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Lack of WWE main event talent


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I actually enjoyed Swaggers Reign last year, thought he delivered in the ring in most cases and actually does have the look of someone who could get over as a credible champ if booked correctly.


Sadly he wasn't, during his reign he wasn't ever given any wins over top stars on Smackdown or Raw which he was on for a brief period and made sporadic appearances, he was getting over though with his promos and was getting some real heat with the trophies and bragging about his achievements on a weekly basis.


He lost the title then they just abandoned him, he went from Champ to not even being on the card for Summerslam within 2 months.


Hopefully this new role with Cole is the start of a re-birth, maybe this time next year he could be a viable contender for a world title again.


Kofi did have his chance but didn't he both a few moves which upset Orton and he lost all momentum he had and quietly fell back down to the midcard and IC title feuds.


Ziggler has potential which is why giving him that 1 hour title reign was such as a waste, his first tile match or win could of been something special but now he already has that win and its ruined that.

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Miz is fucking awesome. He worked his balls off as the annoying protaganist half of a tag team, pissed everyone off as United States Champion and simultaneously made that title and Daniel Bryan mean something right up until Night Of Champions, and got moved up to Mr Money In The Bank and subsequently champion because he was the best heel Raw had, and for one I thought they got the timing absolutely spot on. Look at how the pops the man generated by finally getting unseated for both the tag team titles and the US title by the Hart Dynasty and Daniel Bryan respectively. I will happily argue that since said title switches, both titles and all three talents mean fuck all now in comparison to what Miz made them mean.


Shame that that nature of WWE these days, everyone has virtually wrestled everyone already and there is no one new for him to feud with at the top on Raw, and its basically a waiting game for him to drop the belt to Cena. Whoever mentioned scrapping the brand extension, they won't do it for the effect it would have on house show revenue. But for the sake of having one truly competitive world title division, especially how anaemic things suddenly look on SmackDown....


Nah, they still won't.

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Its a worrying predicament. Now Edge has gone I cant see a star to hold that title on Smackdown without looking like a stop-gap champion. I don't see, knowing what they knew about Edge why Del Rio couldnt win at Mania. He's been made to look like shite ever since he got in the ring at wrestlemania. WWE seem to push a guy as much as they can, then drop him shitting all over him in the process and when you push someone so far people aren't going to buy it.

In the past few years WWE have pushed and dropped McIntyre, Swagger, Sheamus, Barrett, Del Rio and countless others. They had a brilliant highlight video of the Miz at Mania and made him look wank in the main event. Miz hasn't beat anyone clean his whole reign. The endeavour is there, he looks, talks and seems like a star but you can't shake the feeling WWE are waiting to pull the rug from under him.

WWE don't seem to trust anyone with the ball. Let's be honest though, The Rock came back and showed everyone a charisma we havent seen in years. The man's the bollocks and even the guys I like these days in WWE are nowhere near the Rock in terms of charisma, look, aura and showmanship.

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I like the brand split when it's done well, but right now it's just a missed opportunity. I've been a big advocate of it, but at this stage I think it's best they just end it, have a mass release and go forward from that. It could be fantastic if it's done right - look at the "dream match" opportunities it created back in the day, such as Shawn Michaels Vs. Kurt Angle, Undertaker Vs. Randy Orton and Cena Vs. Orton (which isn't so special these days, true enough.)


It even made sure that Undertaker Vs. Triple H and Undertaker Vs. Shawn Michaels became extra special, they were once again "dream match-ups" when they happened.


So done right I believe it can make a lot of money, and create new stars - look at JBL, Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio etc. - they reached main event level because of the brand split era, and people like Cena, Orton and Batista might have the split to thank to an extent for their success too, we'll never know.


But they show no willingness to use it to make new stars. During Swagger's World title reign he gained tremendous heat at times, but they let him fall away to nothing. Sheamus looked like an unstoppable bad-ass at one stage, before they decided to make him out to be a joke. And Kofi Kingston had a red-hot run against Randy Orton, before they let the momentum die and decided not to capitalize on it, and the huge reactions he was getting.


Over the past few years the biggest star they've made has quite possibly, and quite bizarrely, been Vickie Guerrero. The WWE is its own worst enemy when it comes to new main event faces. If you don't give someone credibility, you don't give them the chance to draw. They're wasting their own talent.

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Its a worrying predicament. Now Edge has gone I cant see a star to hold that title on Smackdown without looking like a stop-gap champion. I don't see, knowing what they knew about Edge why Del Rio couldnt win at Mania. He's been made to look like shite ever since he got in the ring at wrestlemania. WWE seem to push a guy as much as they can, then drop him shitting all over him in the process and when you push someone so far people aren't going to buy it.

In the past few years WWE have pushed and dropped McIntyre, Swagger, Sheamus, Barrett, Del Rio and countless others. They had a brilliant highlight video of the Miz at Mania and made him look wank in the main event. Miz hasn't beat anyone clean his whole reign. The endeavour is there, he looks, talks and seems like a star but you can't shake the feeling WWE are waiting to pull the rug from under him.

WWE don't seem to trust anyone with the ball. Let's be honest though, The Rock came back and showed everyone a charisma we havent seen in years. The man's the bollocks and even the guys I like these days in WWE are nowhere near the Rock in terms of charisma, look, aura and showmanship.

I think they knew Edge was in a bad way and wanted him to go out Champion. They have alot of money invested in Del Rio so he'll obviously be the man with the belt in the not too distant future. The thing with the Rock is he's had years of being away to come up with new material and what he says isnt scripted- not all of the roster have that freedom. I bet some of those promos have been practices in the shower for years whereas we criticise McIntyre for lacking charsima while trying to deliver lines he was given by writers a few hours before the show...


I think we had the same thing happening with the cupbaord looking bare a coupla years back. Minutes later they brought in Sheamus as a monster heel and we all forgot about this for a while-All it's going to take is for them to do the same with whoever is waiting for their chance down at FCW and OVW. Infact the same was happening when Finlay suddenly appeared and was into the main event scene...ditto when JBL made a comeback...ditto the last Jericho return.


So while they work things out they'll keep us distracted with the whole Rock/Cena and who will face 'Taker at WM things and then when we stop to take noticed again someone like Justin Gabriel, Danielson Matt Bourne, Shelton Benjamin and Mystico will all suddenly be in a crowded main event picture, We'll have million dollar DiBiase tag team champions and newcomers like maybe Sid's lad and IRS's lad as the next big thing. Mason Ryan will hopefuly have a less crap name and be more of the batista clone he was obviously brought in to be and Ezekiel Jackson will be doing what Mark Henry should have been doing for the last 10 years.


Then there is Kane and Big Show two former champs who have been lift scratching their balls for the last 5+ years at least waiting for something to do.


It wouldn't suprise me to see them putting out a call to MVP and maybe even Big Daddy V or Albert who are doing well in Japan to come and fill the roster with faces people know for a little while. Put Booker T, Regal, Diesel and Goldust back on Tv to help put some people over and maybe even bail out the dude from Cryme tyme...


Failing that they could put the belt on David Arquette...

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The problem is that anyone who is big, athletic, hard and not cut out for pro-sports won't go down the pro-wrestling route like in the 1970's, they'll more than likely go down the MMA route. So WWE are going to have to make something out of guys who are essentially poseurs.

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It's so odd how we were chatting only a few days ago about how we'd like to see a Survivor Series '98-style tournament to win the belt, and how easy it would be to book it - then all of a sudden, as if Fate had been reading our posts, said "O RLY?", and then Edge announces out of the blue he has to retire and vacate the belt.


That, in conjunction with Ron Simmons' post a few up from this one, gave me some ideas as to how WWE could have a tournament, and tie several storylines together, and maybe create a few mini-angles to make it work.


First off, you have the title tournament for the WHC announced, which prompts WWE Champion, The Miz to come out. He says that he's decided to be the first to enter the tournament, because there's no longer any room in WWE for any other world champions except him. He'll unify the belts and prove he's the greatest, most must-see champion of all-time, etc.

Straight away, this gives the WHC credibility - the other world champion wants to win it straight off the bat.


Cena comes out to counter him: he's going to enter as well, because not only does he want to win the WHC, he's not finished with The Miz and wants his title, so he'll enter for the chance to win both belts too. Miz, of course, tries to beg off, saying this tournament's about winning the WHC, not putting his WWE title on the line, nothing doing - it's not on the line. Prompt Mystery GM or Teddy Long or even Vince McMahon to come out and say: "Nah, if you really want to be Undisputed Champion, you MUST defend your belt in the tournament."

The tournament and the WHC belt have credibility with Cena, being their flagship name, entering the tournament too, and it's made clear right away that the WWE title has to be defended as well, because 1. it would look bad for the WWE belt if the WWE champ went out early, and 2. it means that, whoever wins the WHC has had to beat the WWE champion too.


Over the next few weeks, we see Del Rio announce his participation, followed by Christian, for obvious reasons. We also see Orton - he's one of the main event and should be in it. We see Punk, with the New Nexus behind him, and Wade Barrett, with The Corre behind him. We see Ziggler go for it, and...a surprise-returning, face Chris Jericho, who declares that he wants to be Undisputed Champion again, etc.


If they wanted, they could build it up even further on TV by having qualifying matches featuring the new talent, too: Cody Rhodes, Daniel Bryan, Drew McIntyre, Sheamus, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, R-Truth (to send the Internet into a raging fits), Ted DiBiase (if they have to), Santino, Kozlov or Sin Cara - if necessary, put them in a Battle Royal to qualify or something. Have some old talent in there to spice it up, too - Show, Kane, Rey, Henry and maybe Triple H.


Either way, there's potential to make it THE main storyline and draw everyone in, elevate new main-eventers, continue or tie off storylines, start new ones, give everyone something substantial and interesting to do and really make for good viewing.

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Does that start after the next pay-per-view?


This is more "coulda, woulda, shoulda", really. It's sudden, but I would've started the wheels rolling, in some shape or form, no matter how little, from this week onwards. Have it culminate at Extreme Rules, or maybe the one after.

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Given the WWE's target demographic is now young kids, could it be that R-Truth is over with the kids & thus it's a logical step to put him in the role, where he'll shift more merch than someone like a John Morrisson? After all, that's what it's about, right?

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R-Truth would be gutted.


Heh, I suppose so. I honestly don't know what to make of him - I find him very boring, but he's over. I suppose Ziggler could be replaced with R-Truth, but would you?


Given the WWE's target demographic is now young kids, could it be that R-Truth is over with the kids & thus it's a logical step to put him in the role, where he'll shift more merch than someone like a John Morrisson? After all, that's what it's about, right?


This is true. But I think it'd be a better idea to put him in a Rey position, if that's the case. Cena's where he is because he can have main-event matches AND shift merch, but I don't think anyone could say that about R-Truth.

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True, R-Truth isn't a main event 'wrestler' but seeing as the 'wrestling' is being removed from WWE you're left with who's a better 'entertainer'....I reckon I know who all them little kids shouting 'What's Up' & watching R-Truth dance would vote for.

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It's so odd how we were chatting only a few days ago about how we'd like to see a Survivor Series '98-style tournament to win the belt, and how easy it would be to book it - then all of a sudden, as if Fate had been reading our posts, said "O RLY?", and then Edge announces out of the blue he has to retire and vacate the belt.


That, in conjunction with Ron Simmons' post a few up from this one, gave me some ideas as to how WWE could have a tournament, and tie several storylines together, and maybe create a few mini-angles to make it work.


First off, you have the title tournament for the WHC announced, which prompts WWE Champion, The Miz to come out. He says that he's decided to be the first to enter the tournament, because there's no longer any room in WWE for any other world champions except him. He'll unify the belts and prove he's the greatest, most must-see champion of all-time, etc.

Straight away, this gives the WHC credibility - the other world champion wants to win it straight off the bat.


Cena comes out to counter him: he's going to enter as well, because not only does he want to win the WHC, he's not finished with The Miz and wants his title, so he'll enter for the chance to win both belts too. Miz, of course, tries to beg off, saying this tournament's about winning the WHC, not putting his WWE title on the line, nothing doing - it's not on the line. Prompt Mystery GM or Teddy Long or even Vince McMahon to come out and say: "Nah, if you really want to be Undisputed Champion, you MUST defend your belt in the tournament."

The tournament and the WHC belt have credibility with Cena, being their flagship name, entering the tournament too, and it's made clear right away that the WWE title has to be defended as well, because 1. it would look bad for the WWE belt if the WWE champ went out early, and 2. it means that, whoever wins the WHC has had to beat the WWE champion too.


Over the next few weeks, we see Del Rio announce his participation, followed by Christian, for obvious reasons. We also see Orton - he's one of the main event and should be in it. We see Punk, with the New Nexus behind him, and Wade Barrett, with The Corre behind him. We see Ziggler go for it, and...a surprise-returning, face Chris Jericho, who declares that he wants to be Undisputed Champion again, etc.


If they wanted, they could build it up even further on TV by having qualifying matches featuring the new talent, too: Cody Rhodes, Daniel Bryan, Drew McIntyre, Sheamus, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, R-Truth (to send the Internet into a raging fits), Ted DiBiase (if they have to), Santino, Kozlov or Sin Cara - if necessary, put them in a Battle Royal to qualify or something. Have some old talent in there to spice it up, too - Show, Kane, Rey, Henry and maybe Triple H.


Either way, there's potential to make it THE main storyline and draw everyone in, elevate new main-eventers, continue or tie off storylines, start new ones, give everyone something substantial and interesting to do and really make for good viewing.


I remember when IPW did something similar, whereby there was a tournament and one of the guys in the tournament was the All England Champ, so the winner of the tournament would hold two championships.


My only two quelms with this are (a) What happens if Miz loses a round via a countout and (b) By having a separate championship being defended in a tournament for a title take shine off one another?


I think having a tournament is a great idea. Be great to have a one night 8 man PPV tournament featuring Del Rio, Christian, Miz, Orton, Punk, Barrett, TripleH, Cena would be pretty epic.


However I'd change one thing... I'd have it so ONLY the Miz would be in the position to unify the belts, as oppose to guaranteeing a Undisputed Champion at the end. That way if the WWE do want to pull the trigger on it, the fans would get a more genuine "OMG" moment.

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