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What I don't get about sending him out there...


Did they legit expect Sting to work a match, albeit a short one, with Jeff? Or was the plan just go straight to the finisher? Which Hardy didn't seem to know about considering he kicked out. Although he may have been told and just forgot. They did a bit of stuff before the finisher, so i don't know, if the plan was for Sting to do some light stuff, without endagering himself and then go a finisher or just to end it right away.

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I didn't end up getting very far through it in the end, so I'll just post a couple of notes from the little I did see of it.


In reference to a post I made a couple of days ago about TNA not putting enough emphasis on characters, I now realise that I couldn't have been further from the truth. If one thing did hit me about last night's pay per view, it was that every did have a well defined character/gimmick.


Hernandez looks absolutely amazing, one of the most legitimately toughest looking guys in wrestling. He doesn't move too bad either for a big man. Matt Morgan came across as a heel in his pre-match interview I thought. Very shoddy looking ending to the match and the crowd unsurprisingly didn't react.


I agree with Milano's comment about Bully Ray versus Tommy Dreamer being entertaining enough, albeit a decade behind its time.


This may get me some flack, but Generation Me shouldn't be anywhere near a main stream wrestling company with their physiques and looks. When getting interviewed by Hemme they spent 95% of the promo starring into each others eyes and talking about putting a championship belt on a birthday cake? Seriously WTF, and they'll wonder why the Scott Steiner's of the wrestling business succeed. They looked like two mid-build teenage backyarders waiting to get the title match out of the way so that they could go back to their hotel room and pretend that birthday boy was the girl in their relationship. I'm not homophobic one bit, but I think that they should come across a bit more ruthless and aggressive if they're to be taken seriously.


Didn't see much of the Knockout's match, but that Mexican lass cut a cracking little promo in the ring.


I couldn't believe it when they said that they were in the Impact Zone, I thought that they did a good job of making it look bigger than usual.

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This may get me some flack, but Generation Me shouldn't be anywhere near a main stream wrestling company with their physiques and looks. When getting interviewed by Hemme they spent 95% of the promo starring into each others eyes and talking about putting a championship belt on a birthday cake? Seriously WTF, and they'll wonder why the Scott Steiner's of the wrestling business succeed. They looked like two mid-build teenage backyarders waiting to get the title match out of the way so that they could go back to their hotel room and pretend that birthday boy was the girl in their relationship. I'm not homophobic one bit, but I think that they should come across a bit more ruthless and aggressive if they're to be taken seriously.


Thats what I though too, I like them, and they are no doubt talented crazy high flying Daredevils but the pyshique and look just makes them look cack. First of all its too much like the Hardyz, and they just look skinny as hell, especially the Blonde one, at least the dark haired one is sorta muscular-skinny.

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I couldn't see this posted anywhere else on here but in continuation from the Jeff Hardy talk, rumours going around are that he was found laid on his back in the corner of a bathroom before the main event and that he had to be held up walking through the gorilla position.


The site also says this: "TNA management was frantically trying to find him before the main event. Jeff was nodding off and as noted above, had to be held up on his way to the arena for the main event. Sting was quiet backstage but visibly pissed off. More as we get it."


The source says the news is from prowrestling.net. Take it for what it's worth, I just thought you may be interested.

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This may get me some flack, but Generation Me shouldn't be anywhere near a main stream wrestling company with their physiques and looks. When getting interviewed by Hemme they spent 95% of the promo starring into each others eyes and talking about putting a championship belt on a birthday cake? Seriously WTF, and they'll wonder why the Scott Steiner's of the wrestling business succeed. They looked like two mid-build teenage backyarders waiting to get the title match out of the way so that they could go back to their hotel room and pretend that birthday boy was the girl in their relationship. I'm not homophobic one bit, but I think that they should come across a bit more ruthless and aggressive if they're to be taken seriously.


Thats what I though too, I like them, and they are no doubt talented crazy high flying Daredevils but the pyshique and look just makes them look cack. First of all its too much like the Hardyz, and they just look skinny as hell, especially the Blonde one, at least the dark haired one is sorta muscular-skinny.

Recorded the rest of the show as I said in my prior post and skipped through various bits until I got to the main event. The thing I find about with the Bucks is that they appear to be doing spots for the sake of doing spots, as said they are clearly good athletes, but they just seem to be incorporating flips and twists just for the sake of it.


I think the end of Hernandez/Morgan wasn't as bad as everything that I had read had made it out to be. Granted it wasn't ideal, but what Hernandez squirted actually looked like blood (reports made it out like it was paint) and wasn't as hokey as I expected. God is Ken Anderson tedious to watch! I always thought he was grossly over-rated when he was in the WWE, and last night's show confirmed that completely. A very bland, dull interview and not much cop in the ring. He appears to be trying to do some low rent Steve Austin character with all this refering to himself as an 'asshole', whilst RVD comes across as though he is just picking up his paycheck, and couldn't care less about the promotion. That finish was mindblowingly bad though, as was the whole schtick about tuning into Impact to find out what happened (complete ass backwards booking to a tee).


Fortune are just some low rent Horsemen wannabes right down to the silly hand gesture, although I did enjoy Styles vs Matt Hardy and Matt's pre-match interview. Christy Hemme is just a total waste of money in her role, and adds nothing of value to anything that she has ever done, this stint as interviewer included. Then the main event, I was left dumbfounded at this. Why anyone would ever want to purchase a TNA PPV after this event I don't know.

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A hell of a rant from Butch's best mate Bryan Alvarez:


Sting vs. Jeff Hardy for the TNA Title. Hardy wobbled down to the ring all unsteady, tripping on the ring steps on the way in. They did the fancy ring introductions, then Eric Bischoff came out and said there had been a change in plans. He said they'd had a situation on March 3rd where the Network got involved in their business. Bischoff went on and on and on and wouldn't just spit out what he was trying to say. Long story short, this match is no-DQ. Sting punched him right in the face. Bischoff made a funny sound when he got punched. That was the only redeeming thing about this. Jeff took off his shirt and started walking around the ring teasing that he'd throw the shirt into the crowd. Then he just dropped it. What a meanie. So they locked up, then Sting punched him, hooked him in the death drop and pinned him. Match, and this is including the t-shirt bullshit, went 1 minute and 29 seconds.


They showed a replay and they tried to pretend that Jeff tried to kick out but Sting wouldn't let him. It's 2011 and we're supposed to believe that Sting shot on Jeff Hardy in a PPV main event a minute in. WITH HIS FUCKING FINISHER. Someone screamed something and Sting, on the ramp, looked at them and screamed, "I AGREE!" And that was the end of this show. Normally I wouldn't rate this, but we're on a roll with negative star matches so let's keep this alive. (-*****)


Yes, MINUS FIVE STARS. How do I justify this rating? Well, one of two things happened here. Maybe this whole thing was a stupid work. You know, the Pillman loose cannon deal with Hardy playing the role of wrestler-in-no-condition-to-perform, trying to get Internet fans talking. Well, if that's the case, this is the best they could come up with? If this was a work, and you were going to do this one-minute finish, at least have it go on second-to-last and come up with some creative excuse to put something else in the main event slot. Isn't that the point of having a CREATIVE TEAM? If this was a work they bent over and fucked in the ass their most die-hard, loyal-to-the-death fans with a 1:29 main event on a show they paid anywhere from $35 to $45 for. The other possibility is that Jeff was messed up, which was what people in TNA claimed Sunday night. In which case, why is Jeff Hardy in the main event? Years ago WWE fired Jeff because they were concerned with his behavior and he refused to go to rehab. TNA immediately signed him. Then when he kept fucking up they let him go, and WWE signed him back. Then he left WWE a second time, and a week later he got busted and CHARGED WITH MULTIPLE DRUG FELONIES.


It's bad enough to bring a guy in who was having problems when working for the opposition (and believe me I am not defending WWE here because I thought it was wildly irresponsible when they did it as well), but to bring him in when he's facing possible jail time on drug charges? For fuck's sake. And it's not like they took a chance on him, like WWE did, and he actually was on his best behavior once he got there. Oh no. He had an incident just a few month back at another PPV where they were so concerned about his behavior backstage that they nearly pulled him from the show and stripped him of the title (and, of course, in the end they didn't, they just let him work, and then they gave the belt back to him again a month after he lost it to Mr. Anderson). HELLO? EARTH TO FUCKING IDIOTS. If this was legit, I have no sympathy for Dixie Carter whatsoever. In fact, I hold her even more responsible if this was real than if it was fake. If this was fake, they just did something ungodly stupid.


If it was real, she continues to enable a guy with a real problem. She needs to get her fucking act together, like nine years ago. Not to mention that if he really was in no condition to perform, this was the best the creative team could come up with? A one-minute main event with a fluky finish? I mean, Jesus Christ, how long would it take you, the reader, to come up with something better, something that, I don't know, DOESN'T INVOLVE JEFF HARDY? I mean, think about this. Let's say he was under the influence of something. They actually thought

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It must be shit to expound so much energy watching and then writing about something you clearly hate. Oh wait, that's right, he wants to write a smug book about it.


People are entitled to criticise a fuck-up like that, but what a wanker he is with his 'this company needs to die' bollocks. Because mainstream wrestling in America only got better and better over the last decade since the last #2 company went out of business, obviously.

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It must be shit to expound so much energy watching and then writing about something you clearly hate. Oh wait, that's right, he wants to write a smug book about it.


People are entitled to criticise a fuck-up like that, but what a wanker he is with his 'this company needs to die' bollocks. Because mainstream wrestling in America only got better and better over the last decade since the last #2 company went out of business, obviously.


That's the thing, though I thought that was a fun read I was forgetting that it's no different to every single other article he writes about TNA.

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Read it in his voice in your head. You'll want to smash your cranium against a kerb to make it stop. Especially the super obnoxious "MINUS FIVE STARS" in that way you just know he's shouting it to himself. I hate him. I have no patience or time for Alvarez and any of his witterings be they a shite book which should have been subtitled "Picking Favourites", the fucking dire F4W which is full of "humour", his fucking god awful radio shows with that useless Vinny twat, and the shite way he argues on the Board. I have absolutely nothing but fucking contempt for the Gilbert Gottfried voiced twat and hatred for his tongue which is brown with the shit of Lance Storm. I hope he's involved in a plane crash. Meltzer is still alright though, except for when he claims everything is pro wrestling.

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Read it in his voice in your head. You'll want to smash your cranium against a kerb to make it stop. Especially the super obnoxious "MINUS FIVE STARS" in that way you just know he's shouting it to himself. I hate him. I have no patience or time for Alvarez and any of his witterings be they a shite book which should have been subtitled "Picking Favourites", the fucking dire F4W which is full of "humour", his fucking god awful radio shows with that useless Vinny twat, and the shite way he argues on the Board. I have absolutely nothing but fucking contempt for the Gilbert Gottfried voiced twat and hatred for his tongue which is brown with the shit of Lance Storm. I hope he's involved in a plane crash. Meltzer is still alright though, except for when he claims everything is pro wrestling.


It's probably a blessing that I don't have the faintest clue what the fuck his voice sounds like then... :laugh:

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