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big mickey

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SkySports_Simon Simon Thomas

Madness of today summed up by a looter in Clapham who waited for the green man at crossing with a TV & laptop under his arms


IfMothsHadEyes Millie Than

The rioters will regret burning down the post office tomorrow morning when they go to pick up their benefits. #londonriots

4 minutes ago



Edited by buba3d
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Pity, seriously, drop the misanthropic "Mr. Common-sense" act for once. NOBODY has made excuses, they've cited reasons, and you've been determined to refuse to differentiate between the two. There is one, and no "smart" remarks or jokes will change that or prove you right.


Totally disagree there have been plenty of excuses made for what are essentially low life cunts.


Anyway Check this out.

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I'd say you're ignoring a very important point, which is that the reason why people have been "jumping all over their mistakes" is not the mistakes themselves, but how the Force then attempted to cover it up. How do you expect people to deal with a police force that has lied about its actions in the past few years?


The fault has been from both sides, both the politicians and the police. You can't claim the police are blameless.


They arnt blameless but the fact is we now have an impotent police force and everyone knows it. Kids dont give a shit about Police because they literally cant do anything without hard evidence. This has happened over time because people have called for it based on mistakes and yeah admittedly cover ups but give the nature of the work and the type of pressure Police are under is it any surprise? They work in a pro-active environment where every decision they make is scrutinised and criticised, its no wonder that they try and limit that backlash.

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I just wonder what it will take for the police to think that's enough?


I honesty think someone is going to get killed by the rioters and no chargers will be brought as out of the 1000's out there it will be impossible to say which one or group did it and of course they will all cover up for each other.


Has there been fighting within the rioters themselves yet as if not sooner or later there will be if they are looting shops surely there is only so much stuff to go around and someone is going to get something that someone else wants and they will start fighting between themselves for it.

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What were you just having a go at Flaming June about then?


Do you really think now is the best time for the "they're just products of their environment, we've failed them" stuff?


Was criticising him for thinking that the circumstances were justification for their behaviour. Would you say that people who recognise abuse in childhood as the root of a paedophile's behaviour is an excuse for it?


As to whether I "really think now is the best time" - I'm holed up in my fucking house,having had to cancel a date and afraid to go out because there's looting and rioting right round the corner from my house. What else would you suggest I be doing with this free time?

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I would say not giving a fuck about the police (and politicians) might be at least in part due to decades of corrupt cover ups & institutional racism.

Hard to command any kind of respect when the uniform you wear is tarnished with everything from Birmingham 6 through Stephen Lawrence, selling info to NOTW & already the story about this guy in Tottenham shooting first starting to crumble apart.

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