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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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June 30th Results


Credit: PWInsider.com


*Hulk Hogan and TNA champ Ken Anderson were cutting a promo when Sting arrived. Sting has a new facepaint derived from Heath Ledger's version of the Joker. Sting ends up nailing Hogan with a bat.


*Samoa Joe defeated Devon with the muscle buster.


*In an X-Division tournament bout, Low Ki defeated Matt Bentley and Jimmy Yang.


*Mexican America are cutting a promo, only to be challenged by British Invasion, setting up a future bout. Might be next week, might be PPV.


Mickie James, Tara & Miss Tessmacher defeated Madison Rayne, Winter & Angelina Love.


*They hold a contract signing for AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels at Destination X. Jerry Lynn and Rob Van Dam come out and it sets up a tag match for next week.


*Sting pinned Scott Steiner. Anderson and Hogan attacked Sting. Kurt Angle made the save.

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It'll probably be an entertaining match, but I remember 9 years ago when Sting vs Steiner was set for some of the WWA UK tour house shows having a discussion with someone who said the match shouldn't be happening at that point.


Wish I remembered who it was!

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What's Matt Bentley/Michael Shane been up to since his last TNA appearance? *Bentley Bounce*


I remember he was signed briefly for a developmental by WWE (is it Billy Kidman whose cousin he is?), but never got called up. Dunno if he's appeared for TNA since then.

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Btw, turns out one of the results in the spoilers is wrong. In the BFG Series match Devon beat Joe.


Also, there's a Gunner/AJ Styles match on the show as well.


What's Matt Bentley/Michael Shane been up to since his last TNA appearance? *Bentley Bounce*


I remember he was signed briefly for a developmental by WWE (is it Billy Kidman whose cousin he is?), but never got called up. Dunno if he's appeared for TNA since then.

Billy Kidman's cousin and ex-TNA jobber Mikey Batts was the one with the WWE developmental deal.


Matt Bentley got out of wrestling shortly after he was let go by TNA, IIRC. He then started a music band or something along those lines.

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Since RVD decided to botch as much as he could in the main event of TripleMania, including walking down the bloody ramp, does anyone know where TNA's going with their angle with AAA?


I watched it. It wasn't fas as bad as you make it sound. Not everything looked " perfect" during the match, which i.m.o. is actually a good thing.

A match filled with " flawless", anticipated spots makes me view it as "rehearsed" and absolutely fake.


And c'mon, he just slipped for a sec while walking down the ramp. It isn't like he fell flat on his face.....

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