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Who's Hot and Who's Not in wrestling?


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Slightly weird nose, but fucking hell, you'd have to be playing on the other side of the tracks to say no to that surely?


great body but I find her face very off putting, they have to have a nice face for me

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CM Punk: I was out for a few drinks with a bunch of old mates and to my surprise they started talking about wrestling for the first time since high school. The reason they seem enthused again is simply down to the awesomeness of the Punkster. These guys are the classic lapsed casual fans and pretty much said "the rest of Raws a bit shite but CM Punk's canny as fuck", they then enthusiastically did the "OMG Kevin Nash WTF Thought he was dead LOL" part of his promo from Raw to a mate who hasn't watched it since 2001-ish. Both of them purchased Summer Slam too (first time they've ever bought a PPV other than this years 'Mania) just to see CM Punk kick arse. CM Punk is starting to make wrestling somewhat cool again, it seems.

Also they fucking hated Cena, I tried to reason with them that he's good but they were having non of it. You forget that people associate Cena with "wrestling getting shite" and he's tarred with that brush for the rest of his career by a certain generation.




Mark Henry: During the CM Punk chat they brought up Mark Henry being a bad ass and how awesome he now is. This made me happy inside.


Beer Money: Like Kurt Angle, they're too good for TNA. One of the best tag teams EVER and are so smooth and complete. Both have great character too. I'm hoping WWE snap them up in a couple of years.





Samoa Joe: He's shite. He can't be arsed putting the effort in, so I can't be arsed watching him.


Mr. Anderson: Anderson is that bloke who thinks he's funny and spends the night cracking shite jokes that nobody laughs at. An hour in you wonder why you are mates with him in the first place. Sadly TNA still push him and his "frickin'" chewing gum. He's dull and annoying.

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Definetly have to agree that CM Punk is makeing wrestling popular again, I think if booked well we could have another boom period for wrestling.


Whos Hot ?


Well I think Beer Money are the 2nd best thing in wrestling right now behind Punk, Im likeing Mark Henrys push he is looking really strong I hope they dont mess it up & just have him job to Orton, Christian is at his peak right now & I think Wade Barrett should recieve a mention for his recent efforts. oh an a honuary mention to Ric Flair for his performance on Impact this week he had me in stitches.


Whos Not ?


Hulk Hogan is boring me I wish he would just go away, Sting even through I like his recent gimmick he is just too old to be out there, Sin Cara isnt good enough for WWE I wish they would get rid of him, Kevin Nash as cool as he is has no place in a wrestling ring I wont be looking forward to his match with Punk, Kelly Kelly & Eve as hot as they are need to go back to FCW for some wrestling training they are rubbish even more rubbish then The Bellas.

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Hulk Hogan is boring me I wish he would just go away, Sting even through I like his recent gimmick he is just too old to be out there, Sin Cara isnt good enough for WWE I wish they would get rid of him, Kevin Nash as cool as he is has no place in a wrestling ring I wont be looking forward to his match with Punk, Kelly Kelly & Eve as hot as they are need to go back to FCW for some wrestling training they are rubbish even more rubbish then The Bellas.


What the fuck is that?

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My personal interest list, rather than who's genuinely busting ratings right now



Bobby Roode - natch, but he had better bloody win this Bound For Glory series otherwise the shine will go off him a bit.

Christy Hemme - you know, she just looks so fine doing the ring announcing. She adds value to the product, as they say.

Kevin Nash - the master manipulator has people talking about him again, and I'm actually considering tuning in to the WWE product again to see him play, plus X Pac could be joining him soon. Happy days!

X Pac - could he be due a final WWE run? Tagging with Nash on Raw=ratings

Velvet Sky - the most sympathetic babyface in years. She's never going to be the best wrestler, but she's becoming an expert at eliciting a crowd response.



My Anderson - yeah, any interest in him has now fizzled out. Fat bastard.

Joe - please, please fire him.

Sin Cara - the WWE's version of Suicide. He'll stick about now as Rey is injured, but doesn't really go anything for me.

Young Bucks - never got out of first gear in TNA, never got more than a toe in the door at WWE. Utterly representative of the indy wrestler who has never really understood what wrestling is all about.

Silent Rage - the WWE continues its tradition of picking the wrong winners in its own staged competitions, then wasting both them and any other potential talent produced.

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Mark Henry: He always seems to have these spells when he looks like a fucking killer before WWE send him back into the midcard again, but it does seem like he's going to be there for a good while this time and quite rightly as well. The guy looks like an absolute machine.


CM Punk: Obviously. He has this weird charm about him, which added to his mic skills and demeanor makes him great to watch. He's a great wrestler too, which helps.


Eddie Edwards: Yup, he's my favourite Wolf too. He's been having great matches in ROH all year and also had what I'd consider to be my favourite match of 2011 so far with Kotaro Suzuki in Pro Wrestling NOAH.


Kevin Steen: Whether it's being involved in amazing segments in ROH, or whether he's stealing the show on practically every PWG DVD, this guy is absolutely amazing right now.




Wade Barrett: I just can't go this guy at all. When he's in the ring I can just feel the life getting sucked right out of me minute by minute.


Mike Bennett: ROH dickhead. Okay, he's SUPPOSED to be a dickhead and does that stuff well, but outside of the Corino matches, he's only ever been involved in utter shit.

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My personal interest list, rather than who's genuinely busting ratings right now



Bobby Roode - natch, but he had better bloody win this Bound For Glory series otherwise the shine will go off him a bit.

Christy Hemme - you know, she just looks so fine doing the ring announcing. She adds value to the product, as they say.

Kevin Nash - the master manipulator has people talking about him again, and I'm actually considering tuning in to the WWE product again to see him play, plus X Pac could be joining him soon. Happy days!

X Pac - could he be due a final WWE run? Tagging with Nash on Raw=ratings

Velvet Sky - the most sympathetic babyface in years. She's never going to be the best wrestler, but she's becoming an expert at eliciting a crowd response.



My Anderson - yeah, any interest in him has now fizzled out. Fat bastard.

Joe - please, please fire him.

Sin Cara - the WWE's version of Suicide. He'll stick about now as Rey is injured, but doesn't really go anything for me.

Young Bucks - never got out of first gear in TNA, never got more than a toe in the door at WWE. Utterly representative of the indy wrestler who has never really understood what wrestling is all about.

Silent Rage - the WWE continues its tradition of picking the wrong winners in its own staged competitions, then wasting both them and any other potential talent produced.


Haven't seen X-Pac in a while and will never love Nash like Loki does but almost the rest of this is spot on. I'd love them to fire Joe because I'm still convinced that WWE could use him and he'd do OK with them. Sin Cara still has plenty of potential, I think.


CM Punk is the hottest thing around right now.


Mark Henry is as hot as he ever will be. I think Sheamus is pretty hot right now too but there's no upward mobility to be had for babyfaces in WWE.


R-Truth's little run has fizzled out for me. He's not on the not list but he's definitely cooling.


The Miz is absolutely floundering IMO at the moment.


Booker T is on the not list and so is Michael Cole. Josh Matthews is hot just for being able to work with these two clowns.


Triple H is pretty hot right now. So is Beth Pheonix but for different reasons.


Mike Chioda and Matt Hardy are pretty obvious "not" listers.

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I agree that The Miz is really starting to regress in popularity. Putting him in a Subway segment only makes him out to be a midcard act.

I've never really got The Miz love, as I think everything he does seems forced and his posturing is a bit pantomime baddy (bad even for wrestling standards). Plus he looks like a wee lad. All of that makes his main event runs hard to get involved with as I can't 'believe' in him. He is perfect for the role Jericho had before he left though. WWE seem to have soured on him after his title run, as he's not really had a proper feud since that one with Riley, featuring one good segment followed by forgettable matches and promos.

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The Miz is absolutely tremendous and I say that as someone who has detested him for the large part of his career. He's brilliant on the mic, getting even better, and his improvement in the ring over the last couple of years has been almost miraculous.


So what, he was in a shitty Subway segment, it's hardly a burial and to say he's 'absolutely floundering' is complete idiocy. He was wrestling for the fucking title not three or four weeks ago!

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So Cal Val looks like a ginger Nicholas Lyndhurst in that photo on the previous page.


:laugh: The only good thing she's ever done is acting drunk when judging Paparazzi Idol.

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I personally am loving Del Rio, thought his promo at the start of Raw was excellent. I am rooting for him to suceed as a main eventer, he is colourful, charasmatic, entertaining and a solid worker.


I think he has more tools than others pushed in main event spots on Raw in recent times like, Orton, Barret and even The Miz, as some didnt buy him as a believable main eventer.


I am enjoying Punk as usual, plus I have enjoyed the in ring work of Mysterio, who I will miss


Christian was on fine form at Summerslam as well. He is the in ring performer of the year in my opinion.


Nice to see the old Nasher as well.


As for who is not, I think John Morrison needs a heel turn, he is dead as a face.

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