to fire someone on the grounds of mental health (emotional wellbeing) unless they are a risk to others. TNA had a point as she physically attacked someone, WWE knew the score and still signed her up.

If that's what happened, that's what I've been led to believe.

Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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  • Paid Members
This year's Bloodymania card:


Promotion: Juggalo Championship Wrestling (JCW)

Event: Bloodymania 6

Date: August 12th, 2012



JCW Heavyweight Title Match

2 Tuff Tony

Edited by Silky Kisser
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Its called maternity leave lads, thats generally what happens regardless of your job

Thats where the 'independent contractor' thing comes into it. They had the right to sack her as soon as they found out. But they didn't. They gave her money for 18 months to do nothing and then sacked her after being a constant disappointment as well as being lied to. I just find it retarded that anyone can slag WWE off for this.


Love sponge thing, wasn't he being a racist cunt? Wrestling has always been riddled with racism, she is clearly someone who couldn't take it, fair play (admittedly, I'm not 100% on what he said, but heard whispers that it was friendly).

He said something about the disasters in Haiti on the radio and she attacked him. Made worse by the fact she never actually heard him say it and just took someones word for it. She's obviously a fucking idiot, if she's that snappy.

Edited by The_BarbarIAN
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Its called maternity leave lads, thats generally what happens regardless of your job

Thats where the 'independent contractor' thing comes into it. They had the right to sack her as soon as they found out. But they didn't. They gave her money for 18 months to do nothing and then sacked her after being a constant disappointment as well as being lied to. I just find it retarded that anyone can slag WWE off for this.




Love sponge thing, wasn't he being a racist cunt? Wrestling has always been riddled with racism, she is clearly someone who couldn't take it, fair play (admittedly, I'm not 100% on what he said, but heard whispers that it was friendly).

He said something about the disasters in Haiti on the radio and she attacked him. Made worse by the fact she never actually heard him say it and just took someones word for it. She's obviously a fucking idiot, if she's that snappy.


At what point was she a constant disappointment for WWE until the pregnant factor? Also, morals would normally step in to play, independent contractor or not, especially, if nothing else they are trying to potray themselves as 'not shit' considering Linda is playing politics.

Also, if she did attack love sponge for that and in that way, Wwe knew it, they still signed her.


A lot of wrestlers are fucking idiots, take drugs, sleep around, get in to fights, some are let go of, some are given the world title, the point is that if she was on the edge to falling down that dark hole of Chyna, sytch or Michael Barrymore. . tying her shoe laces together isn't going to help.


No it's not a dig at the big bad company, I love WWE, but sometimes defending for everything they do doesn't link to my personal morals or beliefs. As stated I feel sorry for her based on what's 'apparently' happened. It can't be nice to lose a child and apparently get released. But like you said clyro, she got to sit on her arse and got paid, she would be mental to lose the plot.


This was never meant to be a WWE are to blame for Aids post, it's a case of how could anyone, company, manager whatever, sleep happily knowing that they have sacked a worker who lost a child. (obviously if that's what happened etc etc)

Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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At what point was she a constant disappointment for WWE until the pregnant factor?

That's the point. They had plans for her and those plans got put on the back burner. That was the biggest disappointment for them. Nobody is owed a living. There are plenty of people ready to jump in her spot if she has other priorities.


Also, morals would normally step in to play, independent contractor or not, especially, if nothing else they are trying to potray themselves as 'not shit' considering Linda is playing politics.

Morals? You're the one bashing them for firing a pregnant woman. So now they did the right thing are you saying? Whats your point here?


Also, if she did attack love sponge for that and in that way, Wwe knew it, they still signed her.

Which is the issue. TNA thought "thats a bit odd" when she signed with them. WWE obviously thought she wouldn't be an emotionally weird and spontaneous as she was in TNA. Now she works for neither. If WWE felt she would be of any use, they'd have kept onto her, but the alarm bells must have rang somewhere in the last 18 months.


A lot of wrestlers are fucking idiots, take drugs, sleep around, get in to fights, some are let go of, some are given the world title, the point is that if she was on the edge to falling down that dark hole of Chyna, sytch or Michael Barrymore. . tying her shoe laces together isn't going to help.

I can name a thousand wrestlers who take drugs. I can't name many who would blindside and attack a companies main source of advertising over a comment he made on the radio.


Kaz, if you want to fuck her, just add her on facebook. She'd probably sort you out.

Edited by The_BarbarIAN
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At what point was she a constant disappointment for WWE until the pregnant factor?

That's the point. They had plans for her and those plans got put on the back burner. That was the biggest disappointment for them. Nobody is owed a living. There are plenty of people ready to jump in her spot if she has other priorities.


Also, morals would normally step in to play, independent contractor or not, especially, if nothing else they are trying to potray themselves as 'not shit' considering Linda is playing politics.

Morals? You're the one bashing them for firing a pregnant woman. So now they did the right thing are you saying? Whats your point here?


Also, if she did attack love sponge for that and in that way, Wwe knew it, they still signed her.

Which is the issue. TNA thought "thats a bit odd" when she signed with them. WWE obviously thought she wouldn't be an emotionally weird and spontaneous as she was in TNA. Now she works for neither. If WWE felt she would be of any use, they'd have kept onto her, but the alarm bells must have rang somewhere in the last 18 months.


A lot of wrestlers are fucking idiots, take drugs, sleep around, get in to fights, some are let go of, some are given the world title, the point is that if she was on the edge to falling down that dark hole of Chyna, sytch or Michael Barrymore. . tying her shoe laces together isn't going to help.

I can name a thousand wrestlers who take drugs. I can't name many who would blindside and attack a companies main source of advertising over a comment he made on the radio.


Kaz, if you want to fuck her, just add her on facebook. She'd probably sort you out.


The morals bit; it is reading as if they sacked her after she got preg, maybe not to all, but to some, media could piss on them for it. The sex point made me laugh and die at the same time.


Seriously though, howay! I'm not saying she's not a crank, but dead child and lost job, bit much? Just me?


Jericho punched a woman in the face on camera, but she didn't run a radio station. On fairness, I did say tna sacked her for that and it was fair play.

Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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