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30 Days of Gaming

Super Cena

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The Uncharted games have spectacular cut scenes. Well written, well animated and just the right length. Naughty Dogs are pro's at cut scenes, the Jak & Daxter series had great cut scenes too.


The GTA games(and most Rockstar Games as it happens) cut scenes are very well produced but often go on far too long and let humour get in the way of storytelling.

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Captain America and The Avengers pops straight to mind ("You will be the one escaping!") but after a good think about it I'd have to say Sonic Colours.

It didn't have the most mind-blowing cutscenes, or graphically amazing, but along with the gameplay, Sonic Colours has a much improved script. For once it was actually quite funny and captured the feeling of sonic games really well in terms of how they looked. After I thought Sonic was totally past it, Sonic Colours proved me wrong.

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Best cutscenes? In terms of visuals, Final Fantasy XIII. The game itself is terrible, and the voice acting is even worse, but the cut scenes are incredible graphically.


In terms of story, probably Final Fantasy VII. I know I'll sound like a fanboy here, but the scene where Aeris gets killed still brings a lump to my throat. The graphics are horrible, but the actual scene is really quite moving.

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Best Cutscenes? I can't not say Metal Gear Solid 4 can I? Hell, hours of the game are cutscenes. It's been extensively discussed over the last few pages, but when it comes down to it, the quality and production value of the cut scenes are simply amazing. The voice acting is brilliant, the rendering is brilliant, and for Metal Gear nerds like me, the story is brilliant. That all said, I'd like to give a nod this way...





The cutscenes in the Lego games are just awesome. Whether it's re-enacting classic scenes from films or original material in Batman's case, they're done with a cheeky sense of humour that fits perfect with the fun nature of the games. They're just great fun and really well done.

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I'm not a big fan of cutscenes in games (well, non-interactive ones) so I may boycott today's question.


Well, if you insist, then perhaps I'll say the cutscenes at the end of bouts in Streetfighter 2.



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Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon - N64


By far some of the most mental cut scenes from ANYTHING ever made:






and for further awesomeness, the intro theme tune with the english subs at the bottom.. brilliant!


Fight on... Fight on...



Im not even going to attempt to explain why its incredible, just watch, it will only take around 1 min for each vid, you will see what words can not describe!

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It's Final Fantasy 7 all day here surely, the development was staggering both visually and storyline progression wise. It kicked it all.


Cloud laying Aeris down into the lake was gorgeous.


FF8 did have the dance scene, but the game was crap and was really only based around the cut scenes, compared to the epic story of 7 as the stunning cut scenes setting new ground.




If you're looking at it Street Fighter II stylee, then Punch-Out on the NES destroys it, between rounds and then the run to the carry on code, awesome when I was a nipper.

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*You know it's the Mack militant...*








"Tomorrow is scheduled to be your 'Favourite antagonist', with Saturday being 'Favourite protagonist'. (Or in Layman's terms, your favourite lead heels and faces.)


However, seeing as though you people have made this thread such a fun read so far and seeing as though it is Friday tomorrow, I'm going to give you a double header, a double whammy!


That's right, you beautiful UKFFers will be able to discuss both your favourite antagonists and protagonists of the gaming world, past and present.


Holla, holla players..."






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FAVORITE PROTAGONIST: Guybrush Threepwood (Monkey Island series)- likeable, funny, endearing...my favourite character so I guess it's a given he'd be my favourite protagonist.


FAVORITE ANTAGONIST - Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII) - a genuinely creepy and unsettling psychopath. Brilliant backstory, brilliant character. I'd rank Andrew Ryan from Bioshock quite highly also.

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Favourite Protagonist: Got to agree with the above, it's hard to get past Guybrush Threepwood.






Favourite Antagonist: Sephiroth ranks very highly but I do believe he is outbid by the fantastic unfeeling maniacal and brilliant funny GLaDOS.



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The entire game is designed to throw you off and feel out of touch and slightly off balance as a player and it works fantastic. If your of the geeky persuasion the MGS2 Grand Game Plan is worth a read. Sort of like a development blueprint. The final game underwent quite a few changes.


See, I reckon that's wishful thinking. I think the game throws you off because it's gone a bit wrong in development. Those final levels scream of development problems to me. What often happens is that you polish the shit out of the first half of the game, and then spin out later levels with repetition because the gameplay time is lower than you'd promised.


I've never worked on a game where the final product is really anything like the original concept document, so the fact that it underwent changes is neither here nor there really.


Kojima strikes me as the sort of producer who'll tinker his game into the ground. Tinkering can be the kiss of death for a game.

The game definately suffered a bit of development complications at the final hour due to 9/11 but I'm not sure if it really tarnished the second half of the game that badly. The plot seems too crazy to have just been a desperate compromise. It's not exactly a straight foward conclusion, more a fucked up conglameration of everything the game was clearly building towards for a good few hours. I will admit to being a massive fanboy though so I'm certainly not the best person to comment. And on that note MGS4 takes yesterdays best cutscene award.





Favourite Protagonist :




And he strikes again! Sorry but I cannot think of another single iconic protagonist who has given me a greater sense of journey than this bloke. The leads of first person games suck. The leads of Final Fantasy games suck. The leads of GTA games were never the main attraction - especially if you don't rate Tommy Vercetti. The man whose mum calls him David goes from being a drunk cabin dweller pulled out of retirement to Kurt Russell to a character who is actually progressively dying as you play the game. Terminal illness should never be this fun. His affinity for the smokes proves a better subplot than plenty of games main plots. And once again the bloke is putting his life on the line and having a ball of a time doing it.





Favourite Antagonist :




Rufus Shinra is the Shane O' Mac of Final Fantasy VII if Shane O' Mac had a cool surgical trench coat, a big blue hound that could cast wall, and a massive hard on for world domination. I had to stop myself from just throwing down Liquid Ocelot [groan] here and also Sephiroth who whilst not a bad villian is just a figure I've become completely overexposed to. I'd imagine he would get a shout out anyway from others. The next port of call was The Turks who are really too lovely to be considered hardcore antagonists and then there was Kuja - the theatric Sephiroth Lite whose quaint image and hillariously camp mannerisms were really the only draw rather than any fleshed out story. So Rufus it is. He is that type of wrestling heel that manages to be cool as fuck but still enough of a subdued, miserable bastard to be counted as a baddie.


The best thing about him though was the way his blocky character would act within the field graphics. Finishing a sentence the bloke would stride up to the camera, stare strtaight through the TV, and give the hair a good flick back. What a bloke.

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Favourite protagonist, I'mma go with Scarface. Awesome game, and it was so fucking cool getting to play as Tony Montana. It's kind of a cheat because the character wasn't created by the game developers, it was taken from the film.. but they did a really good job of making it feel just like I wanted it to.





Favourite antagonist is going to end up being whatever character felt the most satisfying to finally get to kill in a game, and will probably be someone from a GTA game. Haven't decided who yet, though!

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Protagonist: Snake




Sorry, but in my eyes no one can even compare to this guy. He is an amazing character throughout the series and the relationship the player has with Snake is unlike any other because the game play is so intimate.


Antagonist: Ganondorf




He's just an asshole.


Missed yesterday, my favourite cutscenes have to be MGS4 (I know I know) not because of the cinematic experience and all that crap, but because it goes back over the entire series with Snake's flashbacks etc. which is great for lovers of the whole series and for people who have never played a Metal Gear game before so they have some idea of what's going on, and hopefully encourage them to check out the other games.

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Favourite protagonist, I'mma go with Scarface. Awesome game, and it was so fucking cool getting to play as Tony Montana. It's kind of a cheat because the character wasn't created by the game developers, it was taken from the film.. but they did a really good job of making it feel just like I wanted it to.





Favourite antagonist is going to end up being whatever character felt the most satisfying to finally get to kill in a game, and will probably be someone from a GTA game. Haven't decided who yet, though!


Got to be Big Smoke surely?

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