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CHIKARA: The Offical Thread

Boon Town Rat

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Here's a stream of Chikara's return show.



Its hilariously bad. Horrendous. The quality is shite. Proper 2004 webcam quality footage. And its in the middle of a field somewhere. Nothing has happened

yet. Just some fat fans talking to the camera. Apparently some fan has been kidnapped in a van. Its an angle I think. I never saw it. Nobody seems to care either way. They are actually taking the ring down as I type. Its mental. I have no idea what is going on or why this was a good idea.


I'm not sure it was intended to be streamed; it's the afore mentioned "fat fans" that set up the stream channel after one of the Chikara wrestlers behind the #IamChikara stuff organised a rally at a skate park. I would assume the match and angle to be for the fans who decided to turn up. The kidnapped fan is from the Chikara101 board called Tom it seems, although there seems to be some speculation it was Reckless Youth, one of the original Chikara trainers.


How it all ties in with the on going angles of old Chikara enemies killing of the Wrestling Is... promotions and the videos remains to be seen by those interested enough to keep up.


This was never meant to be any kind of comeback show though, just a thing organised by a wrestler for fans who wanted to show up to further whatever angle has been building since the shut down. Or to fill more time whilst Quackenbush saves up money to restart.



Or what rohpete said...

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Tickets are now on sale at Chikara's website. Also anyone who was part of the I Am Chikara meet ups and got a T-Shirt from Icarus gets in free.


Chikara makes me smile - silly, comic book like booking with some of the best chants.


Welcome back Chikara

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Having listened to Quackenbush on F4W explain this whole story, I was pretty intrigued to watch the angle on Youtube from National Pro Wrestling Day, but it was next to impossible to really make sense of. The cameras miss alot of it, especially when the babyfaces presumably pull their hoods down and I couldn't hear a word anyone was saying on the mic. The video also goes black for 5 minutes after the angle before the 5v5 Chikara tag, presumably because the IPPV did so.


Link below if anyone wants. All kicks off about 1hr58 in. It's admirably high concept and looked a lot of fun to witness live, but it doesn't really translate.



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I don't think they think wrestling is more than it is, they just make of it what they want to. If you feel like you *get* it, it's some of the most fun stuff in the world, but you'd have to be an idiot to think it's not going to massively alienate a lot of people. I love it, I'm glad it's back, and I wish I lived near enough to go along and get crazy into it so I didn't have to sit in front of my laptop thinking "this'd probably be great if I could work out what the fuck Jimmy Jacobs is saying" or "man, that poor family in the back row look like a dog that's been shown a card trick".

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Their current angle involves a fake blog that talks about conspiracy theories which may or may not relate to the company, there's also the possibility it involves time travel, they met in a park and kidnapped a fan which was recorded on a shitty stream, etc.

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I know, I've been (just about) following it. It's OTT and a great deal more than is necessary, but it's just them dicking about because they find overcomplicated stuff fun to write, not them pretending wrestling is high art. If it was all po-faced, that'd be terrible, but it's all tongue-in-cheek and always has been.

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I dunno, I disagree with Vamp that wrestling categorically couldn't be "high art" in some way in theory but if you listen to Quackenbush on F4W he's not being tongue in cheek with this at all. He seems to genuinely stand by the angle as something far more serious than that.

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Quackenbush is a well known weirdo. For a bloke who runs a fake nerd culture promotion, you'd think he'd have a sense of fun about him, but he doesn't. He'll charge his students if they get outside bookings, he wont talk to them if they wrestle without their Chikara gimmick and stuff like that. He's a bit of a miserable bastard from what I've read and heard about him. He takes this shit way to seriously for what it is. Amazing considering he almost put the company under by cheating on his money backer wife. You think he'd have been more careful.


They also booked Fit Finlay for a Chikara show and he almost vomited (slight exaggeration) watching the show. I do like the idea of a promotion that presents a completely different style from everything else, but some of it is just madness.

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Fair enough then. Now you mention it, I think I've heard some of that stuff about Quack before. Still, doesn't come across in the product for me. Even if that's his attitude going in, it's fun, tongue-in-cheek shows coming out.


And yeah, like I said, you'd be nuts to think it wouldn't be some people's idea of hell. I love most of the mad bollocks, though. Just chimes perfectly with me. However, I am extremely glad they're finally getting back to doing actual wrestling shows.

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