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Bellenda Carlisle

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First trailer for Captain America: Civil War



Hopefully there's a lot they're holding back because I'm not blown away by the trailer at all.

What's the first movie Spider-Man is going to be in? Is it this one?

Agreed.  Looks good, but I'm not overly excited for it yet based on that.

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It's Captain America fighting Iron Man and it comes out 2 months after Batman V Superman, it should look just as good but BVS looks like the best film ever and this looks like a sequel to Winter Soldier.


I'm completely willing to eat my words if they reveal more exciting stuff and I really hope it's great but as a first trailer it's not grabbing me by the balls.

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Your reaction to the trailer depends on how you feel about the studios' track records. Me, I thought Man of Steel was over-produced garbage, sub-Bayhem VFX destruction porn tacked onto the end of a mopey disinterested cast battling against a hollow story. I've not seen anything of BvS that tells me it'll be anything less than the same, but with more popular characters and more slowed-down looks into the middle distance and the occasional angry face. Although Marvel is still guilty of dropping increasingly large pixels out of the sky, I much prefer their slant towards on-camera stunt work and character interaction. That 12-foot dropkick and chopper grab were awesome, carried by the senses of actual effort and pain required. And fxxx me, that final shot of Bucky and Cap versus Stark, after RDJ drops a feels bomb. Great choreography, great selling, and asks all the right questions.


Yeah, I'm pretty hyped for it.

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I think it looks wonderful, but the movie needs this to happen, at some point for me actually shite eggrolls.



To be honest, with Deadpool, Civil War, Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad next year, I reckon my undercrackers will be in a permo state of crust.

Not too fussed about Apocalypse (I think the Ivan Ooze thing really turned me on my arse about it), Gambit or Doctor Strange for some reason. Maybe it's because I'm aged.

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Your reaction to the trailer depends on how you feel about the studios' track records

Not really, I'd rather judge it based on what I'm actually seeing. I don't like the Civil War storyline anyway but at least in the comics it was a huge spectacular event that featured nearly everyone - in this trailer it looks like an argument between Iron Man and Captain America and a few of Cap's hangers on.


Also if I were to judge it on the Studios' track records I think bar Guardians of the Galaxy, DareDevil and Winter Soldier everything Marvel have done since the first Avengers film has fallen a bit short anyway so that's no guarantee.


I love this shit though, I'll be there on opening day and hopefully I'll love it, I don't want to slag it off too much, I'm just saying I expected more from the trailer.

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I think it looks wonderful, but the movie needs this to happen, at some point for me actually shite eggrolls.



To be honest, with Deadpool, Civil War, Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad next year, I reckon my undercrackers will be in a permo state of crust.

Not too fussed about Apocalypse (I think the Ivan Ooze thing really turned me on my arse about it), Gambit or Doctor Strange for some reason. Maybe it's because I'm aged.

Are all those out next year then? It'll be superhero overload!

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I don't think we've got anything to worry about with regards to the actual Civil War being nothing more than a few pops back and forth, as you've got the usual cunts like Cap, Stark, Black Widow, Falcon and Hawkeye plus Vision, Ant Mang, Bucky, Spider Man, Black Panther, War Machine and if the rumours be true, some of the lads from Hell Kitchen will be turning up, so I reckon we're in for the serious horn...

I wonder if Hawkeye will survive, coz...he's a bit shit, really.

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There are 29 or something big superhero films planned for the next 6 years HG, THE DC ones have barely got started.


I'm with Scotty on not feeling Dr Strange or Apocalypse as much as the others. Apocalypse himself looks tragic and unlike seemingly everyone else on the planet I'm not on love with Cumberbatch, and him in Doctor Strange feels like buzz casting- a more out of the box actor could be killed that role.


I hope Batman V Superman is huge, I want all the stuff DC has on the slate to get made.

Edited by Call me Bellend
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There are 29 or something big superhero films planned for the next 6 years HG, THE DC ones have barely got started.


I'm with Scotty on not feeling Dr Strange or Apocalypse as much as the others. Apocalypse himself looks tragic and unlike seemingly everyone else on the planet I'm not on love with Cumberbatch, and him in Doctor Strange feels like buzz casting- a more out of the box actor could be killed that role.


I hope Batman V Superman is huge, I want all the stuff DC has on the slate to get made.



I like Benny Crumbs, but I've mentioned before on here that I think John Hamm would've been great for the role.

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I think it looks wonderful, but the movie needs this to happen, at some point for me actually shite eggrolls.




That's the money shot and I've not doubt it'll happen in the full trailer. There has to be a full line up of everyone ready to beat the shit out of each other as well. The thought of them chucking everyone in from the tv shows makes me moist but I'd much prefer it to happen in avengers 4. Literally every hero they've had in the last 8 years of films and tv in one big clusterfuck of a fight like an OTT version of that fly through scene from the first Avengers.

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