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I don't get this whole Bubba Poon thing. Is there more to the joke that I'm missing or is it just that people find it a funny name and I don't?



Agree with what you've said there, Rick. Seconding is needed!


The BBW thread, whilst brilliant as a whole I don't really see as an entry for this. There's no one particular post that was great, it's just a very funny thread.

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I don't get this whole Bubba Poon thing. Is there more to the joke that I'm missing or is it just that people find it a funny name and I don't?


That's it really. I guess the thought of the IWC outrage if he was actually given a name like that is also amusing. Not even that unfeasible in the era of Dolph Ziggler and Tyler Reks. Also the thought of attaching it to a guy like him, who is one of the least likely guys I can think of to have a flamboyant theatrical gimmick with a silly name.


But yeah, it's mainly that people like the name.

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I think killing someone when they're going to be dead in ten minutes smacks of impatience.


I'll second this one.

Why? Surely the whole point of wanting to kill them is to have the satisfaction of knowing they're dead? You won't get that satisfaction if you die at the exact same time.


Anyway, this really made me chuckle:


I actually quite fancy "Just Dance" AAA - I've been looking for a game to play with Mrs Loki, and that could well be it. Unless anyone can recommend any other dance / dancemat style games for Wii or 360 that are cheap and good?


I'm gay, and so's my wife.

IGN are expecting way too much of it there. It's good fun. Not something i'd buy myself, but my girlfriend loved it and it was fun playing it with her. I'm not sure how familiar Mrs. Loki is with gaming, but to a casual gamer it's really not bad.


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i think newms post in the wwf/e's worst year thread is pretty good:


2007, I think. Benoit changed everything, you can track a million little problems in the company, from creative errors, suspensions and everything else to his actions, and the company as a whole continued to endlessly suffer. If anything I look at Cena's return and the optimsm around Jeff Hardy in January 2008 as the time they started to shake off the cobwebs.


It gets a lot of love on here seemingly because of the Smackdown Six, but 2002 sucked a massive fucking cock for me.


- Outside of literally 3 or 4 nostalgia appearances and a couple of surprising jobs to Angle and Brock, the Hogan matches were just appalling

- The titanic failure of every iteration of the nWo.

- The monumental disappointment of Christ Jericho's first run with the title

- Steve Austin's matches sucking balls, his walkout and personal problems putting an indellible mark on his legacy

- Triple H, the entire fucking year and every horrible little thing he inflicted upon it, far too numerous to mention

- Raw was so bad on a weekly basis that it neutralised how good Smackdown was - I genuinely believed it was so Vince could bury Bischoff somehow, it was that bad

- Loads and loads and loads of Stephanie McMahon

- A fucking stinker of a Wrestlemania


Not only all that, but it was a realisation that the golden era really had ended way back at the climax of Wrestlemania X7. "Getting the F Out" couldn't have been better timed in hindsight too, the company struggled with its identity long into 2003 before it started to gain a bit (and just a bit) of long term focus back.


Don't get me wrong, there were big positives, such as the rise of Brock, my favourite match of the decade (the tag at No Mercy), and Summerslam 02 being a freakishly great show, but living through it week on week was utter torture.


Horses for courses, I loved the 90s, every year of it, for a variety of different reasons. I know lots of people loathe 93-97 in particular though.

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