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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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Heard a lot of love for Superman/Batman: Public Enemies but haven't seen it and don't know if I'll ever see it because my hatred for Superman. That's the same thing keeping from JL titles, I just don't care for Superman as a charter in the same way I do for Batman.


Might give Year One a watch today as I haven't seen it for a longtime.

And I would love for them to release The Animated Series on BluRay but don't think it'll happen. If you include the 24 episode run of The New Adventures of Batman & Robin, it'd be a 109 episode collection which would be a big set to produce and don't think would sell particularly well. The DCU movies have been less profitable with each release, so the chances of them putting out a series from 20 years ago are slim.

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Have any of you seen The Dark Knight Returns deluxe edition? How's it different to parts 1 & 2 individually? I'll probably get it seeing as I LOVE parts 1 & 2 and its got a feature length doc about Frank Miller on the disc but it would be cool if the film it self was a different cut.


The deluxe edition presents it as one film, running just under 2 and a half hours, and features commentarys from Jay Oliva (Director), Bob Goodman (Writer) and Andrea Romano (Voice Director) as well as the 70 Minute Frank Miller doc you mentioned and all other special features from the seperate releases

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Heard a lot of love for Superman/Batman: Public Enemies but haven't seen it and don't know if I'll ever see it because my hatred for Superman. That's the same thing keeping from JL titles, I just don't care for Superman as a charter in the same way I do for Batman.


I think your doing yourself a massive disservice there. I'm not saying read Supes solo books or films as I'm not much of a fan of big blue either. For my money the most interesting Superman ever is is when its developing his relationship with Batman. There is a documentary on Superman/Batman Public Enemies where they discuss the begrudging respect they have for each other despite having very different methods. One thing I thought was an interesting analogy was that Batman is DCU's police officer. He tries to prevent crime from taking place as much as possible and uses fear to attempt to instil authority. Where as Superman is the DCU's Fireman. He's doesn't try to stop crime before it takes place, he steps in once he's called to action. I'm butchering it and paraphrasing but it was an interesting discussion.


With the Justice League animated movies and series I wouldn't worry about Supes being the star of the show. Sure he's in them but more often than not he's far from the central protagonist and they seem to make a point of protecting (in the wrestling context) Batman when he interacts outside Gotham and with the Justice League.

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Im really enjoying reading this thread, its cool to see how many layers there are in the world of superheroes, much like wrestling to some degree.


Anyway I would love to get in to some of the animated films mentioned in this thread, and really want to start getting into comics. Can someone please let me know where a good starting place would be? I have no experience with either so baby steps would be much appreciated.

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I've been super into Batman for a good few years now in all mediums but learnt a heck of a lot about the rest of the DC universe from the Justice League and Justice League Unlimited tv series, so you could do worse than starting there. As for comics I really only read Batman tpb titles so can't help much outside them.

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Hadn't heard of GOTG until I read about the movie. Yet it suddenly seems like every man and his dog has read it (at least round my area). It was the same when Watchmen was coming out


Yeah Ive noticed a similar thing. Someone on my Facebook was going on about how they were a big fan of the comics growing up (they would have been in their mid 20s when the reboot happened) and he kept calling him Rocket The Racoon which just reminded me of when my mum calls the Internet 'the google'


I was a big comic fan when I was younger and outside of a few references to the original guardians I knew very little about the title until I grabbed the tpb. It's about as obscure of a title Marvel could pick.



Also on a side note a guy I have known for years is in the film and made it into the trailer ( he's the big guy listening to the Walkman) he's also in Ghostrider 2 and Batman begins.

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Even I haven't read Guardians of the Galaxy and I read at least 3 graphic novels a month. I'm intrigued by the film, I'm sure it will be great but I don't know what people are getting so excited by in the trailer, it doesn't show much (not that that's a bad thing). I think people are just excited by it because of the hype and they like the Marvel cinematic universe. I'm not keen on the use of the cheesy song, I hated it in Iron Man 3 and I'm not feeling the use of cheesy music here.

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