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Fit Finlay FIRED!


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By Mike Johnson on 2011-03-29 12:45:38

World Wrestling Entertainment released their top Producer/Agent Dave Finlay yesterday, PWInsider.com has confirmed.

The story making the rounds is that The Miz was booked to come out an interrupt the national anthem during a house show in Champaign, IL over the weekend. There were a number of representatives for the national Guard, who are a HUGE partner and sponsor for WWE, in attendance. Obviously, they were not pleased with the anthem being used to get heel heat.


When word made it's way back to WWE management, the decision was made to release Finlay, who as the top Producer of the show, "had to fall on the sword", as it was described to me.


There were a lot of shocked people within the company today as word began to make the rounds among the wrestlers and staff. Finlay was well liked and more than a few people I spoke to hoped that it was a situation where he was let go only to be brought back down the line.


Finlay, a third generation wrestler, had been with the company from 2001 and was considered the top Producer backstage, with Arn Anderson directly behind him in the line of command. Finlay had long been given credit for the rise and improvement of the WWE Divas division over the last decade. He worked for several years behind the scene for the company before returning as a wrestler in a full-time role as well in 2006, mostly to help introduce the Hornswoggle character and work with younger talents that needed help in the ring. WWE had quietly retired him as a wrestler last year when the decision was made to go with younger faces on the television product.


Finlay had been wrestling since 1974. He was considered one of the top heels in Europe in the 1990s and also toured New Japan Pro Wrestling. He finally made his way to the United States during the Monday Night Wars for WCW as the "Belfast Bruiser."


On the same weekend as Cole posted 'F*****' on Twitter too, and never got fired.


Poor Dave. Harsh decision.

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Americans are far too up their own arse about all that patriotism bullshit. Vince is obviously one of the main offenders, which is ironic considering he once booked a Wrestlemania main event angle that exploited an ongoing war in particularly tasteless fashion.

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These Shermans are fucking mental with their flag and national anthem and all that patriotism bollocks. I'd have laughed if I'd been at that house show.

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So Finlay gets fired for that; yet Bradshaw didn't even got a slap on the wrist for giving the Nazi salute in Germany? That's our Vince! :rolleyes:

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Sucks for Finlay. If true, what a retarded reason to release somebody. I mean, why did ANYBODY have to get released for something like that!?


Hopefully he will be brought back shortly after whatever uproar there was about this is forgotten.


If not, and this is a purely selfish reason, I would LOVE to see Finlay back and working some tours of Europe against the current crop of stars.

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  • Paid Members
These Shermans are fucking mental with their flag and national anthem and all that patriotism bollocks. I'd have laughed if I'd been at that house show.


In fairness, when you're a citizen of the richest and most powerful country in the world, you're bound to be a bit proud of it, and very easily riled up to jingoism.


If we still had our empire, I'm sure we'd be the same way, just less loud about it. All we have nowadays is deafening apathy. It's like Lister was saying about Obama; the reason why we'll never have that kind of momentum in an election now is because the Americans are "Yes, We Can" whilst the British are "Might As Well".

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  • Paid Members
So Finlay gets fired for that; yet Bradshaw didn't even got a slap on the wrist for giving the Nazi salute in Germany? That's our Vince! :rolleyes:


Do shut up, you Wiggum. If it had been someone who had been shitcanned that ROH nerds didn't respect as a 'wrestler' then you wouldn't have given half a fuck about it.

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Don't think it was captured on film but it did happen and was a pretty big deal at the time considering its a criminal offence in Germany, I may be wrong but I think JBL was deported.


And lets be honest here privatly Vince McMahon probably thought it was hilarious.

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