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Favourite Simpsons Quotes

Family Guy PMSL

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We make a good team.....A groin grabbingly good team!

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Reverend Lovejoy: "I will now read these special vows which Homer has prepared for this occasion. 'Do you, Marge, take Homer, in richness and in poorness' - poorness is underlined - 'in impotence and in potence, in quiet solitude or blasting across the alkali flats in a jet-powered, monkey-navigated'... [consults the notecards] ... and it goes on like this."

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Bart: Allowance day! Ding ding ding ding ding!

Marge: You don't deserve an allowance

Lisa: Sure we do! ding ding ding ding!

Bart: ding ding ding ding!

Homer (dashing past): Ice cream man! Ice cream man!



In regards to similar threads, I like the idea of a Family Guy one although I'm not sure how well it's random flashback gag format would translate to a chat forum! Maybe an Alan Partridge one?

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In conjunction with the Hunt for Tony Blair tonight how about a Rik Mayall and Ade Edmondson one liner thread? The best one liners from Bottom, The Young Ones and Flithy, Rich and Catflap? Plus The Comic Strips Presents and Guest House Paradiso?

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I love Family Guy but don't really think it's a one-liner type of show. All my favorite moments from that show was just bizarre expressions and the way characters say stuff as opposed to what is said.


Marge: Homer I think you need to spend more time with your father.

Homer: But Marge, what about my new years resolution?!

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Twenty five pages full of absolute golden quotes. What a fantastic show, I actually feel guilty for not watching it on a regular basis much anymore.


Here's to twenty five more!


Homer: The alien has a sweet, heavenly voice... like Urkel! And he appears every Friday night... like Urkel!

Wiggum: Well, your story is very...compelling, Mr. Jackass, I mean, uh, Simpson. So, I'll just type it up on my invisible typewriter!

[Wiggum raises his arms and starts typing on air in sarcasm]

[starts humming]

Homer: You don't have to humiliate me.

[Homer walks off, and another man walks in, wearing slightly burned clothes and playing compulsively with a lighter]

Man: I just torched a building downtown, and I'm afraid I'll do it again!

Wiggum: Oh, yeah, right. I'll just type it up on my invisible typewriter!

[goes through the same sarcastic routine]


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Lisa launches the hog roast.


Homer and Bart are chasing the rolling rotisserie pig. It rolls through some bushes]

Homer: It's just a little dirty! It's still good, it's still good!


[the cart falls off the edge of a drainage culvert, and the pig floats down the stream]

Homer: It's just a little slimy! It's still good, it's still good!


the pig reaches a dam at the end of the stream and plugs the drain hole. The water pressure builds up behind it, until it launches out of the hole into the air]

Homer: It's just a little airborne! It's still good, it's still good!


Bart: Forgot it homer piggys gone.

Homer: I know.

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Hail to thee, Kamp Krusty,

By the shores of Big Snake Lake,

Though your swings are rusty,

We know they'll never break


From your gleaming mess hall

To your hallowed baseball field,

To your spic-and-span infirmary

Where all our wounds are healed


Hail to thee, Kamp Krusty,

Below Mount Avalanche...


We will always love Kamp Krusty...

A registered trademark of the Krusty Corporation,

All rights reserved!

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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