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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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So yeah, it's official: Chyna just made her debut as Kurt's "mistress" and apparently she got a huge pop too.


Also, Foley was revealed as the person working with the network and made the switch to "Impact Wrestling".

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Also, Foley was revealed as the person working with the network and made the switch to "Impact Wrestling".

So TNA isnt TNA anymore?

I'm reading the tweets of a couple of iMPACT Zone regulars who are there right now and their tweets say that it's now "Impact Wrestling". Don't know anything beyond that.

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* Jeff and Karen Jarrett are out to start the show. They don't appear happy. Loud "You suck" chant erupts. Jeff says he's thought this out with Karen and once and for all want to call a truce with Kurt. This time they're very sincere. He says Karen is sweet and innocent. She wouldn't hurt a fly and to be put in danger at Sacrifice isn't right. She minds her own business and Jeff works hard to keep it that way. Loud "we want Angle" chant. Jeff says to do harm to the queen of the mountain is a crime. They hug.


Karen says she knows Kurt has had a lot of matches and maybe got his bell rung one too many times. How he's convinced himself that she's a thorn in his side makes no sense. She says what's been going on has been a misunderstanding. Even the restraining order was for his well being. She asks him to come out.


Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring. Kurt says she's gone too far. He doesn't understand how he stayed with her for ten years. She must be out of her mind and then she married a jerk. At Sacrifice they're going to have a mixed tag match. The Jarrett's vs. Kurt and his business partner. He would've introduced her now but the network wants her to have a proper introduction so he'll have to wait. And Jeff, you know who she is. It's real, it's damn real.


* Madison Rayne & Tara vs. Mickie James & Miss Tessmacher. Winners via Victory Roll from Tessmacher to Madison, Mickie James & Miss Tessmacher.


* Beer Money are out. Robert Roode said Matt Hardy, last week there was going to be a phone call for you to bring someone in special to face us at Sacrifice. We all know who that is, so come out here and we can accept your challenge face to face.


Matt Hardy comes down but doesn't get in the ring. Matt says they impressed him last week when they called out the great Hulk Hogan. It showed they had guts. They became men right on TV. Matt says he's noticed them but they both make him sick. They want to be something important so bad but they're worthless nobodies. He can say that because he's one half of the greatest tag teams ever. If it wasn't for him and Jeff Hardy, they wouldn't even be here right now. They were raised to be champions. Storm was raised to be a drunk cowboy and Roode to be another annoying Canadian. Matt is going to put them in their place when he and his brother take their titles at Sacrifice.


James Storm says he's wasting everybody's time. He gets in Hardy's face and says he is not someone to be messed with and he and his brother can try all they want. Hardy says his partner is not Jeff Hardy though and it's someone that knows Storm inside and out. "Wildcat" Chris Harris comes out and stands on the ramp, staring at Storm.


* Sangriento vs. Suicide. Sangriento showed half of his face for some reason during the match. Winner via springboard ace crusher, Sangriento.


* Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair come out immediately after the match. Suicide is still recovering in the ring. Flair kicks him right in the groin. Hogan says the games are over. In case you didn't hear, he runs this place. He wants a network rep out here right now or there's going to be a problem. Mick Foley's music hits. Foley is out on the ramp. He says Hogan conned his way into running the company. He says they might be the smartest men in the business for pulling this off. Or are they. March 3rd, things started to unravel. Jeff Hardy was then the champ. The Network was paying attention and introduced the Icon, Sting. Since then, someone from the Network has been keeping an eye on him, keeping him in check. That guy is him. Now Hogan won't be able to run things in TNA. Because now, this show is called Impact Wrestling and it's about Wrestling. Tonight's main event is now a 25 man battle royal for the #1 contendership.


* Also, he'd like to introduce Kurt Angle's partner at Sacrifice. A video appears with random symbols that eventually come together to form Chyna. Chyna comes out and stands on the ramp behind Foley as the crowd chants Chyna.


* Up next on Impact Wrestling, Abyss vs. Crimson vs. Samoa Joe. Winner after Abyss Black Hole Slammed Joe and Crimson speared Abyss, Crimson. Abyss attacked Crimson after the match. Abyss stared at Joe but Joe just left. Abyss Black Hole Slammed Crimson and stood victorious over him as his music plays.

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to add to ians



Impact 5/12:




*Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair come out immediately after the match. Flair kicks Suicide low. Hogan says that he runs the show and he's tired of waiting. He wants to know who is running games for the network right now or else. Out comes Mick Foley. Foley said that Hulk may have conned his way into the company and they might think that they were the smartest men in wrestling, but now things are going to start to unravel. He said that on 3/3, Jeff Hardy was the champ but then the Network saw what what happening and brought Sting back to TNA and now he's the champion. Foley said that Hogan won't be able to ruin this show and more because this show is called "Impact Wrestling" because it's supposed to be about wrestling. He announces a Battle Royal to determine the number one contender to the TNA title and then says he'd like to introduce Kurt Angle's partner at Sacrifice. A video appears, eventually spelling the word Chyna and she comes out on the stage with Foley. She got, seriously, a MONSTER pop. Everyone chanted her name.


*Crimson defeated Abyss and Samoa Joe. Abyss attacked Crimson and left him laying.


*They re-tape the ENTIRE segment with Mick Foley coming out to confront Immortal. Crowd was dead for this. There were a few small line changes, including Mick saying this show wasn't "TNA" but "Impact Wrestling" so there's the marketing stuff you guys wrote about last week or so.


*Mr. Anderson wins the Battle Royal. Chyna ran out and tossed out Jarrett. She went after Karen but Jeff saved her and they ran away. Dreamer got tossed by Bully Ray even though they are now partners. Steiner and Morgan eliminated each other. Hardy and Beer Money eliminated each other. In the end, Anderson tossed Ray out.

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Without seeing these its hard to judge if its as bad as it seems.


However...this has to be car crash TV.


Dreamer turns heel, only for ray to chuck him out?


Chyna? last time i saw her she was a drugged up mess.


Foley doing retakes.


New Name? That seems nothing other than a dig at Vinny Mac and his hate for the word "wrestling"


Red trying to be IMPACTS Sin. I wonder if he botches as much? Only for him to show its red for noo reason.


Chris Harris coming back, makes sence ish.


Steiner turning heel? tweener? something. After being the most over wrestler on the show.


O this will be good.

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It's like a return the old Nashville Asylum days! You've got random people turning up! And R-Truth is sort of doing his K-Krush 'Angry black man' character on RAW. I eagerly await the returns of Cheex, The Rainbow Express w/Joel Gertner, S.E.X and Ed Ferrara on commentary.


These are going to be must watch shows because of their mindfuckery.

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I hope Hardy and Braden Walker reminisce about the time they spoke backstage and then stand on the stage with their hands on their hips.


For the wrong reasons I really want to watch these shows, so at least they'll gain a viewer some way :laugh:

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