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TNA Victory Road


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Exactly my thoughts ! They wouldn't give away this type of revenue if this wasn't genuine they can't afford to !

Of course they can offord it. Only about 5,000 people bought the PPV, they dont pay rent on the building they ran and there wasnt any Hogan, Foley or any cripplingly expensive special attraction wrestlers on the show, so it probably cost less than a house show to put on. Its not like they were refunding SummerSlam out. Especially now they arent booking Jeff Hardy anytime in the near future, they are saving money from his appearance fees. So they probably think, because they arent booking Jeff Hardy and saving money in that area, its worth paying back the money to the audience who got fucked out of a main event.

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I got to see this PPV now. Is it on Challenge TV tonight?



TV guide says it is. Whether Challenge throw a wobbler over the drugs scandal/work is another matter.


Quotes like that just make me laugh, seriously, in what world would a small digital channel be liable to throw a woobler about the fact that somebody on a programme seemed to be in an unfit state to work? The thread in general, all this shock and suggestion it's the end of the world for TNA. It's a ridiculous and childish over-reaction.

Yes it was a low moment for TNA, and it hurts their product and runs the risk or turning away a few fans, but that's it. Bloke was too high, so don't use him till he can convince he's not anymore. End. It certainly doesn't help them but anyone suggesting this is the end for TNA is a grade a moron.

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Just checked there. Challenge TV are showing it tonight between 10am and 2am.


Don't you mean 10pm?



I think a 16 hour ppv with a 90 second main event is an even bigger piss take really!

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Someone who can lip read on another forum, because they have hearing issues, said Sting was saying "I want someone to pay for this" to Eric and when Bischoff was talking to Jeff it looked like he was saying "when this match is over, get the fuck out of here."


Not anything shocking but I thought it was interesting.

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Also, they aren't actually spending any money. The most it will cost them is whatever percentage of that few thousand would have otherwise paid for the online stuff.

They will have to pay for the bandwidth any of the new on demand subscribers use.

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Is anyone else about to watch this on Challenge?


How does the live chat work for TNA PPV's or does nobody bother? This will be the first TNA PPV I will have watched in a very long time.

Not too sure about the live chat situation when it comes to the TNA, but intrigued about the whole Sting/Hardy situation I am giving this a go. This is the first TNA I have seen in quite a while, but 40 minutes in I seriously doubt I will be able to stick with it.


Dreamer/Bully Ray was decent enough action but just seemed 10 years too late, although I do like Ray's work on the mic. That Knockouts tag was dire made worse by an atrocious finish, as time stood still whilst they were waiting for Velvet Sky to run to the ring and grab the belt, whilst Taz appears to have sunk to Tenay levels of inbearable ineptitude on commentary.


Just seen that the next match is Morgan/Hernandez and knowing how this ends up, I'll just record the show from now on and go back to watching the Fields Dynamite Year End show (up to Thomson/Kawajiri).

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Just finished watching this on Challenge. As PPVs go, not too bad actually but nothing too impressive.


The opener was okay, although nothing particularly exciting or new, felt more like WWE "extreme rules" rather than old school ECW hardcore.

The woman's tag match was as messy as they always are, how long was Rosita going to hold that belt to wait for Sky to hit her mark and how could Winter not kick out from a 100lb girl sat on her legs for ten seconds??

Hernandez/Morgan would have been a fine ending for an Impact event, but not really for a PPV.

Ultimate X wasn't bad, although they really needed one more man, too often they were swinging on the ropes waiting to be knocked off. Were the ropes lower this time too?

AJ v. Matt and RVD v. Anderson I enjoyed, good decent length matches, although the ending of the latter was a disappointment.


As for the main event, Hardy may have messed up, but TNA really dropped the ball - as has been mentioned, it would have been easy to send him home and have another wrestler take a shot at the title, even just an overlong squash match would have been better than what actually happened. I'm sure if Bischoff can come up with an improvised spiel like he did for the no DQ thing he could come up with a reason to replace Hardy in the match (for example, just to use the same excuse he did - say that they want to surprise Sting like he surprised Jeff and give him a mystery opponent and that they will save Jeff for another time).


If you look closely on the replay, Hardy is really trying to get out of the pin but Sting just holds him down.

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