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smackdown spoilers


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Bit shit that he turns up on another show with no explanation. Not only does him fleeing from Raw make him look like a total fanny, but they didn't tie up loose ends with him and Punk, or Cena, or the rest of Nexus, or Raw.



I thought they were putting less emphasis on the brand split till mania, hence del rio being on both shows this week. There is nothing saying Barrett couldn;t be on Raw monday. He might not but I don't think his being on Smackdown and having a storyline with Punk/Nexus/Cena on Raw are mutually exclusive!

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What's quick about that? Wade Barrett is gone for a month and in his absence Nexus has a new leader. He returns at the rumble and the big question is if he still with Nexus. It is then HINTED that he is on Cena's side and HINTED that he is against Nexus. Its not like he turns face outright and is pro Cena suddenly. That's a very logical storyline; Barrett returns and we have no idea if he is more pissed off at Cena or more pissed off at Nexus. This naturally eludes to the possibility of Cena and Barrett being reluctant partners again Nexus.


Post rumble you get the fairly typical setup: Cena and Barrett are uneasy tag partners in some Raw main event again Nexus. Barrett then shows his true colours and reveals he and CM Punk are in it together.


Thats not rapid. Thats a single step in the overall picture of moving Barrett to Smackdown.

Absolutely illogical.


If you think anyone's going to think for a second that Wade is on Cena's side then you're completely wrong.


Why would they even bother HINTING at it? It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.


God awful booking idea.

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What's quick about that? Wade Barrett is gone for a month and in his absence Nexus has a new leader. He returns at the rumble and the big question is if he still with Nexus. It is then HINTED that he is on Cena's side and HINTED that he is against Nexus. Its not like he turns face outright and is pro Cena suddenly. That's a very logical storyline; Barrett returns and we have no idea if he is more pissed off at Cena or more pissed off at Nexus. This naturally eludes to the possibility of Cena and Barrett being reluctant partners again Nexus.


Post rumble you get the fairly typical setup: Cena and Barrett are uneasy tag partners in some Raw main event again Nexus. Barrett then shows his true colours and reveals he and CM Punk are in it together.


Thats not rapid. Thats a single step in the overall picture of moving Barrett to Smackdown.

Absolutely illogical.


If you think anyone's going to think for a second that Wade is on Cena's side then you're completely wrong.


Why would they even bother HINTING at it? It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.


God awful booking idea.



Because they have a common enemy? We've seen that in wrestling LOADS of times.


You talk as if I'm suggesting they like one another. They wouldn't... but I've clearly stated it would be "uneasy". They would have just been thrown into a situation in which they both hate Nexus and thus find themselves on the same side. They don't like it, they don't like one another and frankly they can't wait to lay into one another again. But ultimately both have been screwed over / smash to pieces with a chair by CM Punk.


You say its god awful but similar angles have happened in the past. Two guys who don't even like one another team up (whether by choice or because they have been forced to) to take down a common threat. E.g. Austin / Michaels vs. The Hart Foundation being a quick example off the top of my head.


At the end of the day we will just have to disagree... but all I was trying to do was throw together a quick five minute idea that's better than "Barrett randomly appears on Smackdown." I certainly never pretended it was a "great" booking idea as I was just trying to make the best of the current situation.

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Very happy with the Ziggler vs Edge match, should be a decent one to watch.


Ziggler's really stepped up his game in the last 12 months, fair play to him if they think he's ready to run with the big boys.


Makes sense as well giving the whole Edge and Vickie history and how Ziggler just appears to be the new Edge for Vickie too.

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What's quick about that? Wade Barrett is gone for a month and in his absence Nexus has a new leader. He returns at the rumble and the big question is if he still with Nexus. It is then HINTED that he is on Cena's side and HINTED that he is against Nexus. Its not like he turns face outright and is pro Cena suddenly. That's a very logical storyline; Barrett returns and we have no idea if he is more pissed off at Cena or more pissed off at Nexus. This naturally eludes to the possibility of Cena and Barrett being reluctant partners again Nexus.


Post rumble you get the fairly typical setup: Cena and Barrett are uneasy tag partners in some Raw main event again Nexus. Barrett then shows his true colours and reveals he and CM Punk are in it together.


Thats not rapid. Thats a single step in the overall picture of moving Barrett to Smackdown.

Absolutely illogical.


If you think anyone's going to think for a second that Wade is on Cena's side then you're completely wrong.


Why would they even bother HINTING at it? It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.


God awful booking idea.


It certainly isn't 'God awful'. Far-fetched yes, but then WWE teased the same thing last year when Cena and Sheamus cleared Nexus from the ring. It would be another breath of fresh air into a feud which should by rights have finished at TLC.

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Well I for one would be hugely disappointed if they went in that direction.


It makes absolutely no sense - Wade has done more than anyone has to get rid of Cena out of the company, and Cena has suffered more than he has against anyone.


To think that either man would consider for a second working together is fucking ridiculous.

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Dark Match:

* Percy Watson defeated Chavo Guerrero.


SmackDown, Airing Friday:


*World champion Edge defeated Kane in a Last Man Standing match.


*Kofi Kingston pinned Dolph Ziggler to win the WWE Intercontinental championship. Post match, Dolph attacked Kingston. Vickie Guerrero cuts a promo demanding a restart and there was so much crowd heat, you couldn't make out what she said. Kingston then wins again.


*Backstage promo with Drew McIntyre and Kelly Kelly.


*Drew McIntyre vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Big Show to determine a new top contender for the World championship. Vickie Guerrero comes out and adds Dolph Ziggler to the match. Dolph Ziggler pinned Cody to become the number one contender. Late in the match, Wade Barrett came out and attacked Big Show.


*They aired another new Ezekiel Jackson promo pushing that he's coming soon to Smackdown.


*Michelle McCool pinned Kelly Kelly. LayCool continued to attack Kelly but Drew McIntyre hit the ring and cleared it to make the save.


*Best of Three Falls: Alberto del Rio vs. Rey Mysterio. Del Rio avoids the 619 and nails the rolling armbreaker for Fall One. Rey comes back to win the second fall. Del Rio scores the pin in Fall Three after Ricardo holds Rey's leg down. Rey destroys Ricardo after.



Barrett to be on SD then mmm, i dont mind that but surely he has unfinished business on raw to deal with. like revenge on nexus.

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Edge VS Kane

Del Rio VS Mysterio

Kofi VS Dolph


MY god these three again!! Still, from the looks of it I think we've seen the back of these three feuds. Will be good to see things freshened up a bit. Good for Dolph.

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Edge VS Kane

Del Rio VS Mysterio

Kofi VS Dolph


MY god these three again!! Still, from the looks of it I think we've seen the back of these three feuds. Will be good to see things freshened up a bit. Good for Dolph.


I suspect your right.


Looks like we might be moving towards this having Del Rio vs. Edge and Barrett vs. Taker as key Mania matches.

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Cracking Smackdown, which is a small miracle considering it was structured around three rematches I'd no interest in seeing. I hope we've seen the back of all three of them now anyway.


Superb night for Ziggler again. A little feud with Vickie's ex-husband should make for some good Smackdown over the next few weeks.


I'm curious to see which rivalries are going to start up now, aside from the obvious (Edge vs Ziggler, Show vs Barrett). I'm crossing my fingers that there'll be no more Kofi vs McIntyre.


1) Dolph literally lost the IC belt and won a world title shot in ONE SHOW. There should of been some sort of aftermath to him losing the IC belt which naturally leads to Vickie giving him a world title shot to keep him happy.

What the fuck are you on about? There was a backstage argument where he was dumping her if she didn't come up with something to make him happy. Dolph being thrown into the four way made perfect sense in the context of the show.

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Cracking Smackdown, which is a small miracle considering it was structured around three rematches I'd no interest in seeing. I hope we've seen the back of all three of them now anyway.


Superb night for Ziggler again. A little feud with Vickie's ex-husband should make for some good Smackdown over the next few weeks.


I'm curious to see which rivalries are going to start up now, aside from the obvious (Edge vs Ziggler, Show vs Barrett). I'm crossing my fingers that there'll be no more Kofi vs McIntyre.


1) Dolph literally lost the IC belt and won a world title shot in ONE SHOW. There should of been some sort of aftermath to him losing the IC belt which naturally leads to Vickie giving him a world title shot to keep him happy.

What the fuck are you on about? There was a backstage argument where he was dumping her if she didn't come up with something to make him happy. Dolph being thrown into the four way made perfect sense in the context of the show.


True there was... but it happened very quickly (one show) which was my criticism. I.e. I would of like to of seen a upset Diggler attempt to get the belt back for a bit, fail, blame Vickie, have a sulk and then Vickie finally organizing the world title shot. I just feel that could of made some interesting telly.

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What the hell was Matt Striker up to after Edge got chokeslammed through the table?!


Getting his DI box from under the wreckage so his mic could still be heard.


A DI box (for those unaware) is what the commentators mic's are connected to which mix the sound and sends it to the soundboard.

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