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Peter Staniforth


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Besides the rumour that he's the voice guy for Badger (of Bodger & Badger fame), everything about him makes me laugh.

Fuckin' hell, that's amazing! I'd be doing Bodger & Badger tribute shows rather than trying my hand at wrestling promoting if I were him. I bet the former route would be more profitable for him. Idiot.

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However you do have a right to a opinion (as does Staniforth) but if you really want to condemn him, the best thing to do is NOT mention him.

This. The shitcunt likes the attention (albeit negative) and this will only draw him in. He gets off on it, I think.

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Also how can you have a World champion? Your belt gets defended once a month in Luton.


Sorry to kind of go off topic, but what is a Strawb? I see it thrown around but have no idea what it means.


This is how Doug Williams explained it on Twitter:


Strawb is short for Strawberry Mivvy, Navy rhyming slang for Civvy. As in civilian, as in a regular person. In Wrestling terms a fan!


I think Doug was being polite. I always thought it was Strawberry Mivvy, slang for Divvy. Therefore Strawb is used as an insult.

Correct, It is Divvy. Little bit surprised a promoter is unfamiliar with the term? Thought it was common knowledge inside the industry?


Cheers for clearing that up.


It's a term i've heard regularly, i'm just not really up to date with all the wrestling terms used on the net. I know what a 'mark' is, I know what a 'smart fan' is, and i'm guessing a 'smark' is a mixture of the two. And that's about as far as my knowledge on wrestling slang goes.

This has shocked me! No offence to you Sir, I just feel that to be the best you can at your job you have to speak the lingo? In the same way i would never attempt to start a business in a Non-English speaking country. You would be at a disadvantage before you even started?


All i am saying is that if you, yourself put on good/profitable shows then surely with a better grasp of the inner workings of your chosen profession, your shows would be even better which could help you draw bigger crowds? Like i say, No offence intended.

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Also how can you have a World champion? Your belt gets defended once a month in Luton.


Sorry to kind of go off topic, but what is a Strawb? I see it thrown around but have no idea what it means.


This is how Doug Williams explained it on Twitter:


Strawb is short for Strawberry Mivvy, Navy rhyming slang for Civvy. As in civilian, as in a regular person. In Wrestling terms a fan!


I think Doug was being polite. I always thought it was Strawberry Mivvy, slang for Divvy. Therefore Strawb is used as an insult.

Correct, It is Divvy. Little bit surprised a promoter is unfamiliar with the term? Thought it was common knowledge inside the industry?


Cheers for clearing that up.


It's a term i've heard regularly, i'm just not really up to date with all the wrestling terms used on the net. I know what a 'mark' is, I know what a 'smart fan' is, and i'm guessing a 'smark' is a mixture of the two. And that's about as far as my knowledge on wrestling slang goes.

This has shocked me! No offence to you Sir, I just feel that to be the best you can at your job you have to speak the lingo? In the same way i would never attempt to start a business in a Non-English speaking country. You would be at a disadvantage before you even started?


All i am saying is that if you, yourself put on good/profitable shows then surely with a better grasp of the inner workings of your chosen profession, your shows would be even better which could help you draw bigger crowds? Like i say, No offence intended.


I don't think it really would affect the business that much. From what I've seen, a lot of rhyming slang in wrestling is used to protect kayfabe or keep other workings from the fans; I don't think it counts for that large a percentage of the job.

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Also how can you have a World champion? Your belt gets defended once a month in Luton.


Sorry to kind of go off topic, but what is a Strawb? I see it thrown around but have no idea what it means.


This is how Doug Williams explained it on Twitter:


Strawb is short for Strawberry Mivvy, Navy rhyming slang for Civvy. As in civilian, as in a regular person. In Wrestling terms a fan!


I think Doug was being polite. I always thought it was Strawberry Mivvy, slang for Divvy. Therefore Strawb is used as an insult.

Correct, It is Divvy. Little bit surprised a promoter is unfamiliar with the term? Thought it was common knowledge inside the industry?


Cheers for clearing that up.


It's a term i've heard regularly, i'm just not really up to date with all the wrestling terms used on the net. I know what a 'mark' is, I know what a 'smart fan' is, and i'm guessing a 'smark' is a mixture of the two. And that's about as far as my knowledge on wrestling slang goes.

This has shocked me! No offence to you Sir, I just feel that to be the best you can at your job you have to speak the lingo? In the same way i would never attempt to start a business in a Non-English speaking country. You would be at a disadvantage before you even started?


All i am saying is that if you, yourself put on good/profitable shows then surely with a better grasp of the inner workings of your chosen profession, your shows would be even better which could help you draw bigger crowds? Like i say, No offence intended.


No offence taken. However I do disagree. My job is to book a venue, promote the hell out of the show in the town and surrounding area, book a good entertaining wrestling show, and then sell foam hands and backstage passes to the fans who've bought tickets for the show.


I honestly don't think knowing wrestling lingo will make a difference to my business model whatsoever.

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Also how can you have a World champion? Your belt gets defended once a month in Luton.


Sorry to kind of go off topic, but what is a Strawb? I see it thrown around but have no idea what it means.


This is how Doug Williams explained it on Twitter:


Strawb is short for Strawberry Mivvy, Navy rhyming slang for Civvy. As in civilian, as in a regular person. In Wrestling terms a fan!


I think Doug was being polite. I always thought it was Strawberry Mivvy, slang for Divvy. Therefore Strawb is used as an insult.

Correct, It is Divvy. Little bit surprised a promoter is unfamiliar with the term? Thought it was common knowledge inside the industry?


Cheers for clearing that up.


It's a term i've heard regularly, i'm just not really up to date with all the wrestling terms used on the net. I know what a 'mark' is, I know what a 'smart fan' is, and i'm guessing a 'smark' is a mixture of the two. And that's about as far as my knowledge on wrestling slang goes.

This has shocked me! No offence to you Sir, I just feel that to be the best you can at your job you have to speak the lingo? In the same way i would never attempt to start a business in a Non-English speaking country. You would be at a disadvantage before you even started?


All i am saying is that if you, yourself put on good/profitable shows then surely with a better grasp of the inner workings of your chosen profession, your shows would be even better which could help you draw bigger crowds? Like i say, No offence intended.


No offence taken. However I do disagree. My job is to book a venue, promote the hell out of the show in the town and surrounding area, book a good entertaining wrestling show, and then sell foam hands and backstage passes to the fans who've bought tickets for the show.


I honestly don't think knowing wrestling lingo will make a difference to my business model whatsoever.


Maybe he has more respect for his customers/workers than needing call them names? I personally hate the terms and try not to use them as the majority of people these days who throw then around are clueless to the actual meaning. The term "mark" is insanely misunderstood and misquoted. It's laughable, and the term smark is almost on oxymoron level

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However you do have a right to a opinion (as does Staniforth) but if you really want to condemn him, the best thing to do is NOT mention him.


I appreciate that finally, someone out there, has seen that even on this forum, I have the right to an opinion. I am also really tired now of people believing tenth hand stories and lies as fact. I've only just had this topic pointed out to me at the weekend, and just decided to sit down and have a calm look at what's been said.


I don't really understand why a somewhat tongue in cheek video from late 2008 is suddenly so relevant, I have to be honest. You Tube comments are disabled, because I really don't see why there should be how much inane abuse posted on there, like there is on here. It's an option open to anyone who posts a video, I choose to take it, as do others. Why I'm being pointed out for doing so before others, god only knows.


I've made plenty of mistakes, I admit it. Dan Edge hasnt been booked for over a year and a half, and won't be again. The 'Heyman look' constantly referred to, that's been gone for over eighteen months as well. Dan Edge was never a champion of any kind at PTW. Conor Hurley once defended the main belt in Ireland, when PTW champion, so I felt it fair enough to give it the title of 'world'. Granted, it's not the whole world, but plenty of people do this in professional wrestling, and yet again, I'm the one being pointed at before others - as usual.


Football - I had, to clarify this once and for all, a four month banning order from home games. Nothing more, nothing less. I had been trying to avoid this, purely as I refuse and fail to see how it's the business of people who do not know me. But I've decided to get this over and done with. I have paperwork to clarify the length of the ban, I had the football club itself go to bat for me with Bedfordshire police in regards to my character and person, and defend me. It ran from Sept last year, to Jan of this year. All other people in the situation had two year bans. So, that might go some way to suggesting that my 'role' in the events of that day, was rather minor compared to everything else. It was a mistake. I've paid for it, I've learnt from it. Once more, I fail to see how it's in the interests of other people, especially those who have no role in my life; but that's the story, and that's how it is and was.


If you havent noticed, generally, I have given up arguing with most people here. I've accepted in the eyes of most of you, for whatever reasons, I can't do anything right; and never will, no matter what I do. If that's the general consensus, then that's fine, it's cool, it's your opinion to have. As is mine. I don't quite understand why you all spend so much time talking about things you hate, but I guess that's the way of the world. Decent wholesome headlines don't sell newspapers. Abuse, and drama, does.


Thank you for your time anyway, and whilst I can live my life quite comfortably whether I choose to go off on one, or to be calm and collected about it; I'd like to think it's noted that despite the usual remarks, I've not come in shouting around like usual. It's a pretty pointless ongoing argument that we all have, you have your feelings on myself, I have my feelings in return; and the two can't agree. Easy. Sorted. I no longer want, or wish for, the drama that surrounds it all. Yes, I used to find it rather funny, and a giggle to have a pop back at people. It was childish, and I am happy to admit it now, since I've accepted and realised it as the case, and don't want to be dragged into that anymore. Now, I can't really be bothered, and would rather focus my time on things that are more positive in life; which is something I would recommend to all of you, as you find peace within yourself that way and dont waste your time and emotions on petty arguments.


Cheers for your time.

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I gave up with that video as soon as Storm got the crowd to chant 'fatty'. I hope Storm at least got paid for that show. For all i know 100,000 fans could have been sitting behind the camera but only seeing 3-4 fans on camera makes me feel like their wasn't.

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You lot are just gonna be making mr staniforth angry again!


as for bullet points:


: books shitarse *work for free* talent

:books himself in every single fucking angle and storyline on the show

: wears a baseball cap cos he thinks he's paul heyman

: does ridiculous shoots on the ukff before declaring he's far too important to be bothered by trivial places like this

: got the police wanting to speak to him for alleged hooliganism

: booked a one legged guy as a heel.. no seriously!

A mere 5 minutes after the question was asked.....that beats your previous record.

You're regular as clockwork when it comes to Staniforth!

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However you do have a right to a opinion (as does Staniforth) but if you really want to condemn him, the best thing to do is NOT mention him.


I appreciate that finally, someone out there, has seen that even on this forum, I have the right to an opinion. I am also really tired now of people believing tenth hand stories and lies as fact. I've only just had this topic pointed out to me at the weekend, and just decided to sit down and have a calm look at what's been said.

I hope you're not referring to this thread when you say topic, as it only started this morning. :confused:

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Top middle and bottom Mr Staniforth you and people like you are a joke and I will continue to bring people like you to light in hope that wrestlers will bypass your shows and people will stop attending your shows( not that many go in the first place) so that you will get the hint and disappear.


Do us all a favour and go away. Your nothing more than a punter so buy a ticket and enjoy wrestling don't destroy it with your crap.

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can some one just whip up a quick bullet point list of the shitarsey Mr. Staniforth is responcible for... not the best educated.

I've only actually just watched that since it's been posted a second time. Cringeworthy.

Oh Jonny :( Poor, poor Jonny.


It's like watching a beloved TV star reduced to doing children's panto

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