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PS3 - PinfallVictory


Edit - Just played a few games and fellow Cuckolder windoesnot was in on them. Pretty fun deathmatch in a maze garden too. Well deserved win for him.


The GTA race mode was fucking insane fun too :)


I completely forgot about all the checkpoints and had to turn back around, it was just too much fun shooting people from my motorbike.

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PSN - CoreyVandal


Havent really tried out Online yet as I've only really played for a couple of days. Loving the game overall, although I am finding the music to be a little lacking in this one. Don't get me wrong, there's still a couple of good tracks in there, but there's not a single song that I really look forward to hearing. There was nothing like that moment when you'd be driving back from a really tough mission and an amazing song would just kick in on the radio and make you think "I fucking love this game!".


Not that I don't fucking love this game, I've got a feeling it's going to be one of those that wont leave the disc tray for months.

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I've managed to get into games pretty ok the last couple of nights. Getting into games with friends or accepting any sort of invite into a server is still useless mind.

So far, I am not a fan of GTA Online.

It's too big, which is great for single player but when you want to be around other people and you spawn 5 miles away from them in the desert and have to drive all the way there to meet up, it's annoying. You can't access half of the features from the start either, with the airport barricaded off for example. You can jump in over a wall but there's nothing there.

Auto-aim is pants, meaning any confrontation comes down to who aims first, not who is better or has a better spot.

Mission notifications are annoying as fuck. Every two minutes an AI character will text you saying "come to this mission". I fucking don't want to, fuck off.


Most importantly though, they've inexplicably taken the flair flop mechanic out of online.

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Good news it turned out that money being taken from characters bank accounts on death was in fact a bug.




You're not supposed to lose money out of the bank when you die. This has been patched. We're working to have the Xbox patch out later today, and PS3 patch is already live.


To clarify, you lose a percentage of cash on hand when you die. To save your money, you can put it all in the bank for safe-keeping. There was a bug causing banked cash to be subtracted on death that has now been corrected.


Thank fuck for that.

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If you're on PS3, it'll tell you you need to install patch 1.02 when you load (even if you plan to play off line.) If you click to install straight away, you'll just get a blank screen and eventually realise your only option is to unplug your PS3.


The answer is to not click right away when the install option comes up. Instead wait for about 30 seconds (at least until the music/sound has stopped playing), then click to install. You'll still get a totally black screen for a few seconds, but it should install OK.


In other news, I swear I came across Budokan Hall in what looked to be a college in the northwest of Los Santos.

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