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Facebook Founder Victim Of Stalker


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I guess it's somewhat ironic that the guy who brought us Facebook, which has seen scores of people fall victim to internet stalking is now facing the same problem himself;


Mark Zuckerberg found one person he definitely wanted to de-friend.


The Facebook founder obtained a restraining order against a 31-year-old man who he claimed threatened himself, his sister Randi and his girlfriend.


A judge ordered Pradeep Manukona to stay at least 300 yards away from the three pending a hearing later this month, TMZ.com reported.


The website cited legal papers filed by Zuckerberg that claimed Manukonda tried to "follow, surveil, and contact Mr. Zuckerberg using language threatening his personal safety.

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It wouldn't particularly surprise me if it were true; I can see how the internet would make it a more accessible passtime...



It's just when I see all those headlines about "jealous facebook killer" and "tweet rapists!" etc. the stories are all stuff that tend to only vaguely relate to the fact that the people in question had social networking pages online, but that they weren't integrally involved in the incident.


I was more wondering if there was any substance to it, or it's the kind of thing that has been repeated so many times we assume it must be true.


I'd be interested to see such a study as the one you read.

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I'd be interested to see such a study as the one you read.

The numbers mentioned were included in an article about someone being arrested for stalking using Myspace I think. If I can find it again I'll fire it up in the thread for you to have a glance at.

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I was walking past the newsagents two days ago and the sandwich board for the ghastly Manchester Evening News had the glorious headline "Sex beast trapped by Facebook". I'd link the story but he might be a member here and I'd probably get suspended or something.

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I was walking past the newsagents two days ago and the sandwich board for the ghastly Manchester Evening News had the glorious headline "Sex beast trapped by Facebook". I'd link the story but he might be a member here and I'd probably get suspended or something.


Surely said criminal would have been banned in the first place for that crime? Or at least I'd hope so.

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It's just when I see all those headlines about "jealous facebook killer" and "tweet rapists!" etc. the stories are all stuff that tend to only vaguely relate to the fact that the people in question had social networking pages online, but that they weren't integrally involved in the incident.




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I had a bit of a nightmare last year...


I met a girl whilst I was at work, who was admittedly really attractive; a year younger than me, blonde and a figure you could rive for days. I got talking to her, exchanged numbers and, seeing as though she didn't live locally, agreed to keep in touch and meet up.


I wouldn't be exaggerating if I said that I was getting 10, 15 texts per day from her that I didn't even reply to - every day without fail. I replied for the first few days, but soon stopped after I realised that within 10 minutes or so of not replying to her, I'd be getting bombarded with text messages either saying the same thing or asking why I hadn't replied.


She was even worse on Facebook; I couldn't log onto it and go on chat without being asked a million and one questions from her. I eventually changed my phone number after not being able to figure out how to block her number and blocked her from Facebook chat.


After a couple of days, she began to inbox message me via Facebook. At first it wasn't too bad, a couple of messages every few days; I just ignored them and didn't read them. It got to the stage where I finally deleted her, only for her to make (what I think is now her third) different accounts where she keeps asking me why I haven't accepted her friend request; I just don't reply.


Absolutely crackers.

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Did you bother at any point to tell her politely you weren't interested? And did you sleep with her at any point?


Yeah, pal. I said that I didn't see her in that way and that I rarely used Facebook so that was the reason why I didn't talk much on chat or reply to her private messages.


I never sleep with her, though.


Another thing that I should mention was that she asked me whether I could imagine spending the rest of my life with her; we'd never had so much as a conversation about being in a relationship, never mind something like that!

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