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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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Because it's a saleable asset they don't want a rival studio to have, they'd rather lose some money in the short term than have Marvel make even more money in the long term at their expense.


Although, the outcome of all of this probably plays right into Marvels hands anyway. I can see no way at all that the planned (and announced) sequel goes ahead and all the critical negativity this film has gained will likely lead to Marvel low-balling an offer that Fox will probably have no choice but to accept - similar to Sony and the Spider-Man franchise after the flop of a 2nd film.


I think Fox just thought the rushed production wouldn't be a factor in the quality of the film, but alas everything you hear from behind the scenes make the process sound like a colossal disaster from the start to the finish.

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I know this will cause the wrong reaction but I knew this film was doomed the minute they changed Johnny Storm from white to black.


It showed a lack of respect for the source material as well as pissing of many fans. From then on things just looked worse and worse with the cast being too young, Dr Doom being a hacker, containment suits and all other horrible stories.

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I know this will cause the wrong reaction but I knew this film was doomed the minute they changed Johnny Storm from white to black.


I think that's the point where a lot of people unfairly decided they were going to refuse to give it a chance. In the actual film however Michael B Jordan is fine and his race makes no difference to the film or the story in any way. The Thing being naked and cockless was far more jarring than Johnny Storm being black.

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Because comic book nerds are pretty protective of the things they love. I don't want to get into the whole debate about it because it's been done to death but the minute that decision was made I feel they were facing an uphill battle with the fans, had there been more positive buzz from everything else we would have seen people willing to give it a shot but the nerds wanted the film to fail an the casual audiences have probably had enough with Avengers 2 and Ant Man this summer to give a weird looking sci fi comic book movie which everyone says is shit a go.

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Hollywood is constantly taking black characters and real black figures and having them portayed by white actors, never see no fucking nerds getting all butthurt there.




The Johnny Storm casting was a gimmick for gimmicks sake. the same as the talk about a female Dr Who or a black James Bond (or an all female Ghostbusters) If its well written and makes sense (which this film isn't) then fantastic, do it. Don't just make a change like that for the sake of it to get a reaction. It adds nothing to the film at all and is just there to illicit 'well if you don't like it you must be racist/sexist/ignorant' responses


Regarding the rest of the changes they made, most of which seemed to have been altered in reshoots, I said the same thing when they changed the Mandarin character in Iron Man 3 (probably the only change that actually bothered me in any of the films). They are paying money to use these characters for a reason, because they have a core fan base, an existing recognition and 40+ years of story lines to use / work from. If you are going to disregard or drastically alter that then you are right to expect a backlash. If you want to change things that much and move away from the source material, why not just make new characters?


And just in case its all just dismissed as being 'fanboy whinging' All the marvel films have altered characters and storylines, most of them for the better. They just realise that there's a right and a wrong way to do it.

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Was there a fuss about Idris Elba in Thor?


I lost total interest in this Fantastic Four as soon as they started talking about how serious and gritty it was going to be, and how it wasn't really about superheroes but was really an intense family drama. The trailers all tried to purvey this ultra grim serious mood as well. That's not what I want from a Fantastic Four movie, or any superhero movie outside of maybe Batman. Put me right off.

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Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games, the main character from Pay it Forward was originally a person of colour as was the main in A Beautiful Mind, Mena Suvari in Stuck is a fucking horrific one as they even gave her cornrows.  Look at every Hollywood attempt at making a movie about Ancient Egypt, pretty fucking sure they have and are still using predominantly white actors. Whitewashing is disgusting and the parts i pointed out are a tiny ammount.


Edit: There's a great site about whitewashing and racebending in the media here http://www.racebending.com/v4/learn/

Edited by Merzbow
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I know this will cause the wrong reaction but I knew this film was doomed the minute they changed Johnny Storm from white to black.


I didn't care about Johnny being black. It pissed me off a great deal that they changed Sue from his actual sister to his adopted sister, just so they could facilitate having a very white Sue and a very black Johnny. Should this matter? Probably not. But it mattered to me.

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In Dr Strange The Ancient One, a character who's historically always been an old Tibetan man is going to be played by Tilda Swinton.


In Fantastic Four the sibling relationship between Johnny and Sue is downplayed so much it really doesn't matter what colour they are or if they match. Their difference in personality is the only aspect of their relationship that's represented at all so them being adopted or different colours doesn't hurt the story they're telling in the film whatsoever.

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Was i the only one who actually quite liked the other F4 films? (The ones with Captain America as Torch)


Haven't seen this one yet but probably will at some point. I'm feeling slightly smothered by the superhero stuff at the moment and the constant reboots (F4, Spiderman, too a lesser extent Batman and even X-Men) has resulted in me losing a lot of my previous enthusiasm for it all.  Although Apocalypse and Gambit may fix that next year with any luck,

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Was i the only one who actually quite liked the other F4 films? (The ones with Captain America as Torch)

 The second one, with the Silver Surfer, is the only film I've watched at the cinema and fell asleep during it.

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