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Bellenda Carlisle

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Fuck that shit. I am not even going to watch the trailer. I don't need to see Arnie Flairing it up. As far my revisionist history is concerned The Last Stand was his 'retiring with grace' film.

A friend of mine has just asked me on Facebook why this is any different than Star Wars bringing back Harrison Ford etc. My reply was this:


The Star Wars trailer got so many things right. It showed you just a little, and not too much, and crucially, didn't show you Luke, Han, or Leia at all. They've kept you waiting to see what they do. They've cast relative unknowns in new roles they can grow into, and wisely made them the focus of the trailer, not a photoshopped pensioner. Plus, Star Wars isn't rewriting history like this is, and while they've recast the roles of Kyle Reese, John Connor and Sarah Connor, they've kept Arnold as the Terminator, It makes it look... bizarre, like cheap fan fiction that Arnold was asked to star in as a favour.

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Benedict Cumberbatch has officially joined Marvel Studio’s “Doctor Strange,” the company said Thursday.


The actor will play neurosurgeon Doctor Stephen Strange who, after a horrific car accident, discovers the hidden world of magic and alternate dimensions and becomes the next Sorcerer Supreme and primary protector of Earth against magical and mystical threats. Marvel Comics vets Stan Lee and Steve Ditko co-created the character in 1963.


Cumberbatch’s casting had been in the works since October.


Scott Derrickson is directing the film, to be released Nov. 4, 2016, as part of Marvel’s phase three of superhero movies. Jon Spaihts is writing the script.


“Stephen Strange’s story requires an actor capable of great depth and sincerity,” said Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige. “In 2016 Benedict will show audiences what makes Doctor Strange such a unique and compelling character.”


Feige has long wanted the Doctor Strange character to star in his own solo film as a way to make a movie about magic the way “Guardians of the Galaxy” pushes the Marvel movie world into the sci-fi and space genre and “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” into political thrillers.


Marvel had been in negotiations with Joaquin Phoenix to take the role but couldn’t reach a deal because of the number of films the thesp would have to agree to make.

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Feels like buzz casting to me, there were loads of people I would've liked before him. Having said that I've never seen him in anything and am judging him purely because I dislike his face.

Out of the people they kept shortlisting for the role Jared Leto was my favourite but I'd much rather see him play the Joker anyway.

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Marvel and Sony have come an agreement. Looks like possibly from Captain America Cival War Spidey will be in the MCU. Great news IMO. It's been on the cards since Amazing Spiderman 2 didn't do so well. Now the MCU will feel complete in my book.



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Just needs The Punisher, but then there's the whole 'how do you write that character into a PG Universe?' argument.

In saying that, he was quite a vital part of the post Civil War/Death of Captain America arc.


Who's going to don the Spidey suit now?

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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I think Punisher could work pretty well for TV. Maybe from within Netflix Daredevil universe. Which I believe is within the Avengers universe, isn't it?


Really looking forward to Daredevil. Love Frank Miller's Born Again. Its a great book. As bad as Affleck's Daredevil movie is I have a soft spot for the Directors cut. It reminds me of Burton's Batman except with worse CGI.



EDIT - Agreed, Garfield should be Spidey. It would avoid the temptation of yet another origin film.

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I actually did hear ol' Franky may well be a part of the Netflix Marvel gig, and Daredevil looks nice, grim and apt for a Punisher appearance.

Maybe if they combine a slightly toned down Castle with the Punisher Max/Ennis look, it could work.


Regarding Daredevil, I really hope they go down the Guardian Devil route at some stage. I love that arc. Born Again, has to be a given, considering it’s the arguably the most important Daredevil work there is, and with Daredevil in the MCU, the ending wouldn’t be so hard to pull off.


I also have to agree with DEF. I’m a fan of the Daredevil DC myself and I actually enjoyed Affleck and his billy club.


Deadpool next year too. Very exciting times.

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Have any of you been watching Constantine? I really like it. I've never read any Hellblazer so have no idea how faithful it is. When the trailer popped up it didn't fill me with confidence but I've actually been really into it.


Also when is the new season of The Tick showing up. I can't wait for it.

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I love the Hellblazer books but don't think I could watch the TV show. To me Constantine is a smart arse depressed but charming bastard walking around grim Thatcher-ite England. The best Hellblazer stories are just so quintessentially British. Watching him ponce about in Los Angeles or wherever with a bunch of Yanks just wouldn't work for me.

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To me Constantine is a smart arse depressed but charming bastard

I'd say they at least got that bit right then.

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