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When people's idea of fun is baiting a vulnerable guy to humiliate himself for everyone's entertainment, I'm quite content to be the sourpuss.

We won't bait you again
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Fucking hell bobbins, a few years ago you used to have a sense of humour about things. Since then you've turned into Mr Sourpuss, you sourpuss you.We all know why you're moaning, it's because you were needled out for a suspension due to the super rap challenge (which was a super fun thread), but you don't do fun these days. I actually challenge you to point out the last fun post you made, instead of a tutting aunt post. Bring back the old and fun bobbins.

When people's idea of fun is baiting a vulnerable guy to humiliate himself for everyone's entertainment, I'm quite content to be the sourpuss.
We also encouraged Pitcos, Sean Thomas Jolly and Wretch into humiliating themselves for our entertainment. Why is Hulky getting the attention he was seeking so different?Hulky knows he's not welcome here. He's not stupid. He's not mentally impaired. He keeps coming back because - quite simply - he's an utter cretin. Any humiliation he suffers is usually down to threats to kidnap non-existant people if he's not allowed to post on here.
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We also encouraged Pitcos, Sean Thomas Jolly and Wretch into humiliating themselves for our entertainment.

Nah, they weren't the butt of the joke.

He's not stupid. He's not mentally impaired. He keeps coming back because - quite simply - he's an utter cretin.

So he's not stupid or mentally impaired, then what's your definition of cretin? I don't know what's up with the guy, but he's human. Banning him because he can't get along is fine, smacking him about a bit and rubbing his nose in it before you kick him out is pretty callous.
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Fair play, I didn't realise Cretin started out as a term specifically for the mentally impaired. I've only heard it used as a generic insult, usually toward tediously irritating people.He's no different to thousands of others on the internet, that think having a webcam or blogspace makes him someone who demands the attention of others. Nobody went after him. He came here. Nobody smacked him about a bit before kicking him out. They said join in with the rest of us and you can stay. He didn't want that. He wanted to be one above the rest of us. So he got kicked out. Simple, stay and play, or fuck off. Why should the rest of us make allowances from someone who has a proven history of spam, trolling and threats?So yeah, I hold my hands up that I shouldn't have used the word cretin. Is twat generic enough to be acceptable?

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We also encouraged Pitcos, Sean Thomas Jolly and Wretch into humiliating themselves for our entertainment.

Nah, they weren't the butt of the joke.

He's not stupid. He's not mentally impaired. He keeps coming back because - quite simply - he's an utter cretin.

So he's not stupid or mentally impaired, then what's your definition of cretin? I don't know what's up with the guy, but he's human. Banning him because he can't get along is fine, smacking him about a bit and rubbing his nose in it before you kick him out is pretty callous.
He wasn't the butt of the joke. It was some random, off the top of my head shit, that I knew he wouldn't even bother to read through, let alone reply to. No real difference from flooding a shitty, terrible thread with Ian Beale pictures before it inevitably gets locked. Nothing about it even referenced him, and some people made some funny rap videos completely unrelated to Hulky, who the thread stopped being about almost instantly.Just so we're clear, seeing as you're into BEING CLEAR ABOUT WHERE WE STAND at tedious length to make some weird point, it's not cool when it's him, (and coincidentally, a time when you cop a suspension out of it), but the likes of Radders, Coey, Bryant, Alan Hill, or any of the multitude of other genuinely insane message board types are fair game to replying with like you would anyone else, yeah?
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So yeah, I hold my hands up that I shouldn't have used the word cretin. Is twat generic enough to be acceptable?

Yeah, if you're a misogynist.
Pillock?I must confess, my knowledge on the history and development of insults is limited.
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So yeah, I hold my hands up that I shouldn't have used the word cretin. Is twat generic enough to be acceptable?

Yeah, if you're a misogynist.
Pillock?I must confess, my knowledge on the history and development of insults is limited.
Comes from C16th Norway, meaning penis. So not only are you calling Perfect Perviz a penis which is grossly offensive in some way probably, but you're also having a pop at the ginger haired raping and pillaging neighbours of the North Sea.I always thought Radbourne was a bit soft in the head to be honest, he obviously has major problems with delusion. So I wonder what Bobbins thinks of his behaviour RE: Radders on RIM? Edited by PowerButchi
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He's no different to thousands of others on the internet,

Come on man, you can't tell me you think HF is a normal, regular guy who functions great in ordinary society, with a happy productive life.

Nobody smacked him about a bit before kicking him out. They said join in with the rest of us and you can stay. He didn't want that. He wanted to be one above the rest of us. So he got kicked out.

Mate, that's bollocks. I challenge anyone to go and have a look back at that thread objectively. It's a pretty nasty pile-on of a very easy target that hasn't the tools to fight back, with HF just trying to be nice and get along. It's actually quite sad. It's easy to de-humanise people on the internet.

Yeah, if you're a misogynist

I'll let that one slide. It's not like he's calling every female member of the board a prostitute eh Pitcos?
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I must confess, my knowledge on the history and development of insults is limited.

It dates from 1530 from pillicock, which itself was used as slang of penis from the 14th century, whereas the sense in which you wish to use it only came into being in 1967. So no, sorry, but it's misandrist.
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