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Shoot interviews


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Its not released as a shoot. Its a profile video released by Ring of Honor. The popular (and interestingly only) story going about is that Cornette got them to take it off the shelves because unlike Cornette's views on things, footage is used to go along with Steen's words basically validating every criticism Steen had of him. He rips the arse out of Cornette on it and its all justified. So Cornette (who still sort of with ROH and is still pals with Delirious and the Sinclair people) probably had them take it down. And really what other reason was there to take it down? Its the best DVD I've watched this year. Better than any WWE release, so quality wasn't an issue. Steen's merchandise murders anyone on the ROH roster. He's got a 20% royalty deal with them because his shit is so popular. So sales wasn't a factor. Had to be someone involved sticking the knife in.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Dear god im watching fuller book HBK in WCW.


O lord that would have been a shit angle, this is worse than corny using funk.


I just had to edit this, they even kinda pushed him to change it and he went right back to that shit, Probably the worst guest booker ever, he more or less said he would walk away if he had been in charge and they tried to use sting "crow" beacuse the kids liked the old sting.

Edited by quote the raven
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I loved the part where the nWo beats Booker T so bad it left him on his death bed and they dont know if he'll ever wake up. Robert Fuller had no notes, so I'm 99% certain he showed up desperate to get out of the hotel room with him money. He's blagging away and not knowing what the fuck he's talking about. Debuting Shawn Michaels with a TV title win and making Sherri manage him was quite mad.

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He would have single handed killed WCW if he had used the NWO the way he said.


HBK given as a gift to sherri?


Then you have a team of HBK meng facepainted old sting and fucking stevie ray taking them out?


You people really should watch it, car crash from start to finish.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just re watching the New Jack RF shoot interview from 1996 and it's really great, I know a lot of people hate on him these days and he's had about 100 shoots out now but this one is really worth a watch


Plus he's sitting there drinking cans of Fosters as he goes which got a laugh out of me

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I've watched that Timeline twice now. It's absolutely excellent. Nash is brilliant in both his KC shoots. They need to come up with an excuse for him to do another.

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