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Operation Beautiful


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Operation Beautiful


The concept is simple. Carry Post-It notes around with you, stick them up in public places, with feel-good phrases or sentiments jotted down.


I tried one today, and my boss found it. She told others about it with a smile on her face. It brightened her day. This was in sunny Dagenham, Essex, where a few extra smiles make a big difference.


Ever tried this? Would you like to come across one? Would you become part of Operation Beautiful?

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  • Paid Members

I used to go through my ex-girlfriends notepad or post-its and leave little messages or drawings for her.


She still went and fucked someone behind my back.

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  • Paid Members

Mind you, I was looking through some books last week, and I found three pics of her I have no recollection of seeing before, so maybe she'd done a similar thing for me.

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I like the idea of seeing a random note somewhere but I think they should be incredibly specific. Such that to most people they will be absolutely meaningless, but there might just be one person whose mind you will blow by telling them something completely spot on.

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Ooooo, I really hate things like this. Dunno why, but it strikes me as so bloody cringe worthy and cheesy.

It would be interesting to see such an idea used in Motherwell. I think we'd see post-its such as;







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